The latest version is WooCommerce ipay88 Gateway 1.6.0, Released on December 20, 2024
Changelog for WooCommerce ipay88 Gateway
*** iPay88 Gateway Changelog ***
2024.12.20 - version 1.6.0
* New: Add SHA512 signature type.
2024.09.24 - version 1.5.3
* Tweak: Removed deprecated method
2023.08.01 - version 1.5.2
* Fix: Payment request form was incorrectly formatted
2023.07.26 - version 1.5.1
* Fix: Extra payment options displayed on the checkout other than the ones set in the settings.
2023.07.20 - version 1.5.0
* New: Updated the available payment options.
* New: Added instalment payment options and plans selection.
* Tweak: Harden the plugin data security.
* HPOS compatibility
2023.03.02 - version 1.4.5
* Tweak: Added compatibility for Polylang multilanguage setup. The Polylang plugin did not take into consideration the wc-api endpoints and those were not set based on the language.
2022.12.23 - version 1.4.4
* Fix: Request sha256 signature was generate incorrectly resulting in failed requests
2022.12.20 - version 1.4.3
* Tweak: optimize the signature amount to account for different types of amount formatting
2022.12.09 - version 1.4.2
* Tweak: Adjust the API endpoint to match the correct hook
* Fix: Incorrect currency retrieval
2022.12.09 - version 1.4.1
* Fix: Error when logging messages preventing proper payment checkout
2022.11.11 - version 1.4.0
* Refactored the code for better maintenance.
* New: Added option to separate each payment option in UI on the checkout.
* New: Added status configuration
* New: Added required notices
* Tweak: Added SHA256 signature encryption option.
2019.11.27 - version 1.3.3
* WC 3.8 checked and tags updated
2019.06.27 - version 1.3.2
* Added new payment options: Hong Leong PEx+, Bank Muamalat, OCBC, Standard Chartered Bank, HSBC Online Banking, Kuwait Finance House, Boost Wallet, VCash
* Tweak: Updated old payment option images and added new payment option images
* Tweak: Display the payment option title if it does not have an image
2019.03.07 - version 1.3.1
* Fix: Omitted buffer start caused issue with checkout page loading
* Image update for payment type: alliance online
2019.02.25 - version 1.3.0
* New: Added filters and actions to modify the plugin behavior.
* New: Filter "wc_ipay88_allowed_currency" to allow modification of allowed currency.
* New: Filter "wc_ipay88_is_valid" to allow additional checks if the gateway is valid.
* New: Filter: "wc_ipay88_payment_fields_html" to allow html modification for payment_fields.
* New: Filter "wc_ipay88_ph_payment_fields_html" to allow html modification for PH payment fields.
* New: Filter "wc_ipay88_my_payment_fields_html" to allow html modification for MY payment fields.
* New: Filters "wc_ipay88_credit_payment_types", "wc_ipay88_bank_transfer_payment_types" and "wc_ipay88_other_payment_types" to allow modification of the payment type groups.
* New: Filter "wc_ipay88_order_description" to allow modification of order description.
* New: Filter "wc_ipay88_request_arguments" to allow modification of request arguments.
* New: Filter "wc_ipay88_form_url" to allow modification of the payment form submission URL.
* New: Filter "wc_ipay88_display_description_before_form" to decide to display the Receipt Page description or not.
* New: Filter "wc_ipay88_sha1_signature_string" to allow signature string modification.
* New: Filter "wc_ipay88_sha1_signature" to allow signature modification.
* New: Action "wc_ipay88_receipt_page_before_form" to output content before payment form.
* New: Action "wc_ipay88_receipt_page_after_form" to output content after payment form.
* Tweak: Updated the available payment methods and their images.
* Tweak: Updated the allowed currencies.
* WC 3.5 compatibility check
* Dropped WC 2.5 support
2018.06.01 - version 1.2.15
* Tweak: Added filter for the iPay88 form URL.
* Updated the iPay88 MY form URL.
* Updated Compatibility class.
* WC 3.4 compatibility check
2017.10.31 - version 1.2.14
* Fix: Possible error, if the order id was not retrieved from the response.
* Tweak: Added compatibility for the Sequential Order Numbers plugin latest version functions.
2017.10.30 - version 1.2.13
* WC 3.2 compatibility check.
* Woo Tags added
2017.04.24 - version 1.2.12
* WC 3.0 compatibility check and amendments
* Dropped support for WC 2.3
2016.07.04 - version 1.2.11
* Updated FPX option logo.
2016.07.04 - version 1.2.10
* Fix: Support for order number retrieval with Sequential Order Numbers Pro because old method was removed from SONP.
2016.01.22 - version 1.2.9
* Fix: Rebuilt the changelog file to remove "No Version info..." admin notice.
2015.12.09 - version 1.2.8
Tweak: Updated the iPay88 MY allowed currencies.
2015.11.11 - version 1.2.7
* Fix: Plugin header.
2015.11.10 - version 1.2.6
* Fix: Load text domain with the correct path.
2015.10.06 - version 1.2.5
* Fix: PayPal payment option is not showing on checkout.
2015.08.03 - version 1.2.4
* Support for WC 2.4 checked.
* Updated the Compatibility class for WC 2.4.
* Tweak: Always use order currency not just the shop currency, for payment requests.
* Tweak: Use the WC method to get api request url.
2014.11.12 - version 1.2.3
* Fix: Modal z-index.
2014.05.19 - version 1.2.2
* Tweak: WPML string translation support.
* Fix: Amount verification for iPay88 Philippines.
2014.04.29 - version 1.2.1
* Fix: Added the correct default gateway setting value.
2014.04.28 - version 1.2
* New: Added support for iPay88 Philippines gateway
* New: Support for Sequential Order Numbers (Pro).
* Fix: Payment error, when no payment types are presented to the customer.
2014.01.20 - version 1.1.1
* WC 2.1 Support
2013.05.29 - version 1.1
* New: Added Payment Method selection on Checkout Page.
* Fix: Issue with payments above RM1,000.00.
2013.02.07 - version 1.0.3
* WC 2.0 Support
2012.12.05 - version 1.0.2
* Updater
2012.06.09 - version 1.0.1
* Added better handling of backend notifications
2012.09.08 - version 1.0
* Initial Release
Get WooCommerce ipay88 Gateway Version 1.6.0 with 12 months of updates for just $25!
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