WooCommerce Store Credit Plugin, Version 2.4.6 Changelog

WooCommerce Store Credit Plugin, Version 2.4.6

There are three fixes:

  • Fixed: Properly display the store credit value with or without taxes in the order item totals.
  • Fixed: Fixed invalid discount during checkout when applying a coupon before taxes and the items price includes taxes. Only for WC 3.4+.
  • Fixed: duplicate entry of the `_store_credit_used` meta when adding a coupon manually in the edit order screen.

There are three tweaks:

  • Tweaked: Display the tax label when necessary in the order item totals.
  • Tweaked: Moved the store credit row after the order subtotal in the order details when applying coupons before taxes.
  • Tweaked: Display the applied coupon code in the cart totals during checkout.

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WooCommerce Store Credit Plugin, Version 2.4.6  Released on April 26, 2019,  is now available from your account downloads page.

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