WooCommerce Free Gift Coupons Changelog

The latest version is WooCommerce Free Gift Coupons 3.7.0, Released on April 23, 2024

Changelog for WooCommerce Free Gift Coupons

  === WooCommerce Free Gift Coupons ===

2024.04.23 - version 3.7.0
* Important: Minimum PHP 7.2 required.
* Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 8.7.0.
* New: Eliminated dynamic properties on objects. Resolves warning notices in PHP 8.2+.
* Tweak - Updated the way of identifying hydration context in Store API requests. 

2024.01.26 - version 3.6.0
* Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 8.4.0.
* New: Prelimary support for variable gifts in cart block. For now it will re-direct to the single product page.
* New: Declare cart/checkout block support.
* Fix: Much stricter add to cart validation on gift items, esp for variations with some attributes pre-configured but "Any" value allowed for other attributes.

2023.12.11 - version 3.5.0
* IMPORTANT: Requires WC 3.6.0+.
* Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 8.2.0.
* Fix: Update all templates for safer string escaping.
* Fix: Remove script that interferes with other Backcourt brand plugins' behavior in cart block.

2023.07.11 - version 3.4.5
* Fix: Misspelling of update_option()

2023.07.11 - version 3.4.4
* Fix: Switch to `update_option` on shutdown hook to save notices resolving issues with caching plugins.

2023.07.03 - version 3.4.3
* Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 7.8.0.
* Fix: Use `registerCheckoutFilters` graduated filter in Blocks plugin. #117.

2023.01.12 - version 3.4.2
* Fix: Prevent display of All Products for Subscriptions' radio subscription schemes on free gifts in cart. #115.

2023.01.04 - version 3.4.1
* Fix: Stop enqueing checkout-blocks.css which doesn't yet exist.
* Fix - Fixed a fatal error that was triggered when using PHP v8 and using Cart/Checkout Blocks.

2023.01.03 - version 3.4.0
* Update: Tested against WooCommerce 7.3.0.
* New: Initial support for Simple Product gifts in WooCommerce Cart/Checkout blocks.
* New: Support for auto-adding a free gift when coupon applied in Admin. (Requires: WooCommerce 7.3)

2022.10.19 - version 3.3.5
* Fix: Compatibility with Custom Order Tables.

2022.10.18 - version 3.3.4
* Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 7.0.
* Tweak - Declared compatibility with the new Custom Order Tables.
* Fix: Pass additional cart key parameter to sync functions to reduce possibility of undefined notices.

2022.05.18 - version 3.3.3
* Update: Tested against WooCommerce 6.5.0.
* Fix: Fatal Error in update routine, call "Call to protected method WP_Background_Process::is_process_running()", reintroduced by code standards sniffing.

2021.12.01  - version 3.3.2
* Fix: Load RTL stylesheets when not in SCRIPT_DEBUG mode.
* New: Display notices to store managers in front-end and admin when a gift product is not purchasable.
* Update: Move cart/order "Free!" price filters to later priority for compat with discounting plugins.

2021.11.01 - version 3.3.1
* Update: Tested against WooCommerce 5.8.0.
* Fix: Do not count the cart quantity of the gift itself when syncing quantities of variation to parent variable.
* Fix: Restore price filters in the cart to display "Free!"

2021.08.27- version 3.3.0
* Update: Tested against WooCommerce 5.6.0.
* Fix: Prevent saving a gift product in it's own the synced product ID settings.
* Fix: Stop validating coupon, let WooCommerce core handle all validation. Resolves issue of coupon not being valid when sync product is a variation.
* Fix: Check if gift is either product or variation. Resolves issue with syncing to variation.

2021.03.24 - version 3.2.0
* New: Sync quantity of free gift to more than one product at a time.
* New: Compatibility with All Products for Subscriptions, free gifts are not valid when user subscribes to cart.
* Update: Cart validation, throw notice of unconfigured variable gift *before* user attempts checkout.
* Fix: Border styles for Twenty Twenty One theme.
* Fix: More specific jQuery listeners to resolve conflicts with Flatsome's cart quickview.

2021.01.14 - version 3.1.0
* New: Templates added for gift variation selection in cart, easier customization.
* New: No-JS graceful degradation for gift variation selection.
* New: Auto scroll when gift variation edit section is opened scrolls to the gift variation input.
* Fix: UX audit, revision to cart edit layout, screen reader and accessibility enhancements.
* Update: Tested against WC 4.9.
* Update: Remove coupon code from cart if all gift items are removed, and type is ‘free gift’.
* Update: Hide product removed notice if coupon is automatically removed.

2020.11.25 - version 3.0.5
* Fix: Rebuild minified script.

2020.11.17 - version 3.0.4
* Update: Tested against WooCommerce 4.7.0.
* Fix: Exclude "edit in cart" feature from gifts that are specific variations.

2020.10.28 - version 3.0.3
* Fix: Load minified script if not in SCRIPT_DEBUG mode.
* Fix: Converted cart styles from px to em
* Fix: Fatal error WooCommerce::is_rest_api_request() does not exist until Woo 3.6.
* Fix: Remove woocommerce_get_product_schema which is deprecated.

2020.10.16 - version 3.0.2
* Fix: Missing minified stylesheets.

2020.10.16 - version 3.0.1
* Fix: Undefined $suffix variable when loading stylesheet.

2020.10.15 - version 3.0.0
* New: Gift Variation Selection/Editing in Cart.
* New: Gift product(s) quantity syncing with a real product in the cart.
* Update: Set prices via woocommerce_product_get_price and woocommerce_product_variation_get_price filters. 
* Update: Unified all custom hooks with prefix 'wc_fgc_'.

2020.07.22 - version 2.5.2
* Fix: Move environment testing to before including any other files. Fixes fatal error when WooCommerce is not active.

2020.07.09 - version 2.5.1
* Update: Tested against WooCommerce 4.3.0.

2020.06.30 - version 2.5.0
* New: Revise `get_gift_data()` to always include product object in 'data' key.
* New: Only attempt to add the free gift to the cart if it is purchasable.
* New: Even strict enforcement of quantity of gift in cart, which will help integration with mini-extensions.

2020.06.09 - version 2.4.6
* Fix: Correct build process to reduce plugin file size.

2020.06.09 - version 2.4.5
* Update: Tested against WooCommerce 4.2.0.
* Fix: Fatal Error in update routine, call "Call to protected method WP_Background_Process::is_process_running()"

2020.05.08 - version 2.4.4
* Update: Tested against WooCommerce 4.1.0.

2020.03.16 - version 2.4.3
* Update: Tested against WooCommerce 4.0.0.
* Fix: Compatibility with single-use recurring coupons incorrectly removing gift from cart.
* Fix: Typo in filter name, should be wc_fgc_auto_update_db

2020.01.07 - version 2.4.2
* Update: Tested against WooCommerce 3.9.0.
* New: Add woocommerce_free_gift_coupon_apply_coupon_data filter for modifying coupon gift data.
* Fix: Use cart getter to access applied coupons.

2019.10.24 - version 2.4.1
* Fix: Only show free gift admin UI for supported coupon types.
* New: Add support for WooCommerce Subscriptions' custom coupon types.

2019.10.14 - version 2.4.0
* Fix: Prevent malicious users from increasing the quantity of the free product in the cart.

2019.08.06 - version 2.3.1
* Tweak: Fix date in changelog

2019.08.06 - version 2.3.0
* IMPORTANT: WooCommerce 3.1.0 is minimum required version.
* Important: PHP 5.6.20+ is now required.
* Update: Tested against WC 3.7

2018.04.10 - version 2.2.2
* Update: Tested against WC 3.6

2018.12.19 - version 2.2.1
* Fix: Better sanization of coupon meta data. Stop using (array) to cast null string to array. Should resolve empty row when creating new coupon. 

2018.12.05 - version 2.2.0
* New: Add support for free gift in *addition* to core coupon types (Percentage Discount, Fixed Cart Discount, Fixed Product Discount)

2018.08.03 - version 2.1.3
* Fix: Add support for Smart Coupons titles displaying on the cart page

2018.08.02 - version 2.1.2
* Fix: Stop Subscriptions from removing free gifts

2018.07.10 - version 2.1.1
* Fix: Even if not supported, don't crash WooCommerce 2.6.x sites.

2018.02.19 - version 2.1.0
* New: Compatibility with Smart Coupons. Auto and bulk generate Free Gift style coupons.

2018.02.19 - version 2.0.0
* IMPORTANT: WooCommerce 3.0.0 is minimum required version. 
* IMPORTANT: Requires a database upgrade to coupon data. Please take appropriate backups.
* New: Now supports assigning quantities to each gift!

2017.08.17 - version 1.2.4
* New: Add support for new WooCommerce updater

2017.07.14 - version 1.2.3
* Fix: Incorrect path to plugin's language folder in load_plugin_textdomain()
* Fix: Potentially fatal error when adding a free gift variation to cart

2017.06.01 - version 1.2.2
* Fix: Allow free gift coupon to still have the option of providing free shipping for the entire order. 

2017.03.06 - version 1.2.1
* Fix: Undeprecate check_cart_items(). Should prevent multiple individual use coupons from being used simultaneously.

2017.01.10 - version 1.2.0
* IMPORTANT: WooCommerce 2.4 is minimum supported version
* New: WC 2.7 Compatibility - resolve 2.7 PHP warnings
* New: WC 2.7 Compatibility - use 2.7 CRUD when possible in admin metabox, and when saving order item meta
* New: New helper methods has_free_shipping() and get_gift_ids()
* Fix: Free gifts are removed from cart directly when coupon is removed, instead of via woocommerce_check_cart_items
* Fix: WC 2.7 Compatibility - remove previously added script, core automatically refreshes cart

2016.05.09 - version 1.1.0
* New: WC 2.6 Compatibility: add script to cart page to trigger page reload when coupon added
* New: WC 2.6 Compatibility: add back-compatibility for legacy Free Shipping method. Please switch to Shipping Zones.

2015.12.08 - version 1.0.9
* Fix: class $version variable
* Tweak: Update WordPress tested against 4.4
* Add: GPL3 license

2015.11.09 - version 1.0.8
* Fix: don't squash other free shipping coupons

2015.10.13 - version 1.0.7
* Fix: make free shipping specific to free gift only. To use: Free Shipping must be enabled and set to "requires a valid free shipping coupon" if you don't wish to make the entire order's shipping free
* New: Add compatibility for adding Subscription as free gift

2015.09.25 - version 1.0.6
* Fix: allow free shipping with free gift

2015.05.06 - version 1.0.5
* Tweak: code improvements in coupon options output

2015.02.03 - version 1.0.4
* WooCommerce 2.3-compatible: switch to Select2

2014.11.12 - version 1.0.3
* Fix "non-static method WC_Free_Gift_Coupons::add_order_item_meta() should not be called statically"

2014.09.11 - version 1.0.2
* Fix "Sorry, this product cannot be purchased." bug when adding points discount with Points and Rewards extension

2014.07.05 - version 1.0.1
* Fix: wc_add_error() to wc_add_notice() 
* Fix: add variation attributes to cart/order if free gift is variation

2014.05.27 - version 1.0.0
* Initial release

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