The latest version is WooCommerce Free Gifts 11.5.0, Released on September 12, 2024
Changelog for WooCommerce Free Gifts
*** Free Gifts for WooCommerce ***
2024-09-12 - version 11.5.0
* New - Supported compatible with WooCommerce Smart Cart pluginGift Products update related
* Tweak - Supported Time configuration in the rule validity configuration
* Tweak - Supported Total type selection in the Total based Repeat Gift functionalityOrder Total, Sub-Total, Category Total and Brand Total
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress 6.6.1
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce 9.2.3
2024-07-01 - version 11.4.0
* Tweak - Plugin Settings and Rule Configuration Improvements
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress v6.5.5
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v9.0.2
* Fix - Error occurred when trying to duplicate the available rule
* Fix - Unable to search Variable Product when trying to add it as a Gift item in the Manual Order Creation
2024-06-07 - version 11.3.0
* New - Added Cart Subtotal based repeat Free Gift typeManual and Automatic
* New - Option added to restrict the Free Gift products based on the virtual products
* Tweak - Option added to award the same product as Gift Product when different products were selected in the Get productBuy X Get Y Manual
* Tweak - Brand-based Gifting supported in the Buy X Get Y and Subtotal-based repeat modes
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress v6.5.4
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v8.9.2
2024-05-18 - version 11.2.0
* Tweak - JS improvementapplicable for the Safari browser
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress v6.5.3
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v8.9.0
* Fix - Redirection issue when the Gift Products added in the checkout page
* Fix - Fatal error when displaying the Eligibility Notice using shortcode
* Fix - Gift Products display conflict after adding the First Gift product in the Pop-Up modeAjax Add to Gift enabled
2024-04-27 - version 11.1.0
* Tweak - Supported for Alia Currency Switcher plugin based compatible
* Tweak - Multiple Product selection supported in the Buy Product fieldBuy X Get y mode
* Tweak - Conditional option added to consider the Buy Product when multiple products were selected case
* Tweak - Additional option added to consider the Buy Quantity calculationProduct with Least Quantity will be considered
* Tweak - Supported awarding the product as Free Gift when it is in the Backorder case
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress v6.5.2
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v8.8.2
2024-03-01 - version 11.0.0
* New - Compatible given with Cart and Checkout Blocks
* Tweak - Performance related improvements made with the enqueue scripts
2024-02-24 - version 10.9.0
* Fix - Compatible given with Cart and Checkout Blocks
* Fix - Conflict in the Carousel display mode when the criteria met without page refresh
2024-02-22 - version 10.8.0
* Tweak - Products from selected Brands is supported in the Gift selection for Manual Gift configuration
* Tweak - Option added to consider the globally configured price value for the Gift ProductsLegal and Payment Gateway purpose
* Tweak - Supported ID attribute for the Gift Products wrapper in the Message section
* Tweak - Optimized query calls for categoriesMulitple time query call
* Tweak - Improvements made in the Gift Products display in the CarousalGift Products Per Page - Desktop display related
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress v6.4.3
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v8.6.1
* Fix - Gifts are not restricted after per Order count reached in manual rule
2023-12-01 - version 10.7.0
* New - Option added to configure the WooCommerce Coupon usage based Gift restriction under rule level
* Tweak - Supported WooCommerce Side Cart plugin related compatible
* Tweak - Supported the Funnelkit Cart for WooCommerce plugin related compatible
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress v6.4.1
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v8.3.1
2023-11-04 - version 10.6.0
* Tweak - Option added to display the product image in the select-box
* Tweak - Code improvementsRule Handler class reset method and Enqueue carouse related
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v8.2.1
* Fix - Error occurred in the Masterlog
2023-10-11 - version 10.5.0
* Tweak - Respective variation image display supported in the gift selection section
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress v6.3.1
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v8.2.0
* Fix - Fatal Error occurred when placing the order using WooCommerce v6.1.1
* Fix - WooCommerce Subscription based compatible related Error improvementwith PHP 8.2.0
* Fix - Product name display improvement while searching for it
2023-09-22 - version 10.4.0
* Tweak - Option added to include the Icon/Image in the Free Gift Eligibility Notice display
* Tweak - Validation improvement for the Maximum Gifts in an Order configuration
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v8.1.1
* Fix - Fatal Error improvement
2023-08-24 - version 10.3.0
* New - Option added to allow the rule to be applied with other matching rules
* Tweak - Multiple Categories selection supported in the Buy Category field
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress v6.3.0
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v8.0.2
2023-08-08 - version 10.2.0
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v7.9.0
* Fix - Maximum Gift count not displayed properly in the Progress bar
* Fix - Adding Multiple Quantities of Same Gift Product feature is not working properly
2023-07-17 - version 10.1.0
* New - Added option to Allow/Restrict user(s) to remove the automatically added Gift Product(s)
* New - Added option to Allow/Restrict user(s) to select the quantity for Manual Gift selection
* Tweak - Poly language plugin compatibility improvementCustom Post types disabled case
* Tweak - JS improvements for the plugin's settings display
* Tweak - Security improvementsadding more than the maximum gift limit
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v7.8.2
* Fix - Free Gift(s) eligibility notice not displayed properly
* Fix - Allow multiple quantity option not working properly
2023-06-14 - version 10.0.0
* New - Supported Manual gift selection mode in the Coupon based Free Gift type
* New - Supported adding gift item(s) manually in the Edit Order page as well as in Manual Order creation
* Tweak - Supported duplication for the created rule(s)
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress v6.2.2
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v7.8.0
* Fix - Progress Bar data displayed wrongly
2023-05-19 - version 9.9.0
* New - Supported with High Performance Order StorageHPOS
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress v6.2.1
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v7.7.0
* Fix - Redirection improvement when the Gift Product(s) added automatically
2023-05-09 - version 9.8.0
* New - Added Progress bar to display the Gift selection infoApplicable for Manual Gifts
* Tweak - Supported for the WooCommerce Subscription compatibleCharge fee in the renewal order(s) if the subscription product is selected as Free
* Tweak - Added Shortcode to display the remaining gift count in the noticeApplicable for Manual Gifts
2023-04-27 - version 9.7.0
* Tweak - Criteria compatibility supported for WooCommerce Points and RewardsEarned Points based criteria calculation
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v7.6.1
* Fix - Tax configuration based improvement in the Category Total criteria calculation
* Fix - Multiple notice display improvementAstra Pro plugin activated case
2023-04-07 - version 9.6.0
* New - Option added to select the rule status for Hiding the Gift Product
* Tweak - Option added to consider the WC coupon discount value for Calculation of Category Total Criteria
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress v6.2.0
2023-03-25 - version 9.5.0
* Tweak - Supported multiple brands selection for Brand Total criteria
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v7.5.1
* Fix - Error occurring while saving the rule
* Fix - Improvements in the Brand selection
2023-03-20 - version 9.4.0
* Tweak - Added Filter compatibility with WooCommerce Brands plugin
* Tweak - Conflict with Cart layout created by Fusion BuilderAvada Theme
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v7.5.0
* Fix - Improvements in Custom Hook selection for Checkout Page Gift Product display
2023-03-08 - version 9.3.0
* Tweak - Option added to display the Gift Products in Inline mode on the Checkout page
* Tweak - Hidden Gift Products added manually using the URL is restricted
* Tweak - Notice display improvement when Checkout WC is activated case
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v7.4.1
2022-12-23 - version 9.2.0
* New - Filter compatibility with B2B pluginUser groupsÂ
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v7.2.2
2022-11-18 - version 9.1.0
* Fix - Gift Product(s) display when the limit is reachedBuy X Get Y- Manual mode
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress version 6.1.1
2022-11-12 - version 9.0.0
* New - Option added to consider the Sub-category product(s) in the Category Total criteria
* New - Supported REST API for Free Gift rule(s)
* Tweak - Column added to display the rule description
* Tweak - Supported pagination through WordPress Screen Options
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce version 7.1.0
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress version 6.1.0
2022-10-18 - version 8.8.0
* New - Option added to award Gift Product(s) based on User's previously purchased order count
* Tweak - Hooks added to validate the Gift Product(s) added automatically to the cart
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce 7.0.0
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress 6.0.2
* Fix - Get Product Quantity calculation improvement in the Buy X Get Y Manual mode
* Fix - Error occurred when the rule is configured using Poly-Language
2022-08-17 - version 8.7.0
* Tweak - Option added to delete the Master log entries after a specific duration
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce 6.8.0
* Fix - Lower WordPress version compatibility improvement
* Fix - Free Gift display conflict in the Checkout page(it is configured using Checkout WC)
2022-08-06 - version 8.6.0
* New - Criteria Compatibility added for WooCommerce Brands
* Tweak - Option included to set the Gifts Per Page display for multi-device
2022-07-27 - version 8.5.0
* Tweak - Improvement in the multi-currency conflict with the CURCY-WooCommerce Multi-Currency plugin(by villatheme)
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce 6.7.0
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress 6.0.1
2022-07-02 - version 8.4.0
* Tweak - Option added to Restrict the redirection when the Free Gifts are added
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce 6.6.1
* Fix - Fatal Error when sending the Manual Gift Notifications
2022-06-04 - version 8.3.0
* Tweak - Poly language plugin compatibility improvement
* Tweak - Code Improvements
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce 6.5.1
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress 6.0.0
2022-04-26 - version 8.2.0
* Tweak - Improvement in the Mini-Cart display when using the Themify Ultra Theme
* Tweak - Code Improvements
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce 6.4.1
2022-04-11 - version 8.1.0
* New - Minimum WordPress and WooCommerce version not met error Message
* Fix - Default values not working properly when the plugin is activated before WooCommerce activation
2022-04-07 - version 8.0.0
* Tweak - Added option to restrict the Get Product's quantity in the Buy X Get Y Manual mode
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress 5.9.3
* Fix - Warning message when WooCommerce plugin is deactivated
2022-03-18 - version 7.9.0
* Tweak - Improvement in the Country based Currency Switcher plugin conflict
* Tweak - Improvement in the Buy X Get Y Automatic and Manual mode
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v6.3.1
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress v5.9.2
2022-03-07 - version 7.8.0
* Tweak - Added Shortcodes for Eligibility Notice display
* Tweak - Improvements in the rule validity
* Tweak - Improvements in the Message Settings
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v6.2.1
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress v5.9.1
* Fix - Error improvement with the Shortcode usage
2022-02-15 - version 7.7.0
* Tweak - Improvements in the Coupon based Free Gift
* Tweak - Performance improvements in the Buy X Get Y mode
* Fix - Buy X Get Y not working properly when purchasing the variable product that included in the Buy Category
2022-02-02 - version 7.6.0
* Tweak - Improvements in the Buy X Get Y Manual mode
* Tweak - Improvement with the PayPal Payment conflict
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v6.1.1
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress v5.9.0
2022-01-13 - version 7.5.0
* Tweak - Get Product(s) can be added manually in the Buy X Get Y mode
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v6.1.0
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress v5.8.3
2021-12-03 - version 7.4.0
* Tweak - Rule Sorting related improvement
* Tweak - Product Search related improvement
2021-11-18 - version 7.3.0
* Tweak - Time Zone related Improvement
* Tweak - Eligibility Notice related Improvement
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v5.9.0
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress v5.8.2
2021-10-27 - version 7.2.0
* Tweak - Hooks added for Coupon based Free Gifts mode
* Tweak - Category Filter Improvements
* Tweak - Variable Product(Product Level) can be selected as a Gift Product in the Buy X Get Y Mode
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v5.8.0
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress v5.8.1
2021-09-03 - version 7.1.0
* Tweak - Option added to enable Ajax Add to Cart for Manual Gift Products
* Tweak - Mini Cart display improvement
* Tweak - Gift Eligibility Notice Improvement
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v5.6.0
2021-07-21 - version 7.0.0
* Tweak - Short-code added to display the Gift Eligibility notice(s)
* Tweak - Woo Discount Rules plugin-based conflict improvement
* Tweak - Improvement in the Variable Gift display
* Tweak - Maximum Gift selection restriction improvement while using Multi tab
* Tweak - Hooks added
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v5.5.1
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress v5.8.0
2021-05-24 - version 6.9.0
* Tweak - Improvement in Hide Gift Product(s) feature
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v5.3.0
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress v5.7.2
2021-04-22 - version 6.8.0
* New - Option added to restrict the Gift Product(s) from a rule based on the Number of Order(s) placed by Registered User(s)
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v5.2.2
2021-04-16 - version 6.7.0
* Tweak - Improvements in WPML Compatibility
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v5.2.1
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress v5.7.1
* Fix - Error occurred while saving the rule
2021-04-03 - version 6.6.0
* Tweak - CSS Improvement.
* Fix - Category Filter Improvement
2021-03-29 - version 6.5.0
* Fix - Improvement in the Manual Gift Email Notification
2021-03-22 - version 6.4.0
* Tweak - Option added to delete the Master log entry
* Fix - Fatal error occurred in Rest API
2021-03-12 - version 6.3.0
* New - Option added to award Free Gifts based on Minimum Quantity of the product(s) from the selected Categories
* Tweak - Variable Product(Product Level) can be selected as a Gift Product in Manual Gift Mode
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v5.1.0
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress v5.7.0
* Fix - Order Restriction usage calculation improvement
* Fix - Coupon configuration improvements
2021-03-01 - version 6.2.0
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v5.0.0
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress v5.6.2
* Fix - Pagination Improvements
2021-01-15 - version 6.1.0
* Tweak - Manual Gift Product(s) Improvement
* Tweak - Hook added for Free Gift Product Price based
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v4.9.0
2020-12-26 - version 6.0.0
* New - Added Coupon based Free Gift Type
* Tweak - Option added to display the Gift Product Name with Hyperlink to Product Page in Carousel mode
* Tweak - Option added to control the Shipping Cost for Free Gift Product(s)
* Tweak - Add to Cart related improvements for Gift Product(s)
* Tweak - Popup related Improvements.
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v4.8.0 & WordPress 5.6.0
2020-11-16 - version 5.9.0
* Tweak - Decimal/Fractional value support in the rule criteria
* Tweak - Code Improvements
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v4.7.0
2020-11-02 - version 5.8.0
* Tweak - Option added to display the Gift Product Name with Hyperlink to Product Page
* Tweak - Category Total based Shortcode added for Gift Eligible Notice display
2020-10-26 - version 5.7.0
* Tweak - Option to change the Gift display position in the cart page
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v4.6.1
* Fix - Checkout Page not loading properly
2020-09-19 - version 5.6.0
* Tweak - Option added to automatically add the selected Gift Product in the Select-Box Mode
2020-09-04 - version 5.5.0
* Tweak - Priority-based Improvements.
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce version 4.4.1 and WordPress 5.5.1
* Fix - Conflict with WooCommerce v3.4.x
2020-07-31 - version 5.4.0
* Tweak - Option added to Limit the Repeat feature of Buy X Get Y mode
2020-07-23 - version 5.3.0
* Tweak - Buy X Get Y Quantity Restriction Improvements
* Tweak - Select Box Parameter added in the Short-code
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v4.3.0
2020-07-14 - version 5.2.0
* New - Select Box(Dropdown) Display Mode added for choosing Free Gifts in Cart & Checkout Page
* New - Gift Product(s) can be awarded on Specific Day(s) of the Week
2020-06-29 - version 5.1.0
* Tweak - WooCommerce Product Search plugin based conflict improvement
* Fix - Free Gift Notice display conflict improvement
2020-06-27 - version 5.0.0
* New - Free Gift(s) eligibility notice display in cart and checkout page
* New - Gift product validation during rule configuration
* Tweak - Rule configuration page settings re-positioned into tabs
* Tweak - Plugin Settings Repositioning
2020-06-26 - version 4.9.2
* Tweak - Unwanted scripts call related improvement
2020-06-20 - version 4.9.1
* Tweak - Troubleshoot option added to load Frontend Scripts
2020-06-11 - version 4.9.0
* New - Option added to award Free Gifts based on Category Total
2020-06-01 - version 4.8.0
* New - Option to add the Gift Product(s) at the bottom
* New - Shortcode section added
* Tweak - Option to display the Free Gift Notice
2020-05-19 - version 4.7.0
* Tweak - Email notification improvements for Manually Gifted Product(s)
* Tweak - Removed the "Remove" button for automatically added Free Gift Product(s)
* Fix - Include/Exclude Product filter improvements based on Variable Product selection
2020-05-09 - version 4.6.0
* Tweak - Label Customization improvements
2020-05-05 - version 4.5.0
* New - Free Gift Products can be displayed in a Popup in Cart Page
* Tweak - Free Gift Products can be selected in the checkout using Popup
2020-05-01 - version 4.4.0
* Tweak - Filter related improvements
2020-04-27 - version 4.3.0
* Tweak - Show/Hide option added to control the Pagination display
* Tweak - Label Customization added
* Fix - Maximum Number of Pages display improvements for Pagination
2020-04-22 - version 4.2.0
* New - Number of Products can be added as rule criteria to award Gift Product(s)
* Fix - Repeat Gift option not saving Properly
2020-04-21 - version 4.1.0
* New - Products can be selected by choosing a category in Buy X Get Y mode of Free Gift
2020-04-16 - version 4.0.0
* New - Quantity can be set for Gift Product(s) in Automatic Gift Type
2020-04-07 - version 3.9.0
* Tweak - Same Free Gift Product can be added to the cart from all the matching rules in Automatic Free Gift Mode
* Fix - Product Exclusion Filter not working properly
2020-04-01 - version 3.8.0
* Tweak - Ignoring Shipping cost for Free Gifts
2020-03-27 - version 3.7.0
* New - Option to strike and display the Free Gift Product's price in Cart and Checkout page
* Tweak - Validation when Free Gift Product's price is not set
2020-03-20 - version 3.6.0
* New - Free Gift Products can be displayed in a Carousel
2020-03-10 - version 3.5.0
* Fix - Conflict with SiteGround SG Optimizer plugin
2020-02-29 - version 3.4.0
* Tweak - Improvements in Template Override
2020-02-26 - version 3.3.0
* Fix - Free Gift Product Image not displaying for some themes
2020-02-20 - version 3.2.0
* Tweak - Created Gift Rules not displaying properly
* Fix - Plugin settings not visible for some Non-English WordPress Sites
2020-02-18 - version 3.1.0
* Tweak - Translation Compatibility with Loco Translate Plugin
2020-02-12 - version 3.0.0
* New - Send Free Gifts in the form of Buy X Get Y
* Tweak - Inventory related Improvements for Free Gift Products
* Tweak - Master Log Display Improvements
2020-01-30 - version 2.4.0
* New - Option added to Hide the Free Gift Product(s) in the site's Shop and Category Pages
* Fix - Error when used with SUMO Payment Plans Plugin
2020-01-29 - version 2.3.0
* New - Free Gifts can be awarded based on the number of products purchased(Works only for Include Products)
2020-01-23 - version 2.2.0
* Fix - Fatal Error in the cart if the configured Free Gift Product has been deleted from the site
2020-01-01 - version 2.1.0
* New - Added additional Product/Category filter
2019-12-04 - version 2.0.0
* New - Free Gifts can be awarded based on Order Total
2019-11-27 - version 1.9.0
* New - Added option to display Free Gifts Notice in Checkout page if the user has not added their Free Gifts to their Cart
2019-11-25 - version 1.8.0
* Tweak - Free Product(s) criteria calculation improvements
2019-11-23 - version 1.7.0
* Tweak - Product price with tax will be considered for Gift Product criteria when price entered is inclusive of tax
2019-11-22 - version 1.6.0
* New - Fatal error in frontend
2019-11-22 - version 1.5.0
* New - Automatic Free Gifts Support
2019-11-12 - version 1.4.0
* New - Custom CSS
2019-11-01 - version 1.3.0
* Tweak - Pagination Improvements
2019-10-31 - version 1.2.0
* New - Maximum Gift Product Per Order Restriction can be configured within each rule
* Tweak - Translation Improvements
2019-10-22 - version 1.1.0
* New - Supports Variable Products.
* Fix - Pagination related improvements
2019-10-01 - version 1.0.0
* Initial Release
Get WooCommerce Free Gifts Version 11.5.0 with 12 months of updates for just $15!
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