The latest version is WooCommerce EU VAT Number 2.9.7, Released on September 9, 2024
Changelog for WooCommerce EU VAT Number
*** EU VAT Number Changelog ***
2024-09-09 - version 2.9.7
* Add - Disable reports & display a notice when HPOS is enabled & syncing is disabled.
* Fix - Ensure the proper IP country is shown in the EU VAT section of the order screen.
* Fix - Ensure the VAT Number Field Label can be properly translated.
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce "tested up to" version 9.2.
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version to 9.0.
* Dev - Log API errors to improve debugging.
* Dev - Fix QIT E2E tests and add support for a few new test types.
2024-07-29 - version 2.9.6
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce "tested up to" version 9.1.
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version to 8.9.
* Dev - Add E2E support for both classic and block themes.
* Dev - Exclude the Woo Comment Hook `@since` sniff.
2024-07-15 - version 2.9.5
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce "tested up to" version 9.0.
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version to 8.8.
* Dev - Bump WordPress "tested up to" version 6.6.
* Dev - Bump WordPress minimum supported version to 6.4.
* Dev - Update NPM packages and node version to v20 to modernize developer experience.
* Fix - Issue with cart being emptied when invalid VAT is removed.
* Fix - Issue with empty VAT field when the VAT number is stored under My Account > VAT Number.
* Fix - Undefined javascript variable error.
2024-05-20 - version 2.9.4
* Add - "Use shipping address for validation" setting to choose the address for VAT number validation.
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce "tested up to" version 8.9.
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version to 8.7.
* Update - Change the messaging around EU VAT laws.
2024-04-22 - version 2.9.3
* Add - Show an admin notice letting users know to adjust the position of the VAT number field in the Checkout Block.
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce "tested up to" version 8.8.
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version to 8.6.
2024-03-18 - version 2.9.2
* Add - Option to disable Express Pay buttons for B2B stores (WooPayments compatibility).
* Add - Document WooPayments compatibility.
* Add - Support to hide Stripe Express Payment buttons when the disable incompatible payment methods setting is enabled.
* Add - Support to hide Square Express Payment buttons when the disable incompatible payment methods setting is enabled.
* Add - Support to hide Braintree Express Payment buttons when the disable incompatible payment methods setting is enabled.
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce "tested up to" version 8.7.
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version to 8.5.
* Dev - Bump WordPress "tested up to" version 6.5.
* Dev - Bump WordPress minimum supported version to 6.3.
* Fix - VAT header background color in the Checkout Block Editor.
* Fix - Missing input label under My Account > VAT number.
2024-02-09 - version 2.9.1
* Fix - Undefined vat_number error on the Block Checkout page.
2024-01-29 - version 2.9.0
* Dev - Declare compatibility with WooCommerce Blocks.
* Dev - Declare compatibility with Product Editor.
* Dev - Bump PHP minimum supported version to 7.4.
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce "tested up to" version 8.4.
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version to 8.2.
* Fix - Issue with VAT field not pre-filled on the Block Checkout page.
* Fix - Update tax when the country is changed on the Block Checkout page.
* Fix - Issue with placing an order from non-EU countries when VAT is saved in the account.
* Tweak - Bump PHP "tested up to" version 8.3.
2023-12-11 - version 2.8.9
* Dev - Add Playwright e2e tests for Critical Flows.
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce "tested up to" version 8.3.
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version to 8.1.
* Dev - Bump WordPress "tested up to" version 6.4.
* Dev - Bump WordPress minimum supported version to 6.2.
* Dev - Update PHPCS and PHPCompatibility GitHub Actions.
* Dev - Update default behaviour to use Cart and Checkout Blocks in e2e tests.
* Fix - Compatibility issues with the Checkout Block.
* Tweak - Admin settings colour to match admin theme colour scheme.
2023-09-18 - version 2.8.8
* Add - Displays a notice warning of limited functionality if taxes are disabled.
* Fix - Removed broken settings link from plugin page if taxes are disabled.
2023-08-23 - version 2.8.7
* Dev - Bump WordPress "tested up to" version from 6.2 to 6.3.
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce "tested up to" version 7.9.
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version from 7.2 to 7.7.
* Dev - Bump PHP minimum supported version from 7.2 to 7.3.
* Fix - Error saving VAT numbers using block-based checkouts.
* Fix - PHP 8.1 deprecation notice caused by FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING.
* Security - Added nonce and permission check when dismissing tax advice notice.
2023-08-07 - version 2.8.6
* Fix - VAT number validation for number with space between country code and number.
* Dev - Added new GitHub Workflow to run Quality Insights Toolkit tests.
* Dev - Added Playwright end-to-end tests.
2023-07-05 - version 2.8.5
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce "tested up to" version 7.8.
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version from 6.8 to 7.2.
* Dev - Bump WordPress minimum supported version from 5.8 to 6.1.
* Dev - Ensure translations are properly defined.
* Dev - Remove deprecated class aliases for framework classes renamed in 2.4.0.
* Dev - Resolve coding standards issues.
* Fix - Admin can now save multiple merchant Account IDs.
2023-05-30 - version 2.8.4
* Fix - Compatibility with WooCommerce Blocks checkout flow.
* Dev – Bump WooCommerce “tested up to†version 7.6.
* Dev – Bump WordPress minimum supported version from 5.6 to 5.8.
* Dev – Bump WordPress “tested up to†version 6.2.
2023-04-03 - version 2.8.3
* Fix - Fatal errors if SOAP extension is not installed.
* Fix - Plugin functions are not available when dependency requirements are not met.
2023-03-13 - version 2.8.2
* Fix – Ensure WC Blocks compatibility scripts are only loaded when on a page containing WC Blocks.
* Dev – Bump PHP minimum supported version from 7.0 to 7.2.
* Dev – Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version from 6.0 to 6.8.
* Dev – Bump WooCommerce “tested up to†version 7.4.
* Dev – Resolve deprecation warning in SCSS source.
2023-02-27 - version 2.8.1
* Fix – UK VAT number validation issue.
* Tweak – Bump WooCommerce tested up to 7.3.0
2022-12-01 - version 2.8.0
* Add – Ability to Collect and Validate Evidence in the WooCommerce Blocks Checkout.
* Add – Add the EU VAT Number block as a form step in the WooCommerce Blocks Checkout.
* Add – Support for High-performance Order Storage (“HPOSâ€) (formerly known as Custom Order Tables, “COTâ€).
* Add – Output a zero tax line item with the reason why it’s zero in both the order email and invoice.
* Add – New filter wc_eu_vat_number_zero_tax_reason used to modify the zero tax reason text.
* Add – Implement support for automatic translation files delivery.
* Add – Declare support for High-performance Order Systems (“HPOSâ€).
* Fix – Issue with updating VAT code from the My Account screen.
* Fix – Errors in PHP Coding Standards.
* Fix – Checkout VAT field validation on failure.
* Tweak – WC tested up to 7.1.
* Tweak – Bump minimum WP version to 5.6.
* Tweak – Bump minimum PHP version to 7.0.
* Tweak – Bump minimum WC version to 6.0.
* Tweak – Simplified notices text.
* Dev – Update node version from 8.9.3 to 16.13.0.
* Dev – Update npm version from 5.5.1 to 8.0.0.
2022-11-01 - version 2.7.0
* Add - Support for checking out with a EU vat number field using the checkout block from WooCommerce Blocks.
2022-09-06 - version 2.6.0
* Add - Support for UK VAT Number validation (using UK VAT Number API).
* Fix - VAT validation when the field is empty.
2022-07-25 - version 2.5.0
* Fix – Add float Type Casting to refunded tax to prevent the “non-numeric value†warning.
* Fix – Display product price without VAT if a valid VAT number is saved in the customer account.
* Update – Display a more specific message for error in connect to vies server from local environments.
2022-06-20 - version 2.4.3
* Tweak - Bump Tested up to
2022-02-22 - version 2.4.2
* New - Add support for Subscriptions with WooCommerce Payments.
* Fix - Removes VAT charge from the scheduled orders.
* Fix - PHP notice when placing an order with no VAT number.
* Fix - "Failed Validation Handling" setting not working properly for manual admin order.
* Fix - POT file not included in release zip.
* Fix - Apply EU VAT straight away when creating a manual order.
2021-08-04 - version 2.4.1
* Fix - Rendering the VAT field when store is selling to only one country. PR#207
* Fix - Changing the country from non-EU to EU doesn't display the VAT field. PR#207
* Fix - Compatibility with WooCommerce One Page Checkout. PR#208
* Fix - VAT field not displayed on WooCommerce Subscriptions switch orders. PR#208
* Fix - VAT validation for WooCommerce Subscripitons products with a free trial. PR#208
2021-07-22 - version 2.4.0
* New - Brexit Add Northern Ireland (XI) VAT validation and remove GB VAT validation. PR#202
* Fix - Properly display error messages if server IP is blocked by VIES. PR#202
* Fix - VAT Validation on orders created via WP Admin dashboard. PR#202
* Fix - Support for checkout field editor plugins. PR#200
* Fix - Issues with My Account -> VAT Number endpoint when My Account is set as homepage. PR#204
2021-04-07 - version 2.3.26
* Update - Fixes documentation and support links.
* Fix - Trigger VAT number validation only on change.
* Fix - Properly handle EU VAT privacy data erasure.
* Update - JS updated for jQuery 3 compatibility.
* Fix - Modified VIES API request to use HTTPS
2020-09-30 - version 2.3.25
* Fix - VAT Number required when B2B not enabled.
2020-09-30 - version 2.3.24
* Fix - Automatically populate VAT Number at checkout if saved to user profile.
* Fix - VAT Number showing as required for non-EU countries when switching billing country.
* Tweak - Lower VAT Number transient expiration time from 7 days to 1 day.
* Tweak - Improve error message when saving VAT Number on My Account if billing address is missing.
2020-08-19 - version 2.3.23
* Tweak - WordPress 5.5 compatibility.
2020-07-14 - version 2.3.22
* Fix - PHP error on checkout page if order total is zero.
2020-07-01 - version 2.3.21
* Add - VAT number field to user/customer profile.
* Add - VAT number of a customer when adding a new order from admin.
* Fix - VAT not validating correctly in checkout in all acceptance types.
* Tweak - Use EL country code for Greece when showing tax reports.
* Tweak - Treat Isle of Man the same as UK in regards to tax exemption.
2020-06-10 - version 2.3.20
* Tweak - WC 4.2 compatibility.
2020-04-29 - version 2.3.19
* Tweak - Remove legacy code.
* Tweak - WC 4.0 compatibility.
* Fix - VAT incorrectly being removed when Recalculate button is clicked on the order.
2020-02-04 - version 2.3.18
* Fix - Use proper escaping for attributes.
2020-01-13 - version 2.3.17
* Tweak - WC 3.9 compatibility.
2019-11-05 - version 2.3.16
* Fix - Update WC header.
2019-11-05 - version 2.3.15
* Tweak - WC 3.8 compatibility.
2019-08-08 - version 2.3.14
* Fix - Adding/editing VAT in admin new order or edit order not updating VAT amount.
* Tweak - WC 3.7 compatibility.
2019-04-16 - version 2.3.13
* Tweak - WC 3.6 compatibility.
2019-01-07 - version 2.3.12
* Fix - Always show VAT number field if b2b is enabled.
2018-09-26 - version 2.3.11
* Update - WC tested up to 3.5
2018-08-21 - version 2.3.10
* Fix - Re-deployment to fix VAT numbers being removed when order is saved.
2018-08-21 - version 2.3.9
* Fix - VAT numbers were removed when order is saved.
2018-08-02 - version 2.3.8
* Fix - Properly handle shipping address depending on 'Ship to different address' checked or not.
2018-05-22 - version 2.3.7
* Fix - PHP deprecation notice for 'parse_str'.
* Fix - Increasing timeout for SOAP requests.
* Fix - Show SOAP requirement notice and disable VAT lookups if needed.
* Add - Added woocommerce_eu_vat_number_soap_parameters filter for modifying SOAP request parameters.
* Fix - Use proper parse_str format in ajax_update_checkout_totals.
* Update - WC tested up to 3.4
* Update - Privacy policy notification.
* Update - Export/erasure hooks added.
2018-02-05 - version 2.3.6
* Fix - Cached VAT lookups not applying proper exemptions
* New - Adds a filter to be able to control which countries charge VAT, via code.
2018-01-17 - version 2.3.5
* Fix - Properly handle shipping address depending on 'Ship to different address' checked or not.
* Fix - Make SOAP request to VIES directly to help prevent IPs being blocked.
2017-12-13 - version 2.3.4
* Fix - WC 3.3 compatibility.
2017-10-09 - version 2.3.3
* Fix - Issue where exempt check uses both shipping and billing country for matching base country.
2017-08-27 - version 2.3.2
* Fix - Issue where VAT removal from cart is applied even if the country is the same as the base country.
* Fix - Issue where VAT number from account is always used when cart page is set to checkout.
* Fix - Fatal error that might be thrown when updating / activating.
2017-07-25 - version 2.3.1
* Update - Don't show vat number field in checkout if payment is not needed.
* Fix - When valid VAT is in account, remove VAT from cart.
* Fix - When b2b setting is enable, apply to only EU countries.
2017-06-06 - version 2.3.0
* Fix - VAT now applies to shipping country as well.
* Fix - Validate VAT against user submitted shipping and billing instead of whats on record.
* Fix - Undefined variable notices on reports.
* Fix - Shipping tax amount were not showing in reports.
* Fix - Tax by code report not showing all types of refunds.
* Remove - Switzerland from VAT definition.
* Add - Enable b2b setting to force VAT to be entered.
* Add - VAT validation on My Account VAT page.
2017-04-13 - version 2.2.0
* Renamed main file.
* PHP 7.1 compatibility.
* Stopped saving legacy VAT Number meta key - use _vat_number.
* Tweaked display of numbers in backend.
* Fix - error message shown when validation fails.
* Fix - Translation wrong gettext function used.
2017-01-25 - version 2.1.14
* Fix - Increase validation request timeout from 5 to 30 seconds.
2016-10-08 - version 2.1.13
* Fix - Issue where My Account endpoint doesn't initially work after activation.
* Fix - Issue where my VAT number is cleared when billing country is changed.
2016-06-09 - version 2.1.12
* Tweak - Support for tabbed My Account page introduced in WooCommerce 2.6
* Tweak - Include VAT Number in order endpoints responses within REST API
2016-04-13 - version 2.1.11
* Fix issue where VAT number is not saved to user meta after checkout
* Fix issue of missing text domain in plugin header
* Tweak - Added filter to alter translation file location
2016-03-02 - version 2.1.10
* Fix incorrect IP address to display when IP is validated. This change also
introduces `wc_eu_vat_self_declared_ip_address` hook to filter the IP
2015-09-21 - version 2.1.9
* Add VAT number field to My Account page
* Add Switzerland to list of VAT countries
2015-08-06 - version 2.1.8
* run vat_number_is_valid if the cached result was 0 or false.
2015-03-12 - version 2.1.7
* Add report for non-eu VAT taxes in the same format as the EU VAT report. Useful for accounting.
2015-03-12 - version 2.1.6
* Fix report ranges.
2015-03-12 - version 2.1.5
* Fix textdomain
2015-03-08 - version 2.1.4
* Textdomain and POT update.
2015-01-08 - version 2.1.3
* Fix localisation support.
* Tweaked what data gets saved when dealing with regular products to avoid showing IP info when not required.
2015-01-08 - version 2.1.2
* Set excemption regardless of base country (maybe_set_vat_excempt method).
2015-01-01 - version 2.1.1
* Updated geolocation class for CloudFlare support.
* When dealing with digital goods, validate users who state that they are outside of the EU, if the IP address is inside the EU.
* Fix options when saving other tax settings.
2014-12-30 - version 2.1.0
* Added new geolocation class with more reliable GeoIP functionality.
* Only collect IP when dealing with digital goods in the cart.
* Force total refresh so checkbox is displayed.
2014-10-28 - version 2.0.0
* Refactored the plugin.
* Added additonal options for handling of orders with non-validated VAT numbers.
* Added IP validation option for orders with digital goods (in preperation for the EU place of supply laws in January).
* Changed the placement and look and feel of the VAT Number field to make it fit within the WC billing section.
* Made the VAT ID append itself to formatted billing addresses automatically.
* Added template file to control the display of the field itself.
* Added new meta box for viewing collected information.
* Added column in orders panel to show IP/VAT/other evidence.
* Added reports for EC Sales and EU Vat taxes.
* Mixed carts - force digital goods to use taxable billing address (must use tax class named 'Digital Goods')
* Added requirement for WC 2.2.9 to support the EU VAT rates.
2014-09-01 - version 1.7.2
* Handle SERVER_BUSY responses.
* Use transient instead of wp_cache.
2014-09-01 - version 1.7.1
* Base excemption on configured tax address in tax settings.
2014-06-10 - version 1.7.0
* Croatia
* Set meta data when validated, so times when the API fails can be tracked.
2014-04-02 - version 1.6.0
* Use our own woo api
2014-02-23 - version 1.5.9
* Option to store unvalidated numbers as-is
2014-02-14 - version 1.5.8
* Only add errors when you press the checkout process button
2014-02-14 - version 1.5.7
* Fix notices after success
2014-02-13 - version 1.5.6
* Clear notices before adding new ones
2014-01-17 - version 1.5.5
* 2.1 Compat
2013-08-07 - version 1.5.4
* Pass saved strings though __()
2013-03-15 - version 1.5.3
* Greece uses EL instead of GR
2013-03-15 - version 1.5.1
* Update on change field
2013-01-11 - version 1.5.0
* WC 2.0 Compat
* General cleanup
2012-12-04 - version 1.4.1
* New updater
2012-04-10 - version 1.4
* Added option to optionally deduct tax for shop base country if a valid number is added
2012-04-10 - version 1.3
* Option to show field when the customer is in the base country
* Handling for if isvat service is down - allow vat number through.
2012-03-11 - version 1.2.2
* Add inline JS for scripts
2012-03-01 - version 1.2.1
* Fixed check after removing the number
* Remove full stops from number
2012-01-26 - version 1.2
* WC 1.4 Compatibility
* Added Woo Updater
2011-11-15 - version 1.1.1
* Changed textdomain
* Renamed plugin since exempt is not the correct terminology
* Show/hide VAT Number form based on country
* If user is in the same country then don't allow zero rate
* VAT Number added to emails
2011-10-26 - version 1.0.1
* Added form-row-wide class
* Added heading + option for title
* Moved to shipping column, below order details
2011-09-27 - version 1.0
* First Release
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