The latest version is WooCommerce Force Sells 1.5.2, Released on February 3, 2025
Changelog for WooCommerce Force Sells
*** Force Sells for WooCommerce ***
2025-02-03 - version 1.5.2
* Fix - Ensure that force sell products work consistently with the mini cart block
* Fix - Cart/checkout block in page editor may get a this block has encountered an error message
2024-08-07 - version 1.5.1
* Fix - When a product adds a variation as force sell and another as synced forced sell, make sure that both are added to the cart
2024-07-23 - version 1.5.0
* Feature - Add compatibility with the new Product Editor
* Fix - Do not allow adding more than one product sold individually that is forced by another product
* Fix - Improve cart and checkout blocks compatibility to make sure a sync forced product not to be removed from the cart
* Misc - Prevent the plugin from being activated if WooCommerce is not active
* Misc - Requires PHP 7.4 or newer
* Misc - Requires WordPress 5.6 or newer
2024-03-26 - version 1.4.1
* Tweak - Change plugin name to Force Sells for WooCommerce
* Tweak - Update brand to Kestrel
2023-11-21 - version 1.4.0
* Feature - Added template to customize the force sells content on the product page.
* Feature - Show the prices of the force sells on the product page.
* Tweak - Declared incompatibility with the Cart and Checkout blocks.
* Tweak - Updated the plugin URLs to the new domain.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WC 8.3.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WP 6.4.
* Dev - Renamed function parameters with reserved keywords to improve the compatibility with PHP 8.0.
2023-09-18 - version 1.3.0
* Tweak - Added links to the documentation page, and to get support, in the plugin list.
* Tweak - Sanitize input values before saving the product metadata.
* Tweak - Updated plugin author.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WC 8.1.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WP 6.3.
* Fix - Don't allow removing synced force sells from the cart when loaded from an "Order again" action.
2023-01-10 - version 1.2.0
* Tweak - Declare compatibility with WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS).
* Tweak - Updated plugin author.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WC 7.3.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WP 6.1.
* Dev - Updated the minimum requirements to WC 3.5, WP 4.7, and PHP 5.6.
2022-05-17 - version 1.1.31
* Tweak - WC 6.4 compatibility.
* Tweak - WP 6.0 compatibility.
2022-04-05 - version 1.1.30
* Fix - Compatibility fix for composer v2.2.0.
* Fix - Fixes an issue with sync force sells where product quantities were not being updated properly when quantity multipliers are present.
* Fix - Update package-lock.json to v2.
* Tweak - WC 5.5 compatibility.
* Tweak - WP 5.8 compatibility.
2021-08-03 - version 1.1.29
* Fix - Correctly escape strings in admin settings screens.
* Fix - Fix qty syncing for forced variable products.
* Fix - Update build scripts and tooling.
* Tweak - WC 5.5 compatibility.
* Tweak - WP 5.8 compatibility.
2021-02-10 - version 1.1.28
* Tweak - WC 5.0 compatibility.
* Tweak - WP 5.6 compatibility.
2020-10-12 - version 1.1.27
* Fix - Prevent products from being forced again when going through the manual payment page.
2020-10-06 - version 1.1.26
* Fix - Prevent variable products (not variations) from being linked as a force sell product.
* Fix - Update deprecated hook woocommerce_before_cart_item_quantity_zero.
* Tweak - WC 4.5 compatibility.
2020-08-19 - version 1.1.25
* Tweak - WordPress 5.5 compatibility.
2020-06-10 - version 1.1.24
* Tweak - WC 4.2 compatibility.
2020-04-29 - version 1.1.23
* Tweak - WC 4.1 compatibility.
2020-03-04 - version 1.1.22
* Tweak - Remove legacy code.
* Tweak - WC 4.0 compatibility.
2020-01-13 - version 1.1.21
* Tweak - WC 3.9 compatibility.
2019-08-08 - version 1.1.20
* Tweak - WC 3.7 compatibility.
2019-06-05 - version 1.1.19
* Fix - Subscription products on synced force sell was added twice to cart when initial order failed.
2019-04-16 - version 1.1.18
* Tweak - WC 3.6 compatibility.
2018-09-25 - version 1.1.17
* Update - WC 3.5 compatibility.
2018-05-21 - version 1.1.16
* Fix - Use product title instead of relying on post for compatibility.
* Update - WC 3.4 compatibility.
2018-01-16 - version 1.1.15
* Fix - Deleted product causes fatal error.
2017-12-14 - version 1.1.14
* Update - WC tested up to version.
2017-05-08 - version 1.1.13
* Fix - Additional compatibilities for WC 3.0.
2017-04-12 - version 1.1.12
* Fix - Synced force sells field not working with WC 3.0.
2017-01-11 - version 1.1.11
* Fix - When forced item is out of stock, main product was allowed to be added.
* New - Introduce "wc_force_sell_disallow_no_stock" filter to allow main product to be added even when forced item is out of stock.
2016-10-05 - version 1.1.10
* Fix - PHP Notice caused by invalid value passed to foreach().
* Tweak - Make sure get_force_sell_ids always returns array.
* Fix - Prevent duplication of the same forced product in single product page.
2015-01-13 - version 1.1.9
* Hook the remove and restore actions later so plugins like Bookings can clean up their data first, before a force sell is removed.
2015-12-03 - version 1.1.8
* Fix - Make sure to delete orphan force sells if the product gets deleted (like inactive bookings).
2015-02-02 - version 1.1.7
* Compatibility with 2.3 cart undo feature.
* Removed $woocommerce globals.
2015-01-29 - version 1.1.6
* Fix - Backwards compatibility.
2015-01-28 - version 1.1.5
* New - WC 2.3 compatibility (chosen -> select2).
2014-11-27 - version 1.1.4
* Update class structure / loading.
* Don't use global variables.
2013-10-24 - version 1.1.3
* Cleaned pass by reference notices.
* Added filters to manipulate products and quantities being added.
2013-01-21 - version 1.1.2
* WC 2.0 compat.
2012-12-07 - version 1.1.1
* Fixed bug where products forcing each other ended up in a loop.
2012-12-04 - version 1.1
* New updater.
2012-05-10 - version 1.0
* First release.
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