WooCommerce Shipment Tracking Plugin, Version 1.6.18 Changelog

WooCommerce Shipment Tracking Plugin, Version 1.6.18  Released on January 14, 2020.– Just $15

WooCommerce Shipment Tracking Plugin, Version 1.6.18 Changelog

* Fixed: get_option calls were initiating on all page loads hindering performance.
* Tweaked: Move api to its own namespace at wc-shipment-tracking/v3/ old namespaces wc/v1 and wc/v2 are deprecated.
* Tweaked: WC 3.9 compatibility.

Already a member? WooCommerce Shipment Tracking Plugin, Version 1.6.18 Released on January 14, 2020 is now available from your account downloads page.

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