The latest version is WooCommerce Moneris Gateway 3.4.4, Released on February 7, 2025
Changelog for WooCommerce Moneris Gateway
*** WooCommerce Moneris Gateway Changelog ***
2024.10.10 - version 3.4.3
* Fix - Critical error during activation
2024.10.09 - version 3.4.2
* Tweak - Order items now sent to Moneris in API requests
* Misc - Update SkyVerge Plugin Framework to 5.15.0
2024.03.18 - version 3.4.1
* Fix - Correctly handle additional 3DSecure transactions responses
* Fix - Resolve fatal errors being thrown from legacy gateway during upgrade routine
* Misc - Improve compatibility with PHP 8.2+
* Dev - Provide a filter to allow merchants to change the resulting action of a 3DSecure transaction response
2024.02.14 - version 3.4.0
* Feature - Add support for the WooCommerce Checkout block in Moneris Checkout
* Tweak - When using the Checkout block, the "Inline" payment form type option becomes a "Modal"
* Tweak - Adjust checkout button text when using Pay Page mode
* Fix - Resolve an issue that was preventing the payment fields from loading during some guest checkouts
* Fix - Support $0 transactions for Subscriptions with free trial
* Fix - Support Pay Page mode for Subscription payments & renewals
2023.11.17 - version 3.3.1
* Misc - Add admin notice to help merchants reverting to the checkout shortcode if the checkout block is used
* Localization - Improve the plugin localization of components that are part of the underlying framework dependency
2023.06.29 - version 3.3.0
* Tweak - Allow Pay Page mode to be enabled in the plugin settings, rather than requiring a filter
* Misc - Add compatibility for WooCommerce High Performance Order Storage (HPOS)
2023.04.07 - version 3.2.3
* Fix - Resolve fatal errors being thrown in PHP 8+ when viewing the Customer Token Editor
2023.03.17 - version 3.2.2
* Fix - Resolve issue causing Add Payment Method declines in Sandbox mode
2023.02.14 - version 3.2.1
* Fix - Ensure decline messages do not disappear on the Pay Page
* Fix - Resolve bug when deleting a saved credit card
* Misc - Update SkyVerge Plugin Framework to 5.10.15
2023.01.06 - version 3.2.0
* Tweak - Add filter wc_payment_gateway_moneris_enable_pay_page to make Moneris into a Pay Page gateway for improved 3rd party plugin compatibility and support for WC order number
* Tweak - Improved compatibility with reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce plugin
* Misc - Require PHP 7.4 and WordPress 5.6
2022.10.14 - version 3.1.1
* Fix - Improve checkout error handling
* Fix - Remove warning about USD not being a supported currency
* Fix - Ensure dynamic descriptor is 20 characters or less
2022.10.14 - version 3.1.0
* Fix - Improve required fields compatibility experience
* Misc - Remove Interac Online payment method
2022.09.30 - version 3.0.2
* Fix - Update admin migration notice to reflect cause for changes
* Fix - Disable the Moneris Checkout form if a required checkout field is missing, e.g. Terms & Conditions
* Fix - Resolve compatibility issues with other plugins that modify the checkout, e.g. WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts
* Fix - Show the Moneris Order ID within the WooCommerce admin
* Tweak - To improve the checkout experience, hide the disabled WC core checkout button when the Moneris Checkout form is being used
* Tweak - Support for French language localization of the Moneris Checkout form
2022.09.13 - version 3.0.1
* Fix - Potential error when upgrading to Moneris Checkout
* Fix - Ensure WooCommerce core "Place order" button renders as disabled when using Moneris Checkout as payment method
2022.09.12 - version 3.0.0
* Feature - Support for Moneris Checkout
* Feature - Support for 3DSecure
* Feature - Compliance with COF (card on file) and MIT (merchant initiated transactions) mandates
* Misc - Interac Online payment method deprecated
2022.03.16 - version 2.17.3
* Fix - Ensure that credit card input field can be properly focused on iPad
* Fix - Replace deprecated `is_ajax()` function calls with `wp_doing_ajax()`
* Misc - Require WooCommerce 3.9.4 or greater
2021.11.18 - version 2.17.2
* Tweak - Merchants can manually enter a test store ID and a test API token for the gateway sandbox credentials
* Misc - Remove legacy woo-includes folder
2021.06.07 - version 2.17.1
* Fix - Addressing the issue that prevent merchants from removing/deleting additional connection settings.
* Fix - Address intermittent issues affecting some merchants by updating Hosted Tokenization request
2021.03.02 - version 2.17.0
* Misc - The Hosted Tokenization feature is now required for new and existing installs
2020.12.15 - version 2.16.0
* Misc - Add compatibility for WooCommerce 4.7
* Misc - Require PHP 7.0 or newer
2020.11.25 - version 2.15.1
* Misc - Add support for PHP 8
2020.10.23 - version 2.15.0
* Misc - Enable Hosted Tokenization in new installs and prompt for setting update in existing installs
* Misc - Remove hard-coded Hosted Tokenization Profile IDs for Sandbox testing
2020.09.29 - version 2.14.1
* Misc - Remove the US integration methods
* Misc - Remove the SkyVerge help menu item as part of the plugin assets
2020.08.13 - version 2.14.0
* Tweak - Ensure payment gateway scripts can be used when certain script optimization plugins are delaying load
* Tweak - Improve the payment form display on mobile devices
* Tweak - Migrate payment tokens to be compatible with WooCommerce core payment tokens
* Fix - Address a possible PHP 7.4 deprecation warning while grabbing a CSC result code
* Fix - Prevent JavaScript error while trying to process hosted tokenization responses
* Fix - Unblock the UI when removing a token from the admin token editor that was just added but not saved yet
* Dev - Deprecate some filter hooks in the payment methods table
2020.05.05 - version 2.13.2
* Misc - Add support for WooCommerce 4.1
2020.03.04 - version 2.13.1
* Tweak - Improve settings display when adding and removing connection settings for multi-currency
* Fix - Prevent transaction errors affecting new installations of WooCommerce Moneris Gateway 2.13.0
2020.02.12 - version 2.13.0
* Feature - Add multi-currency support to allow USD and CAD transactions to be processed using different Moneris accounts
* Tweak - Add wc_moneris_hosted_tokenization_url filter
2020.01.02 - version 2.12.3
* Misc - Add support for WooCommerce 3.9
2019.12.19 - version 2.12.2
* Tweak - Save the last four digits of a payment method to order meta when using Hosted Tokenization
* Fix - Ensure credit card CSC values are sent to Moneris in all cases when using Hosted Tokenization
2019.11.26 - version 2.12.1
* Fix - Do not reduce twice the stock level of a product when the order is held and payment is not completed
2019.11.05 - version 2.12.0
* Fix - Address transaction errors which can occur when orders contain products with HTML tags in the title
* Misc - Add support for WooCommerce 3.8
2019.09.24 - version 2.11.0
* Feature - Add support for Apple Pay
* Tweak - Allow filtering the API request data
* Dev - Refactor the API to extend the SkyVerge Plugin Framework
* Dev - Update the SkyVerge Plugin Framework to use namespaces and move it to the /vendor directory
* Misc - Remove support for WooCommerce 2.6
* Misc - Require PHP 5.6+
2019.08.12 - version 2.10.7
* Misc - Add support for WooCommerce 3.7
2019.05.07 - version 2.10.6
* Fix - Fix JavaScript error when editing address in My Account and Hosted Tokenization is enabled
* Misc - Add support for WooCommerce 3.6
* Misc - Require PHP 5.4+
* Misc - Update Hosted Tokenization testing Profile IDs
2019.03.20 - version 2.10.5
* Fix - Truncate the SKU sent with requests to avoid payment failures
2019.01.31 - version 2.10.4
* Fix - Ensure the external transaction URL links to the original authorized transactions
* Fix - Handle WP_Error correctly when attempting hosted tokenization
2018.10.19 - version 2.10.3
* Fix - Ensure CSC is validated for non-Hosted Tokenization transactions
* Misc - Add support for WooCommerce 3.5
2018.07.11 - version 2.10.2
* Fix - Ensure the CSC field is validated when Hosted Tokenization is enabled
* Fix - Prevent card expiration errors when using Hosted Tokenization and saved cards
* Fix - Only allow supported US test accounts when Hosted Tokenization is enabled
2018.05.23 - version 2.10.1
* Tweak - Add payment details to the customer data export and remove it for erasure requests
* Tweak - Remove payment tokens for customer data erasure requests
* Misc - Add support for WooCommerce 3.4
2018.04.11 - version 2.10.0
* Feature - Add enhanced checkout features when hosted tokenization is enabled
* Feature - Add ability to save credit cards on the Add Payment Method page when hosted tokenization is enabled
* Feature - Add ability to choose whether or not to show detailed decline messages
* Tweak - Disable sandbox stores that don't support hosted tokenization when hosted tokenization is enabled
* Tweak - Allow the hosted tokenization store ID to be changed when a test environment is selected
* Fix - Fix a fatal error when the sku is not retrieved successfully
2018.01.23 - version 2.9.0
* Fix - Fix potential admin notices for certain gateway settings configurations
* Misc - Add support for WooCommerce 3.3
* Misc - Remove support for WooCommerce 2.5
2017.08.30 - version 2.8.2
* Tweak - Force TLS 1.2 for API requests when available
* Misc - Add an admin notice for hosting environments that are not compatible with upcoming security requirements
* Misc - Update the SkyVerge plugin framework
* Dev - Filter billing data in transaction request
2017.08.08 - version 2.8.1
* Fix - Ensure AVS response codes are correctly handled for MasterCards
2017.07.12 - version 2.8.0
* Feature - Customers can add new saved cards from the My Account area, without going through the checkout process
* Feature - Refund or Void transactions directly from the WooCommerce admin!
* Feature - Enhanced payment form for a better customer experience, uses new retina payment method icons and live inline validation
* Tweak - Limit the order customer note length to prevent API errors
* Fix - Prevent invalid credential and order ID errors in Sandbox mode
* Misc - Update the SkyVerge Payment Gateway Framework
2017.04.26 - version 2.7.2
* Fix - Prevent some deprecated notices when processing subscriptions in WooCommerce 3.0+
2017.04.18 - version 2.7.1
* Fix - Ensure tokenized transactions are accepted regardless of CSC validation settings
* Tweak - Use the billing address as shipping when shipping is not set in WooCommerce 3.0 and above
* Misc - Add the wc_moneris_api_new_request_args filter
2017.03.28 - version 2.7.0
* Feature - Orders with only virtual items can now force a charge instead of authorization
* Misc - Added support for WooCommerce 3.0
* Misc - Removed support for WooCommerce 2.4
2016.12.28 - version 2.6.3
* Fix - Allow authorizations to be captured for orders that previously had their authorization reversed
2016.11.15 - version 2.6.2
* Fix - Properly set an order's card type when using hosted tokenization
2016.09.22 - version 2.6.1
* Fix - Fix a fatal error that occurs when processing guest pre-order payments
2016.06.02 - version 2.6.0
* Misc - Added support for WooCommerce 2.6
* Misc - Removed support for WooCommerce 2.3
2016.05.03 - version 2.5.1
* Fix - Fix Interac redirect error after processing a transaction
2016.04.20 - version 2.5.0
* Feature - View saved payment methods for customers on the Edit User screen
* Feature - Customers are now prevented from deleting a payment method that's associated with an active subscription
2016.01.14 - version 2.4.0
* Misc - Added support for WooCommerce 2.5
* Misc - Removed support for WooCommerce 2.2
2015.10.19 - version 2.3.4
* Fix - Ensure the Interac referrer URL is correctly displayed for sites using default permalinks
2015.10.01 - version 2.3.3
* Fix - Ensure the correct integration country is used for US integrations
2015.09.16 - version 2.3.2
* Misc - WooCommerce Subscriptions 2.0 Compatibility
* Misc - Update SkyVerge Payment Gateway Framework
2015.08.07 - version 2.3.1
* Fix - Fix possible warnings on My Account page
* Tweak - Add specific width/height styling for payment method icons
2015.07.28 - version 2.3.0
* Misc - WooCommerce 2.4 Compatibility
* Misc - Update SkyVerge Plugin Framework
2015.07.20 - version 2.2.2
* Fix - Avoid a rare rounding error with Interac Online transactions
* Fix - Avoid JSON parse errors caused by plugin conflicts
* Fix - Don't remove dashes from order numbers
* Misc - Introduce wc_payment_gateway_moneris_form_fields, wc_payment_gateway_moneris_interac_form_fields, wc_moneris_api_request_auth_info, and wc_moneris_interac_api_token filters
2015.02.19 - version 2.2.1
* Fix - Fix a fatal error on checkout for stores using PHP 5.2
2015.02.09 - version 2.2.0
* Fix - Avoid errors when processing transaction in non-English environments
* Misc - WooCommerce 2.3 Compatibility
2014.11.25 - version 2.1.4
* Tweak - Adds wc_gateway_moneris_request_avs_zipcode filter
* Fix - Throws SV_WC_Payment_Gateway_Exception rather than Exception
* Fix - Updating WooCommerce Subscriptions payment methods
* Fix - Ensure eFraud validations run when set
2014.10.21 - version 2.1.3
* Fix - Fix failing subscription renewals in rare cases
2014.10.06 - version 2.1.2
* Fix - Fix order validation issues with Interac Online transactions
* Fix - Rounding of order amount for Moneris Interac payment method
2014.09.18 - version 2.1.1
* Tweak - Changed default test credit card number to one that always simulates a successful transaction
2014.09.07 - version 2.1.0
* Misc - WooCommerce 2.2 Compatibility
2014.08.27 - version 2.0.3
* Misc - Update Plugin Framework
2014.07.14 - version 2.0.2
* Fix - Customer id element excluded from transaction request when not in use
* Misc - Updated 'Write a Review' plugin action link
2014.05.30 - version 2.0.1
* Fix - Include missing required files
2014.05.27 - version 2.0
* Feature - Supports authorization-only transactions, and authorization capture/reverse
* Feature - Supports AVS/CSC eFraud validations
* Feature - Supports tokenized credit card transactions
* Feature - Supports WooCommerce Subscriptions and WooCommerce Pre-Orders
* Feature - Supports Moneris Hosted Tokenization for reduced PCI-compliance assessment scope
* Feature - Supports Interac Online payment method
* Misc - Uses SkyVerge Plugin Framework
2014.02.24 - version 1.4.1
* Fix - Leading zeros are no longer stripped from CVV values
2014.01.20 - version 1.4
* Misc - WooCommerce 2.1 Compatibility
2014.01.10 - version 1.3.1
* Fix - CVD validation on checkout only when CVD handling is enabled
2013.12.13 - version 1.3
* Feature - Configurable credit card types to display at checkout
* Tweak - Moneris order id is filterable via wc_gateway_moneris_request_order_id
* Fix - CVD disable setting now removes the CVV field from checkout
2013.10.18 - version 1.2.3
* Fix - Twenty characters maximum for dynamic descriptor for US gateway
2013.08.16 - version 1.2.2
* Fix - Transaction request XML values are properly escaped
* Fix - Sets sslverify to false to avoid server SSL verification issues
2013.07.26 - version 1.2.1
* Tweak - Order item details passed to Moneris
2013.07.12 - version 1.2
* Feature - AVS Verification option
* Feature - CVD Verification option
* Feature - Option to perform transaction logging to screen and/or log file
* Tweak - Pass customer billing/shipping details to Moneris
2013.01.21 - version 1.1.1
* WC 2.0 Compat
2012.12.05 - version 1.1.0
* Bundled cacert.pem for servers that do not have CURL setup with this.
2012.12.05 - version 1.0.4
* More descriptive errors
2012.12.05 - version 1.0.3
* Updater
2012.07.25 - version 1.0.2
* Empty space causing errors in CA production class
2012.02.15 - version 1.0.1
* error_reporting fix
2012.01.26 - version 1.0
* First Release
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