WooCommerce Gift Cards Changelog

The latest version is WooCommerce Gift Cards 2.0.4, Released on September 24, 2024

Changelog for WooCommerce Gift Cards

  *** WooCommerce Gift Cards ***

2024.09.24 - version 2.0.4
* Fix - Fixed fatal error when using WooCommerce older than v8.8.
* Fix - Fixed handling of updating gift cards on orders via REST API.

2024.09.03 - version 2.0.3
* Fix - Fixed fatal error in own version of WP_Background_Process.

2024.08.27 - version 2.0.2
* Tweak - Updated version of @somewherewarm/selectsw dependency to include updated styling.
* Tweak - Removed navigation integration (deprecated WooCommerce feature).
* New - Tested up to WooCommerce v9.2.

2024.07.30 - version 2.0.1
* Fix - Deactivate plugin for WooCommerce versions prior to 8.2 to avoid fatal errors.

2024.07.30 - version 2.0.0
* New - Important: PHP 7.4+ is now required.
* New - Important: WooCommerce 8.2+ is now required.
* New - Important: WordPress 6.2+ is now required.
* New - Important: Removed all previously deprecated code.
* Fix - Included own copy of WP_Background_Process library to avoid conflicts with other plugins.
* Tweak - Improved success notices when manually editing gift cards delivery dates.
* New - Added the ability to partially pay for orders using a gift card via WooPayments 8.0.0+ and Stripe 8.6.0+.

2024.07.02 - version 1.17.0
* New - Introduced compatibility with the new Product Editor.
* Tweak - Changed 'Gift Card already redeemed' notice to 'Gift Card already linked to an account'.

2024.06.04 - version 1.16.15
* Fix - Disabled one-click purchase for gift cards in the All Products Block.
* Fix - Improved validation of values when getting maintenance and dismissed notices from the DB.

2024.05.15 - version 1.16.14
* Fix - Resolved a compatibility issue with Gravity Forms.
* Fix - Added validation of input type for $cart_item_data to avoid fatal errors.

2024.04.15 - version 1.16.13
* Fix - Fixed regression 'Invalid quantity configuration. Please review the recipients count.' error for multiple gift cards with the same recipient email.

2024.04.10 - version 1.16.12
* Tweak - Improved how gift cards emails are displayed in small screens.
* Tweak - Updated the way of identifying hydration context in Store API requests.

2024.03.26 - version 1.16.11
* New - Add gift card as a custom product type on the onboarding task list.
* Tweak - Updated Gift Cards notices to use the new block styles.
* Fix - Resolved a PHP error that can occasionally occur when using WooPayments.
* Fix - Fixed fatal error triggered when recalculating totals with orders with gift cards and fees.

2024.02.14 - version 1.16.10
* Tweak - Hide 'Refund to gift cards' button from orders that do not include any debited gift cards.
* Fix - Fixed an issue that prevented admin scripts from loading when High-Performance Order Storage was used.
* New - Introduced 'woocommerce_gc_cart_gift_cards_template_args' filter.

2024.01.24 - version 1.16.9
* Tweak - Added compatibility with PHP 8.3.
* Tweak - Deferred frontend scripts.
* Tweak - Updated the WooPayments integration to remove express checkout buttons in gift card product pages.
* Tweak - Updated the PayPal integration to remove smart buttons in gift card product pages.

2023.12.19 - version 1.16.8
* Fix - Fixed 'Invalid quantity configuration. Please review the recipients count.' error for multiple gift cards with the same recipient email.

2023.12.12 - version 1.16.7
* Important - Security improvements.
* Fix - Prevented users from deleting gift cards that are used in orders. 
* Fix - Fixed an issue with how gift card codes were displayed in e-mails when viewed from mobile screens.

2023.10.17 - version 1.16.6
* Fix - Important: Security improvements.
* Fix - Resolved deprecation notice when viewing a Subscription paid by gift cards balance.
* Tweak - Declared compatibility with the cart/checkout Blocks.

2023.09.19 - version 1.16.5
* Fix - Fixed an issue with page titles in settings.
* Tweak - Used admin theme colors in settings.
* Fix - Resolved a styling issue with the outline border when selecting a gift card form field.

2023.08.28 - version 1.16.4
* Feature - Added compatibility between the 'Send as gift?' feature and the new, block-based single product template.

2023.07.03 - version 1.16.3
* Tweak - Updated the way screen IDs are constructed to avoid issues with translated WooCommerce instances. 

2023.06.12 - version 1.16.2
* Fix - Fixed an issue that prevented the 'Use gift cards balance for renewal payments' dropdown from rendering correctly in the Subscriptions admin area.

2023.06.01 - version 1.16.1
* Fix - Fixed styling for dismissible admin notices.

2023.05.29 - version 1.16.0
* New - Introduced block theme support on existing frontend templates.
* Fix - Improvements in global styles compatibility.
* Fix - Important: Security improvements.

2023.05.22 - version 1.15.6
* Tweak - Introduced basic event tracking support via Tracks.
* Fix - Fixed a fatal error that was triggered when importing gift cards with corrupted activity data.

2023.05.10 - version 1.15.5
* Tweak - Added 'Gift Card' section title under 'Product Data > General'.
* Fix - Ensured that plugin styles are correctly loaded for RTL sites with WooCommerce 7.3+.

2023.04.10 - version 1.15.4
* Tweak - Added an asterisk next to required form fields.
* Tweak - Improved data collection.

2023.03.27 - version 1.15.3
* Fix - Fixed an issue that prevented Gift Cards from being imported on some hosting environments.

2023.03.06 - version 1.15.2
* Fix - Fixed dates/times format in admin list tables to follow WordPress settings.
* Fix - Fixed stylesheet path in WooCommerce Blocks compatibility module.
* Fix - Fixed date filters in admin list tables.
* Update - Updated color in Gift Cards empty state admin screens.

2023.01.23 - version 1.15.1
* Important - Security improvements.
* Tweak - Added support for uploading translation files to GlotPress after each release.

2022.12.12 - version 1.15.0
* Important - Declared compatibility with the new High-Performance Order Storage.

2022.11.28 - version 1.14.1
* Tweak - Renamed emails controller.

2022.11.16 - version 1.14.0
* Important - Security improvements.

2022.11.01 - version 1.13.1
* Important - Security improvements.
* Fix - Fixed block 'registered with an invalid category' warnings in the console.
* Tweak - Enqueue block assets only when needed.
* Tweak - Declared incompatibility with the new High-Performance Order Storage.

2022.09.22 - version 1.13.0
* Important - WooCommerce 3.9+ and PHP 7.0+ are now required.
* Fix - Fixed 'My Account - Gift Cards' not hiding when endpoint setting is empty.
* Fix - Fixed fatal errors triggered when activating/deactivating the plugin via WP CLI.

2022.07.19 - version 1.12.2
* Fix - Fixed an issue with the refund button in the edit-order screen introduced in WC gte 6.4.

2022.06.16 - version 1.12.1
* Fix - Transform PHP date format characters into JS compatible characters when used in the datepicker.
* Fix - Prevent a fatal error when viewing an order with deleted gift cards.

2022.05.31 - version 1.12.0
* Fix - Updated REST API (batch) to make it compatible with WooCommerce 6.6+.
* Tweak - Introduced basic telemetry to collect data on extension usage when tracking is enabled.

2022.05.16 - version 1.11.0
* Important - Introduced support for the new Cart and Checkout blocks.

2022.05.04 - version 1.10.3
* Fix - Fix broken empty state documentation links.
* Fix - Fix deprecation warning for 'is_admin_or_embed_page' in WooCommerce 6.3+.
* Fix - Use localized times in Gift Cards admin screens.

2022.03.16 - version 1.10.2
* Tweak - Remove Marketing menu notice.
* Tweak - Clean up onboarding notices.

2022.03.11 - version 1.10.1
* Important - Re-hooked 'WC_GC_Cart::after_calculate_totals' at 'woocommerce_after_calculate_totals' with priority '999'.
* Tweak - Use new WooCommerce brand colors.
* Fix - Update cart session after modifying cart totals based on redeemed gift cards.
* Fix - Fixed an issue that prevented 'Self-use gift card received' e-mails from being sent when the gift card order has been deleted.
* Fix - Fixed fatal error that was triggered when trying to edit an order with an orphaned gift card variation.

2022.01.17 - version 1.10.0
* Feature - Support gift card refunds.
* Feature - Added compatibility with WooCommerce Payments to hide unsupported quick-pay buttons in gift card product pages.
* Fix - Fixed fatal error that showed up when trying to edit a gift card associated with a deleted order.

2021.12.30 - version 1.9.5
* Fix - Prevent an issue when importing gift cards with zero remaining balance.

2021.12.17 - version 1.9.4
* Fix - Prevent gift cards codes from being applied to orders multiple times.

2021.11.24 - version 1.9.3
* Fix - Fixed an issue affecting the 'Self-use gift card received' email settings.

2021.11.18 - version 1.9.2
* Fix - Removed the 'wc_gc_send_as_gift_checkbox' parameter from the permalinks of non-Gift Card cart/order items.
* Tweak - Improved invalid Gift Card code length notice.

2021.11.15 - version 1.9.1
* Fix - Fixed failed Gift Card imports when e-mails values contain whitespaces.  

2021.11.11 - version 1.9.0
* Feature - Let customers purchase gift cards for self-use, bypassing the gift card purchase form.
* Feature - Allow customers to carbon copy (cc) gift card e-mails to additional recipients.
* Feature - Allow merchants to blind cabon copy (bcc) additional recipients to all gift card e-mails, handy for testing and archiving purposes.
* Feature - Added compatibility with PayPal Payments to hide quick pay buttons in gift card product pages.
* Fix - Fixed missing notices.

2021.09.27 - version 1.8.2
* Fix - Fixed incorrect early returns in 'set_notice_option'.

2021.09.24 - version 1.8.1
* Tweak - Dropped support for gift card form templates lt 1.6.0
* Fix - Fixed an issue that prevented Gift Cards from being imported when the 'Sender Email' field is set to null.
* Fix - Fixed an issue that prevented the 'Analytics > Gift Cards' report from displaying results when running the latest version of WoCommerce Admin.
* Fix - Fixed a fatal error that is triggered by invalid 'wc_gc_notice_options' values.
* Feature - Introduced 'woocommerce_gc_admin_edit_gift_cards_per_page' filter.

2021.08.02 - version 1.8.0
* Feature - Introduced gift card data in REST API 'orders' endpoint.
* Feature - Introduced 'gift-cards' REST API endpoint.
* Feature - Introduced 'Analytics > Gift Cards' reports.
* Tweak - Added 'woocommerce_gc_email_placeholders' filter for custom email placeholders.
* Tweak - Revised use of 'balance' vs 'amount' in translatable strings.

2021.07.16 - version 1.7.5
* Tweak - Improved styles and revised column names in the gift cards list table and edit-gift-card screens.
* Fix - Fixed an issue affecting the sending process of emails for imported scheduled gift cards.
* Fix - Fixed an issue that prevented Gift Cards from being imported when the 'Issued Value' field is not set.

2021.06.15 - version 1.7.4
* Fix - Respect 'woocommerce_admin_disabled' filter when using WooCommerce Admin 2.3+

2021.05.07 - version 1.7.3
* Fix - Adjusted the value of 'Enable cart page features' checkbox when saving.

2021.04.23 - version 1.7.2
* Fix - Reversed 'Enable cart page features' checkbox state to match the database value.

2021.04.13 - version 1.7.1
* Fix - Maximized 'Gift Card Received' e-mail table width.

2021.04.13 - version 1.7.0
* Important - Moved the variable gift card form to the 'woocommerce_before_single_variation' hook.
* Important - Prepaid gift cards are now considered as a payment method equivalent. The gift card form has been removed from the cart page, along with all applied gift card details. A new 'Enable cart page features' option has been added under 'Settings > Gift Cards' to control this behavior.
* Important - Moved gift card form above the payment gateways on the checkout page.
* Feature - Added integration with WooCommerce Subscriptions: Subscribers can now pay for renewals using their gift cards account balance. The feature is only available to subscriptions paid with gateways that support auto-renewal.
* Feature - Introduced new 'Settings > Gift Cards' section.
* Feature - Added new 'Enable account features' option under 'Settings > Gift Cards'.
* Feature - Added new 'Block gift card discounts' option under 'Settings > Gift Cards'.
* Feature - Added new 'Grant admin privileges to Shop Managers' option under 'Settings > Gift Cards'.
* Dev - Rewrote the gift card form script to allow developers to move the gift card form to any location on any page.
* Fix - Adjusted e-mail text and accent colors to look better against dark backgrounds.
* Tweak - Modified the recipient field placeholder to better fit small widths.
* Tweak - Simplified 'Status' labels in the gift cards list table.
* Tweak - Added 'Clear' button under the 'Delivery Date' input and prevented manual date input.
* Tweak - Updated default 'Gift card received' e-mail text strings.

2021.02.12 - version 1.6.1
* Fix - Removed Jetpack dependencies.

2021.02.09 - version 1.6.0
* Feature - Added gift card code Import/Export support.
* Feature - Hide quantity input in gift card product pages.
* Feature - Added contextual elements and notices prompting customers to pay or cancel pending orders to release gift card funds on hold.
* Fix - Use WordPress timezone to display 'Delivery Date' and 'Expiration Date' fields when editing gift card codes.
* Fix - Fixed an issue that prevented the 'Delivery Date' and 'Expiration Date' field from being set within the current day.
* Tweak - Introduced 'Extensions > Gift Cards' menu item inside the new WooCommerce navigation.
* Tweak - Updated the gift card product form template to make it easier to add custom fields.

2021.01.27 - version 1.5.7
* Tweak - Added 'woocommerce_gc_disable_datepicker_styles' filter for disabling datepicker styles.
* Tweak - Expire session cache every 5 minutes.

2021.01.21 - version 1.5.6
* Fix - Fix account balance cache invalidation issues while doing cron jobs.

2021.01.12 - version 1.5.5
* Tweak - Prevent nonce checking when adding a GC to the cart.

2021.01.11 - version 1.5.4
* Fix - PHP warning when viewing activity records without associated orders in the edit-giftcard screen.
* Fix - Delivery time did not take store time zone offset from UTC into account. Sorry for that, folks, we thought our tests had this one covered.
* Fix - Release 'hostage' gift card funds when trashing or deleting pending orders.

2020.12.01 - version 1.5.3
* Important - Updated the 'html-gift-card-container.php' template. If your theme overrides this template file, please review your customizations.
* Fix - Optimize e-mail styles for compatibility with popular e-mail clients.

2020.11.18 - version 1.5.2
* Fix - Fixed admin screen issues with certain RTL/translated flavors of the WordPress dashboard.
* Fix - Added table headers for responsive screens under 'My account > Gift Cards'.
* Fix - Added quickview support for Flatsome.
* Fix - Prevented a rare double-issuing bug affecting PayPal Standard.

2020.10.23 - version 1.5.1
* Feature - Introduced woocommerce_my_account_giftcards shortcode.
* Tweak - Hardened validation to prevent edge cases of double-charging or incorrect refunding of gift cards.

2020.09.24 - version 1.5.0
* Fix - Added compatibility with WooCommerce Services.
* Tweak - Prevent double requests when removing gift cards via checkout form.

2020.09.11 - version 1.4.2
* Fix - Added compatibility with WooCommerce Avatax.
* Tweak - Deprecate 'WC_GC_Emails::get_into_content'.
* Tweak - Prevent order item taxes from being recalculated when adding/removing gift cards from orders manually.

2020.08.19 - version 1.4.1
* Fix - Gift card messages not visible to customers who purchase a gift card in account and order-received pages.

2020.08.18 - version 1.4.0
* Feature - Improved the accuracy of Revenue reports in 'WooCommerce > Analytics': Orders paid with prepaid gift cards are counted towards the reported gross and net revenue. Gift card purchases are not counted towards the net revenue.
* Feature - Introduced 'woocommerce_gc_order_stats_data_modifications' filter to control how Revenue reports in 'WooCommerce > Analytics' are adjusted to account for gift card purchases and usage.
* Feature - Introduced 'Regenerate revenue analytics data' tool under 'WooCommerce > Status > Tools'. Regenerates historical Revenue reports in WoCommerce Analytics, accounting for prepaid gift cards correctly.

2020.08.13 - version 1.3.6
* Feature - Added filters to manage custom list tables columns.
* Tweak - Prevent permanent deletion of orders + gift card products with pending code deliveries.
* Fix - Remove delivery action from the queue when deleting a scheduled gift card code.
* Fix - Use jQuery 'prop' instead of 'attr' when possible, to prevent issues with WordPress 5.5.

2020.07.01 - version 1.3.5
* Tweak - Introduced a new template to render gift card apply form in '/templates/cart/apply-gift-card-form.php'.
* Tweak - Gift card code generator is now trying to generate a unique code up to 10 times before it fails.

2020.06.25 - version 1.3.4
* Tweak - Check for pending/failed deliveries every 24h and display a warning.
* Tweak - Added test results in Status Report.

2020.06.19 - version 1.3.3
* Fix - Fatal error in loopback test handler when running an older version WordPress.

2020.06.18 - version 1.3.2
* Feature - Added filter to display the balance left in individual codes redeemed via the cart/checkout form - use add_filter( 'woocommerce_gc_checkout_show_remaining_balance_per_gift_card', '__return_true' );
* Feature - Check if the server is able to perform loopback requests and display a warning if the test fails.
* Feature - Check if WooCommerce is able to schedule tasks and display a warning if the test fails.
* Fix - Fixed a rare fatal error occurring after deleting a gift card code from the database.
* Fix - Failure to send recipient notifications for gift cards with a future delivery under WooCommerce 3.3 and 3.4.
* Fix - Gift card notification e-mails not styled properly under WooCommerce 3.3-3.5.

2020.06.08 - version 1.3.1
* Fix - All products showing as Gift Cards after an Export / Import operation.

2020.06.05 - version 1.3.0
* Feature - Manually add gift card products in editable orders..
* Tweak - When purchasing a gift card with a future delivery date, the recipient notification is now scheduled to be sent at the same time that the gift card was added to the cart.

2020.06.04 - version 1.2.3
* Fix - Fixed non-static method warning under Stripe compatibility.

2020.06.01 - version 1.2.2
* Tweak - Made 'giftcards' account endpoint url translatable/editable.
* Fix - Prevented Payment Request buttons from displaying when purchasing Gift Card products.
* Fix - Prevented 'Recipient E-mail Image' option from showing up in product metaboxes when the 'Gift Card' option is disabled.

2020.05.17 - version 1.2.1
* Fix - Make e-mail template changes backwards compatible.
* Tweak - Declared compatibility with WooCommerce 4.2.

2020.05.15 - version 1.2.0
* Feature - Add option to define recipient e-mail image.
* Feature - Manually apply/remove gift card codes in editable orders.
* Fix - Account balance not updating when manually deleting a gift card.
* Fix - Invalid delivery date when using a foreign locale.
* Fix - Images in recipient e-mails not visible in some versions of Microsoft Outlook.

2020.05.01 - version 1.1.5
* Tweak - Improved multiple recipient e-mails form input placeholder.
* Tweak - Made multiple e-mails delimiter filterable.
* Fix - Fixed a error triggered while paying under WooCommerce 3.3-3.5 due to a WooCommerce bug.
* Fix - Prevented Apple Pay button from displaying in Gift Card product pages.

2020.04.24 - version 1.1.4
* Fix - Fatal error when processing an order with deleted gift card products.

2020.04.23 - version 1.1.3
* Fix - Order items meta are now treated as unique.

2020.04.17 - version 1.1.2
* Fix - Expiration date not working when purchasing variable gift cards.

2020.04.17 - version 1.1.1
* Important - Declared support for WooCommerce 4.1.
* Feature: Added support for the 'WooCommerce Print Invoices and Packing Lists' extension by Skyverge.
* Feature: Added support for 'WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips' plugin by Ewout Fernhout.
* Tweak - Prevent script from loading unless needed.
* Fix - Fatal error when sending e-mail recipient notifications under WooCommerce versions lower than 3.7.
* Fix - Form labels are now translatable.

2020.04.01 - version 1.1.0
* Feature - 'Gift Card received' e-mail content is now editable via 'WooCommerce > Settings > Emails'.
* Feature - Introduced 'Add to your account' action in recipient e-mails when the recipient e-mail can be associated with an active customer.
* Feature - Added ability to turn off redeeming store-wide.
* Fix - Gift card codes are now generated (and recipient notifications sent) when an order is paid - not when it is completed.

2020.03.23 - version 1.0.3
* Tweak - Gift Card form preserves data when switching Variations.

2020.03.21 - version 1.0.2
* Fix - Gift card product fields are now properly escaping quotes.
* Fix - Added compatibility with Name Your Price to let customers choose the value of their gift cards.

2020.03.18 - version 1.0.1
* Feature - Gift card messages are now treated as private/confidential data for shop managers.
* Fix - Gift cards can now be ordered again without hiccups.
* Fix - Gift card messages missing new line characters in some cases.

2020.03.16 - version 1.0.0
* Initial release.

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