WooCommerce Waitlist Version 2.3.3 Changelog

Here’s what’s changed in WooCommerce Waitlist Version 2.3.3

  Fix: Users not always logged in correctly after account created
Fix: Waitlist not updating for private products
Fix: SQL optimised for custom exporter
Added: Filter around shortcode depending on product type
Added: Security improvements
Added: Variable products excluded from account template (in case of accidentally joining parent waitlist)

* Fix: Added function to switch locale during AJAX calls to avoid inconsistency when a logged in user has a different locale than the one globally set

2021.11.05-version 2.3.2
* Fix: Some specific setups for variations were not sending out Mailouts incorrectly

2021.11.03-version 2.3.1
* Fix: version meta update running query unnecessarily
* Fix: mailouts not always sending for parent product bundles

2021.08.02-version 2.3.0
* Added: Import/export options for waitlist data within WooCommerce's product exporter
* Added: Waitlist elements will now show by default within Elementor template
* Added: Option for double opt-in (via email) for non-registered users when joining waitlist
* Added: Filter to disable showing waitlist within Elementor template (wcwl_add_waitlist_for_elementor)
* Added: minimal styling to button on archive page to avoid overlap

* Added: Filter for disabling waitlist for products by default
* Added: Product ID to optin elements on frontend to avoid duplicates

* Fix: Parent variables managing stock not always correctly updating child waitlists

2021.07.02-version 2.2.6
* Added: Compatibility with chained products plugin

* Fix: updated bundles to refresh on variation selection consistently

* Added: filters for CSV export data (headers and row)

2021.05.04-version 2.2.5
* Fix: Waitlist form can be submitted on instock bundles (now it is removed from the DOM)

* Fix: Waitlist not showing for  shortcode
* Fix: Mailouts triggering when WC product import processing
* Added: success/fail hooks after waitlist notification email is sent

2021.03.01-version 2.2.4
* Fix: updated "woocommerce_email_subject_" filters to include object and email class
* Updated language (.pot) file

2021.02.10-version 2.2.3
* Fix: issue with plain text emails not displaying as expected
* Fix: fatal error with events plugin add-on 'Enhance Woo Order Templates'
* Fix: removed waitlist notice from product page if it was empty
* Fix: php8 deprecation notice fix
* Fix: events ticket class checks updated as new classes have been added/changed (checkbox HTML)
* Added: action hooks before and after waitlist mailout process
* Added: filter to customise when mailout should be processed
* Added: user flag for guests in admin panel row
* Added: include wcwl prefix to ticket variable names to avoid potential conflicts

2020.10.20-version 2.2.2
* Fix: priority for supported products array adjustment as some products not showing waitlist tab in admin

2020.10.19-version 2.2.1
* Fix: adjusted product types filter to a later hook to ensure you could use it within theme filters
* Fix: adjusted stock requirement check for variables to always return all variations
* Fix: updated checks for global sitepress to ensure functions are not carried out when function does not exist

2020.10.12-version 2.2.0
* Fix: Admin user getting logged out when user created in back end
* Fix: opt-in option not hidden when processing waitlist request
* Fix: array check warning for multisite when switching versions with WC beta plugin
* Fix: adjusted javascript to re-use existing styles to display elements on show()
* Fix: error when trying to use functions from WPML extensions that are not active
* Fix: export not organising emails correctly
* Fix: some events showing duplicate waitlists
* Fix: console error when events data not defined
* Added: filter to adjust/add more admin email recipients
* Added: guest sign up for Waitlists
* Added: customer signup email (with unsubscribe link) when not creating users
* Added: option to force login when user is created
* Added: waitlist panel to events edit page
* Added: javascript for frontend AJAX actions
* Added: "You have been removed from waitlist" emails

2020.07.14-version 2.1.24
* Fix: waitlist elements not showing with events tickets (4.12)

2020.07.07-version 2.1.23
* Fix: updated language.pot file

2020.06.19-version 2.1.22
* Patch Fix: Rollback to avoid mailouts being unintentionally sent to users on bundled products with last version
* Fix: Bundled product creation sometimes duplicating products

2020.06.15-version 2.1.21
* Fix: Bundled product creation sometimes duplicating products

2020.06.09-version 2.1.20
* Fix: Plugin stock check on mailout now takes minus numbers into consideration
* Fix: WPML incompatibility on templates
* Fix: Updated notices for new WC template structure on account page
* Fix: Duplicating products contained in bundles due to running "in stock" earlier than expected
* Added: Product ID to parameters passed to admin sign up mailout
* Added: Admin email as parameter passed to admin sign up mailout

2020.04.08-version 2.1.19
* Updated plugin author header and version compatibility

2020.02.27-version 2.1.18
* Fix: Update required for compatibility with WPML & WCML

2020.02.07-version 2.1.17
* Fix: New user created hook now includes user ID and not user to keep consistency throughout plugin

2020.02.07-version 2.1.16
* Fix: Waitlist not being hidden correctly on frontend when selecting different variations
* Added: New hook after customer is created via the waitlist plugin

2020.01.27-version 2.1.15
* Fix: Bundled products not showing waitlist for backorder products/variables
* Added: Filter to customise when to hide waitlist on frontend ('wcwl_waitlist_is_required')

2019.12.28-version 2.1.14
* Fix: waitlist not showing for events when particular setup used, haved altered initial check to target parent div

2019.12.25-version 2.1.13
* Fix: waitlist not showing for event tickets after events calendar frontend rework

2019.12.15-version 2.1.12
* Fix: with persistent waitlists enabled guest (non-logged in) users not removed from waitlists when purchasing product

2019.12.05-version 2.1.11
* Fix: fatal error when sending translated emails with WPML

2019.11.18-version 2.1.10
* Fix: issue with account template not working with WPML translated products
* Fix: waitlist not activated when WooCommerce netwrok activated on mutlisite
* Fix: issue with some product types throwing fatal error when not specified as a supported product

2019.10.10-version 2.1.9
* Fix: issue with shortcode showing too early
* Fix: Updated translation (.pot) file
* Fix: Bumped email template numbers to avoid issues with custom templating extensions

2019.09.04-version 2.1.8
* Fix: conflict with WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro Plugin
* Fix: waitlist CSV export not working in firefox
* Fix: conflict with Product Filters for WooCommerce plugin
* Fix: default minimum stock setting not setup on first install
* Fix: waitlist not showing on quickview for variable products
* Fix: waitlist admin column appearing off screen
* Added: only send in-stock notifications if product is published

* Fix: product ID not being extracted properly from WC shortcode

View the full WooCommerce Waitlist Changelog

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