WooCommerce Review for Discount Changelog

Latest Version: Version 1.6.23, Released on May 10, 2022

Changelog for WooCommerce Review for Discount

  *** WooCommerce Review for Discount ***

2022-05-10-version 1.6.23
* Fix-Include languages folder and POT file in the release.
* Fix-Unify `.github/**.md` files with other repos.
* Tweak-WooCommerce 6.5 and WordPress 6.0 compatibility.

2021-12-09-version 1.6.22
* Tweak-WC 6.0 compatibility.
* Tweak-WordPress 5.9 compatibility.

2021-02-04-version 1.6.21
* Tweak-WC 5.0 compatibility.

2020-12-01-version 1.6.20
* Tweak-WC 4.7 compatibility.
* Tweak-WordPress 5.6 compatibility.

2020-10-06-version 1.6.19
* Tweak-WC 4.5 compatibility.

2020-08-19-version 1.6.18
* Tweak-WordPress 5.5 compatibility.

2020-07-07-version 1.6.17
* Fix-Switch to using selectWoo fields and escape output.

2020-06-10-version 1.6.16
* Tweak-WC 4.2 compatibility.

2020-04-30-version 1.6.15
* Tweak-WC 4.1 compatibility.

2020-03-17-version 1.6.14
* Tweak-Remove lagacy code.
* Fix  -Product Category Restriction Field not respected.

2020-03-06-version 1.6.13
* Tweak-WC 3.9 compatibility.

2020-01-30-version 1.6.12
* Fix  -{valid_products} variable does not show categories in email.

2020-01-14-version 1.6.11
* Tweak-WC 3.9 compatibility.

2019-11-04-version 1.6.10
* Tweak-WC 3.8 compatibility.

2019-08-08-version 1.6.9
* Tweak-WC 3.7 compatibility.

2019-04-16-version 1.6.8
* Tweak-WC 3.6 compatibility.

2018-09-25-version 1.6.7
* Update-WC 3.5 compatibility.

2018-06-04-version 1.6.6
* Update-WC 3.4 compatibility.
* Update-Privacy policy notification.
* Update-Export/erasure hooks added.

2017-12-14-version 1.6.5
* Update-WC tested up to version.

2017-08-21-version 1.6.4
* Fix: Restriction applies only to the first product category.

2017-04-03-version 1.6.3
* Fix: Fatal error when commenting on a blog post
* Fix: WooCommerce 3.0 compatibility

2017-02-22-version 1.6.2
* Fix: Database error on plugin activation for the first time (handles upgrades properly now)

2016-04-21-version 1.6.1
* Bug fix: Honor the exclude sale items checkbox

2015-11-16-version 1.6
* Bug fix: Fixed support for variations because reviews are made on parent products
* Bug fix: Ensure that customer email is stored with the generated coupon
* Feature: Updated user interface to match WooCommerce core coupons
* Feature: Added filter 'wc_review_discount_discount_object' to allow 3rd-party plugins to modify the discount

2015-07-31-version 1.5.8
* WooCommerce 2.4 compatibility
* Fixed bug that wouldn't send coupons when no products/categories were selected and all products was not selected
* Minor CSS and display issues
* Added text domain to plugin info block

2015-02-01-version 1.5.7
* WooCommerce 2.3 compatibility

2014-12-24-version 1.5.6
* Bug fix: UI not retaining "exclude sale items" selection

2014-12-17-version 1.5.5
* Feature: Ability to limit coupons from sale items

2014-10-25-version 1.5.4
* Bug fix: General code cleanup and improvements

2014-07-31-version 1.5.3
* Fixed bug to block coupons from being sent to non-product reviews/comments

2014-01-30-version 1.5.2
* Fixed bug that prevented email settings to display

2014-01-20-version 1.5.1
* Added ability to limit coupons to one per email address

2014-01-08-version 1.5
* Added WooCommerce 2.1 compatibility

2013-11-27-version 1.4.3
* More general housekeeping thanks to an observant customer! Thanks!

2013-11-22-version 1.4.2
* Fixed bug related to installing the plugin

2013-02-26-version 1.4.1
* Fixed bug where discount was sent even while review was waiting approval
* Fixed bug where categories and discount weren't being saved
* Fixed bug where slashes in emails weren\'t being stripped

2013-01-26-version 1.4
* No more coupons for post comments
* 2.0 compatibility
* Other random goodness

2012-12-06-version 1.3.3
* Bug fixes
* Fixed installer

2012-12-04-version 1.3.2
* New updater

2012-10-31-version 1.3.1
* Bug fixes

2012-10-10-version 1.3
* Update coupon form
* Support for coupons for any product
* Fix coupon validity bug

2012-08-29-version 1.2.3
* Support for WooCommerce
* Fixed timezone causing coupon invalidity

2012-07-30-version 1.2.2
* Fixed admin stylesheets

2012-07-23-version 1.2.1
* Fixed expiration dates not being saved

2012-07-20-version 1.2
* Added WooCommerce 1.6.1 compatibility updates
* Added support to send discounts for "verified owner" only-requires WooCommerce 1.6

2012-06-21-version 1.1
* Limit sending of coupons one per email address-multiple commenters with same email address won't get multiple coupons
* Limit active discounts to one per product
* Fail on creation of discounts with no products selected

2012-03-29-version 1.0
* First release

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