Customize WooCommerce Tabs and Cart

WooCommerce Customizer Want to change the ‘Product Description’ and ‘Additional Information’ tab headers on WooCommerce product pages to something more relevant? Want to change WooCommerce ‘Add to Cart’ button text? ‘WooCommerce Customizer’ plugin is a quick and dirty way to change WooCommerce cart button text and tab headers without programming. Best of all, it’s free! … Continue reading

Create a ‘Price Quote’ Form for Products

There are occasions when you’ll want to create a ‘price quote’ form for a product. True, WooCommerce out-of-the-box cart functionality will automatically update the price of an item depending on the ‘variables’ selected if your product is a ‘variable’ product. However, sometimes you don’t want to make a WooCommerce product available to ‘add to cart.’ … Continue reading

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