WooCommerce PDF Invoices Changelog

The latest version is WooCommerce PDF Invoices 5.0.7, Released on November 11, 2024

Changelog for WooCommerce PDF Invoices

  *** WooCommerce PDF Invoice Changelog ***
2024.11.11 - version 5.0.7
 * Check payment_complete for creating invoice details
 * Fix missing Invoice number and date in some circumstances 

2024.07.23 - version 5.0.6
 * Fix email invoice from bulk actions

2024.05.13 - version 5.0.5
 * Fix remove meta boxes from subscriptions page

2024.02.07 - version 5.0.4
 * Fix Cannot access offset of type string on string

2024.02.07 - version 5.0.3
 * Fix fatal error when using MPDF
 * Fix deprecated functions in MPDF

2024.01.22 - version 5.0.2
 * Fix WC_pdf_debug does not have a method "woocommerce_invoice_details_meta_box"

2024.01.03 - version 5.0.1
 * Fix missing bulk export option for HPOS
 * Fix missing admin notices for bulk actions for HPOS

2023.12.14 - version 5.0.0
 * WC 8.3
 * HPOS Support
 * PHP 8.3
 * New filter for column widths
 * Fix bulk order actions not redirecting
 * Fix bulk order actions update messages
 * Fix create_email scheduled action failure

2023.06.29 - version 4.18.2
 * WC 7.8.0
 * Version bump
 * Individual filters for Order Details headings
 * Update fields for deletion
 * Update fields for subscription renewals

2023.06.09 - version 4.18.1
 * Ensure PDFs are attached to completed order email when order is completed during checkout
 * Only PDF Export class when required

2023.06.01 - version 4.18.0
 * WC 7.7.0
 * Unset DOMPDF object after PDF is generated for compatibility
 * Update PDFMerger for PHP 8.x compatibility
 * Make sure Send Class loads when editing an order
 * Update DOMPDF to version 2.0.3
 * Remove unnecessary fonts

2023.05.22 - version 4.17.3
 * WC 7.6.0
 * Fix - Check _wc_pdf_invoice_number and _invoice_number are not empty
 * Fix - "Undefined variable $zip"
 * Fix - make sure invoice is created at point order is created for pending order status.
 * Fix - move bulk emailing invoices to scheduled action
 * Fix - remove data-icon::after css
 * Fix - Change WC active check
 * Fix - Make sure PDF is attached to Order Note email.

2023.02.16 - version 4.17.2
 * Fix - Deprecated Subscriptions filters
 * Fix - PDF Export notice

2022.11.03 - version 4.17.1
 * Fix - Download from My Account page

2022.10.24 - version 4.17.0
 * Security - Additional checks when downloading invoices

2022.10.03 - version 4.16.3
 * Fix MPDF temp folder
 * Fix pdf_template_order_totals filter
 * Remove refund from get_pdf_order_totals

2022.09.26 - version 4.16.2
 * Add "Set Resources Folder" to System Status

2022.08.30 - version 4.16.1
 * Fix - System Status is PDF attached notice
 * Fix - Add is_null check to maybe_send_admin_email_on_creation
 * Fix - Make sure PDF_Invoice_Admin_PDF_Invoice is loaded before tigger()

2022.08.16 - version 4.16.0
 * Fix - Unsupported operand types: string + int
 * Fix - Fix for defaults before settings saved
 * New - Optionally send admin email when invoice is initially created.
 * WC 6.8

2022.05.31 - version 4.15.6
 * Add image for "paid in full"
 * Fix - Undefined variable $tax_display
 * New - PDFINVOICEADDITIONALCSS template tag. Use pdf_template_additional_template_css to add CSS to template file.

2022.04.01 - version 4.15.5
 * Bug - respect "Attach a PDF Invoice to the email or include a download link?" setting
 * Bug - make sure all invoice meta is deleted when invoice is deleted
 * Fix - Discounts modifying line prices, use $item methods to retrieve line prices.
 * New - Additional filters for functions limited by user role

2021.12.21 - version 4.15.4
 * Fix admin actions when using mPDF

2021.12.06 - version 4.15.3
 * New filter for post types allowed for invoices woocommerce_pdf_invoice_ignore_order_types
 * Fix logic check in get_invoice_display_invoice_num
 * New meta key _invoice_created_mysql specifically used when resetting invoice number option is YES
 * Upgrade - add _invoice_created_mysql for previous orders

2021.11.30 - version 4.15.2
 * Fix layout issue with mPDF generator
 * DOMPDF - set rendering backend to CPDF

2021.11.15 - version 4.15.1
 * Fix for invoices not attaching to emails at checkout
 * Fix bulk action 'create and email invoice'

2021.10.27 - version 4.15.0
 * WC 5.8
 * Filter for terms title (pdf_invioce_terms_title)
 * Filter for terms content (pdf_invioce_terms_content)
 * Filter for applying the_content (pdf_invioce_terms_content_apply_the_content)
 * New option to create invoice date when invoice is created.
 * Do not add date to invoice if no date is stored
 * Make sure display_invoice_number is created and update the order if it's missing
 * Additional classes and IDs for the template https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/pdf-invoice-developer-tools/#section-19
 * Fix "PHP Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool"
 * Fix download link test
 * Add option to overlay "Paid In Full"
 * Fix invoices not creating for Pending order status

2021.09.09 - version 4.14.4
 * Fix shipping tracking output logic

2021.09.07 - version 4.14.3
 * Fix shipping tracking output

2021.08.03 - version 4.14.2
 * Fix terms template multipage issue

2021.08.03 - version 4.14.1
 * Remove debugging code.

2021.08.03 - version 4.14.0
 * Add {{ordernumber}} to filename variables
 * WC 5.5
 * WooCommerce Shipment Tracking
 * Make sure terms template is not affected by email template setting
 * Make sure terms template uses correct font
 * Fix Undefined array key "pdf_suffix"
 * Change WC version requirement (3.5.0)

2021.05.15 - version 4.13.4
 * Fix php notices in PHP helper tab
 * Make sure partial refund emails have PDF attached if required
 * Remove some button CSS
 * Remove deprecated $order methods

2021.05.15 - version 4.13.3
 * Fix System Status enabled emails showing X
 * Check if Theme Editor is available / available for logged in user
 * Make sure downloads and emails use the same template file.

2021.05.06 - version 4.13.2
 * Restrict missing logo admin notice to WC manager

2021.04.18 - version 4.13.1
 * Fix Uncaught Exception: PDFlib::get_value()

2021.04.17 - version 4.13.0
 * Version bump

2021.04.01 - version 4.12.1
 * Optionally store the logo in the invoice meta, allows old invoices to keep the logo used when created
 * new filter to allow no PDF to be attached based on custom variable pdf_invoice_custom_no_pdf_required
 * Move PDF Invoice debugging info to WC System Status for ease. 
 * Rename PDF Debugging tab to Admin functions.
 * Remove unnecessary logging from zip exporting
 * If not using sequential invoice numbers then use $order->get_order_number() not $order_id for compatibility with Sequential Order Numbers plugins
 * Rework PDF download link in order meta box
 * Add option to set Chroot see https://github.com/dompdf/dompdf/wiki/Usage#security-restrictions-for-local-files
 * Missing Logo admin notice
 * WC 5.2

2021.03.18 - version 4.12.0
 * Fix wc_pdf_invoice_number not saving
 * Fix invoice date formating
 * Fix invoice download link in order MetaBox
 * WC 5.1

2021.03.18 - version 4.11.1
 * Compatibility with WOOCS - WooCommerce Currency Switcher
 * PHP 8
 * New option to override woocommerce_tax_display_cart for showing taxes in order totals section
 * New filter pdf_invoice_order_item_totals to modify $order->get_order_item_totals() before output

2021.01.29 - version 4.11.0
 * Version bump to correct changelog date
 * Create PDF template file in theme folder
 * Link to make customising template easier

2020.01.26 - version 4.10.2
 * Option to fix invoice dates in PDF Invoice -> Debugging tab

2020.01.14 - version 4.10.1
 * Make sure _wc_pdf_invoice_number is respected
 * Get correct date for order meta box
 * WC 4.9

2020.12.07 - version 4.10.0
 * Update PHP version requirements
 * Show hidden order meta to make finding custom fields easier
 * Add Sabberworm CSS Parser for SVG logos
 * Add PDFORDERFEES so that any fees from the order can be added to the invoice when not using PDFORDERTOTALS
 * Add _wc_pdf_invoice_number to order meta to avoid compatibility issues

2020.11.11 - version 4.9.2
 * New filter for invoice date apply_filters( 'woocommerce_pdf_nvoices_set_invoice_date', $return, $order_id );

2020.11.08 - version 4.9.1
 * Add option for RTL
 * New template placeholder for RTL
 * Filter for RTL placeholder

2020.10.28 - version 4.9.0
 * Add mPDF and option to choose between DomPDF and mPDF
 * Combine font folders for DomPDF and mPDF

2020.10.23 - version 4.8.1
 * Fix Logo not showing
 * Remove deprecate WC function 

2020.10.21 - version 4.8.0
 * Fix Remote Logo setting
 * Fix for PHP 7.4 deprecated function
 * Update to DOMPDF 0.8.6
 * Basic RTL support

2020.08.27 - version 4.7.4
 * Version bump

2020.08.27 - version 4.7.3
 * Make sure shop_manager can save PDF Invoice options.
 * test for deprecated function $order->get_product_from_item( $item )

2020.08.11 - version 4.7.2
 * Fix compatibility with order export plugin.
 * Add invoice details to XML order export plugin.

2020.07.30 - version 4.7.1
 * Filter to show coupon codes in order totals pdf_invoice_display_coupons
 * Additional logging
 * Fix Vat Number filter
 * Fix Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'WC_pdf_functions' 

2020.07.04 - version 4.7.0
 * Remove shipping address for virtual orders
 * Move bulk action "Create and Email Invoices" to scheduler to avoid issues when trying to invoice multiple orders.
 * Add option to create and email invoices for past orders - uses scheduler.
 * Add invoice number meta to order search.
 * use wp_upload_dir instead of ABSPATH for logo.
 * Fix settings check for download link on Thank you page.
 * Additional messages for PDF Invoice actions in edit order.

2020.05.29 - version 4.6.7
 * Fix 'WC_pdf_admin_functions' does not have a method 'restrict_manage_post_types'

2020.05.25 - version 4.6.6
 * Add option to "Attach a PDF Invoice to the email or include a download link?" to not send PDFs
 * Filters to set user role
 * - pdf_invoice_allowed_user_role_pdf_invoice_delete_invoices
 * - pdf_invoice_allowed_user_role_pdf_invoice_past_orders
 * - pdf_invoice_allowed_user_role_pdf_invoice_woocommerce_order_actions

2020.04.20 - version 4.6.5
 * PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type bool
 * Test for GD (prevent fatal errors)
 * Set default options to prevent Undefined index in settings

2020.03.30 - version 4.6.4
 * Fixes for PHP 7.4

2020.03.24 - version 4.6.3
 * Fix paper size and orientation.
 * Clean up template footer - remove unused fields.

2020.03.20 - version 4.6.2
 * Change get_invoice_payment_method_title to use order object
 * Change barcode output, remove Barcode library
 * Support for all barcode types in WooCommerce Order Barcodes.

2020.03.13 - version 4.6.1
 * New option to create invoices manually rather than automatically.
 * Remove "Download invoice" from admin if creation method is manual and no invoice has been created
 * Fix tmp check for shared hosting.
 * Fix missing terms and conditions page contents.

2020.02.24 - version 4.6.0
 * "File Only" set as default option.
 * New option to set alternative font for currency symbol.
 * Kelvinch and Symbola fonts added.
 * WC 4.0
 * Update POT file.

2020.02.05 - version 4.5.5
 * Filter for isHtml5ParserEnabled
 * Fix enable_subsetting always being true
 * Fix for Completed Renewal emails created with bulk actions

2020.01.27 - version 4.5.4
 * Update order meta with '_invoice_created' date
 * Fix possible missing invoice date
 * Fix annual number reset
 * Allow invoice creation for manual subscriptions and manual renewals

2019.12.13 - version 4.5.3
 * Download link or attachment option
 * Fix email trigger fatal error when WC Admin plugin is active
 * Fix incorrectly labeled pdf_registered_address 

2019.11.28 - version 4.5.2
 * Fix for non-sequential invoice numbers
 * Merge fix forPDFORDERDISCOUNT not displaying coupons and discount

2019.11.18 - version 4.5.1
 * Fix Uncaught Error: Call to a member function trigger() on null
 * Update transaltions

2019.11.13 - version 4.5.0
 * Move Cron tasks to Action Scheduler
 * Make sure temporary PDFs and Zip files are deleted hourly.
 * Filter for "$next_invoice"
 * PDF invoice email for resending the invoice to a customer from order list or individual order
 * Allow individual invoices to be deleted or created (requires debugging to be on and admin only)
 * MOAR filters!
 * Change the way the next invoice number is checked for.
 * Begin cleaning up some methods.
 * WooCommerce 3.8 
 * Fix PDFORDERDISCOUNT not displaying coupons and discount

2019.09.30 - version 4.4.5
 * Improve Bulk Exporting, better error handling and logging
 * ZipArchive enabled/version added to PDF Invoices debugging tab
 * Make sure thank you page displays invoice link if invoice exists
 * Add classes and counter to product lines and table header (see docs)

2019.09.23 - version 4.4.4
 * PHP 7.3 fixes
 * Fix switched tool tips in settings

2019.09.21 - version 4.4.3
 * Filter the template file
 * Fix wrong date for "Order date" if setting is "Use completed date"

2019.01.25 - version 4.4.2
 * Fix date formats localisation in bulk edits

2019.01.25 - version 4.4.1
 * Filter PDF tmp folder
 * Filter to stop PDFs from being deleted from tmp folder
 * Fix date formats localisation
2018.11.12 - version 4.4.0
 * Make sure SiteOrigin Page Builder can't mess with the terms and conditions
 * Make sure zip files are deleted
 * Make sure product lines are correct for orders with discounts
 * Hash PDF Export zip file name
 * pdf_invoice_no_pdf filter to allow for conditional PDF creation : https://gist.github.com/ChromeOrange/17c65ece5df7e7f032922c87b6f59a00

2018.11.09 - version 4.3.4
 * Update languages

2018.11.07 - version 4.3.3
 * WooCommerce 3.5
 * Fix $$

2018.10.22 - version 4.3.2
 * Fix Fatal error: Call to a member function get_row() on null
 * Fix line items if order is edited

2018.10.17 - version 4.3.1
 * General function tidy
 * Rework dates

2018.09.27 - version 4.3.0
 * Drop down option to create invoices for selected orders
 * Drop down option to update invoice meta, for example date formats - debug mode only.
 * Add Date to invoice number column, includes filter to make adjustments as required.

2018.09.20 - version 4.2.1
 * Filter for barcodes

2018.09.17 - version 4.2.0
 * New metabox of PDF meta when debugging
 * Help tab

2018.08.14 - version 4.1.13
 * check for other version of FPDF

2018.08.06 - version 4.1.12
 * Fix SQL error for subscription renewals.

2018.08.02 - version 4.1.11

2018.06.21 - version 4.1.10
 * WC 3.4 notice
 * Set DOMPDF temp and log directories - fixes issues when tmp directory is not writable
 * missing exit; on redirects.
 * Fix tool tip css in settings
 * Changes to htaccess to allow zip files.
 * Add css class to order content table shop_table ordercontent

2018.05.21 - Version 4.1.9
 * Fix Using $this when not in object context
 * non-static method should not be called statically

2018.05.20 - Version 4.1.8
 * Fix Using $this when not in object context

2018.05.18 - version 4.1.7
 * Add filter for item name (pdf_invoice_item_name) 
 * Fix Add filter (pdf_invoice_order_status_array) so invoices can be created at non-standard order statues

2018.05.10 - version 4.1.6
 * Add shipping method tag to header of template 

2018.04.19 - version 4.1.5
 * Add filter to invoice_link_thanks
 * Fix incorrect date for non-standard date formats
 * Add filter (pdf_invoice_order_status_array) so invoices can be created at non-standard order statues

2018.03.06 - version 4.1.4
 * Fix Class 'WooCommercePDFInvoice\PhpEvaluator' not found
 * Add filter so that Orders can be completed without generating an invoice eg free orders
 * Add filter so that PDF is not attached to emails but invoice is still available

2018.02.12 - version 4.1.3
 * Version Bump

2018.02.08 - version 4.1.2
 * Make sure $order_id is included in all filters
 * Fix for Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Using $this when not in object context
 * Fix for Fatal error: Class 'Dompdf\Helpers' not found
 * Add filter to $page_id for terms page
 * Rename HTML5_Data and HTML5_Tokenizer Classes to avoid conflicts

2018.01.11 - version 4.1.1
 * Make sure other attachments are returned even if there is no PDF
 * CSS fixes for WC 3.3
 * Make sure the date format is correct

2017.12.04 - version 4.1.0
 * Support for WooCommerce Order Barcodes
 * Fix missing invoice date for invoices created when the orders is completed
 * Add backup for invoice meta - get_post_meta($order_id, '_invoice_meta', TRUE)
 * Check for mbstring to prevent fatal errors.

2017.11.29 - version 4.0.1
 * Fix Uncaught Error: Call to a member function set_payment_method()

2017.11.22 - version 4.0.0
 * Add Invoice creation for manual subscription renewals.
 * Additional filters for invoice content.
 * Code tidy (move filename to it's own function).
 * Add order note for invoice creation
 * Use correct Invoice creation date and time - respect site time zone
 * Fix "Doing it wrong PHP Notice:  status was called"
 * Version 1 of PDF Export

2017.10.17 - version 3.7.7
 * Add Bookings meta
 * Woo update headers
 * WC tested up to headers
 * Change default font to DejaVu Sans - more compatibility.
 * Fix Completed/Order invoice date option
 * Update CSV Export compatibility (WC 3.0 tweaks)

2017.08.17 - version 3.7.6
 * stripslashes from $pdflines (issue with Box Office)
 * Rename DOMPDF classes to avoid conflicts

2017.07.19 - version 3.7.5
 * Fix PDF not being attached during order process

2017.06.26 - version 3.7.4
 * Fix Undefined Constant meta_output
 * Fix meta output
 * Improve meta layout

2017.06.19 - version 3.7.3
 * Prevents conflict with other plugins that use DOMPDF

2017.05.25 - version 3.7.2
 * Reword “invoice old orders†setting
 * Clean up file name
 * if {{invoicedate}} is used in filename and there is no invoice date use order date instead
 * filter $user_id
 * WooCommerce 3.1 support

2017.05.02 - version 3.7.1
 * Version number bump

2017.04.26 - version 3.7.0
 * Exit is not needed after return
 * Better error handling
 * Attach PDF to any available email
 * Fix PDF not being attached to certain order statuses.

2017.04.10 - version 3.6.0
 * Option to delete all invoice numbers - USE WITH CAUTION!
 * Make debug page translatable

2017.01.02 - version 3.5.0
 * WooCommerce 3.0.0 compatibility 

2017.03.21 - version 3.4.2
 * Correct spelling on settings page
 * Add notice for missing PHP function iconv
 * update debugging screen

2017.03.16 - version 3.4.1
 * Fix - Deprecated: Non-static method WC_send_pdf::send_test_pdf()

2017.03.15 - version 3.4.0
 * PHP 7 Updates - Update PDFMerger
 * Fix fatal error “Using $this when not in object contextâ€

2016.11.16 - version 3.3.0
 * Enhancement - Add option to reduce file size.
 * Enhancement - Add all Sequential Order Numbers Pro order number modifiers, see docs.
 * Enhancement - Template modifications to force logo width to 340px.

2016.09.29 - version 3.2.5
 * Maintenance - reduce file size

2016.08.30 - version 3.2.4
 * Fix - invoice not attaching for on-hold orders
 * Maintenance - Version 4 support for Customer/Order CSV Export

2016.07.06 - version 3.2.3
 * Fix - Fatal error: Class 'WC_send_pdf’ when sending test

2016.06.27 - version 3.2.2
 * Fix - Use sequential order number
 * Maintenance - Only load DOMPDF if necessary
 * Maintenance - Update ‘My Account’ download for WC 2.6

2016.05.11 - version 3.2.1
 * Fix - double .pdf extension for standard downloads.

2016.04.21 - version 3.2.0
 * Enhancement - update DOMPDF to latest version.
 * Enhancement - filter the file name.
 * Enhancement - F and M to file name.
 * Enhancement - Add upload logo button to settings.
 * Enhancement - Allow remote logos
 * Fix - allow {{year}} and {{YEAR}} in invoice name suffix
 * Fix - check for WP Engine to avoid caching invoice numbers :/

2016.02.15 - version 3.1.9
 * Enhancement - invoice number padding
 * Enhancement - Add support for Taxamo
 * Fix - Remove first option in Invoice Creation Method dropdown

2015.12.14 - versio 3.1.8
 * fix - / in file names

2015.11.23 - version 3.1.7
 * Fix - get correct currency for line items
 * Enhancement - Add Refunds to order total.

2015.11.13 - version 3.1.5
 * Enhancement - Add filter for item meta

2015.11.05 - version 3.1.4
 * Enhancement - add {{invoicedate}} variable to invoice number
 * Fix - admin download link

2015.10.11 - version 3.1.2
 * Fix - Subs 2 functions
 * Fix - settings field name

2015.07.27 - version 3.1.1
 * Fix - undefined index annual_restart
 * Fix - undefined index pdf_creation
 * WC 2.4 Support

2015.05.24 - version 3.1.0
 * Fix - download link not working for guests
 * Fix - product lines when coupon is used
 * Enhancement - option to force file downloads only
 * Enhancement - option to reset invoice number to 1 each year.
 * Enhancement - allow year in filename.

2015.04.30 - version 3.0.3
 * Subscriptions compatibility 

2015.04.26 - version 3.0.2
 * better temp file handling 
 * add htaccess to temp folder
 * Add support for Customer/Order CSV Export
 * Fix price display when discounts are applied

2015.03.25 - version 3.0.1
 * version bump to avoid conflicts

2015.02.15 - version 1.3.0
 * Use get_order_item_totals instead of separate order total sections
 * compatibility with fees API
 * fix My Account URL check

2015.01.15 - version 1.2.16
 * Fixed strict standards on image method having same argument types as parent
 * Fixed suppress buffer clean error if there are no buffer to clean
 * Fixed is_active_plugin function being called out of admin init context causing error
 * Fixed strict standards calling method from a non static context
2014.05.24 - version 1.2.15
 * move past orders check
 * Update language file handling.

2014.05.114 - version 1.2.14
 * Fix Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mb_substr() 

2014.04.21 - version 1.2.13
 * Add support for Free Sequential Order Numbers

2014.03.27 - version 1.2.12
 * fix bugs created in previous version

2014.03.24 - version 1.2.11
 * Change tax labels to use stored order values
 * Show all tax rates and labels, not just total 
 * add all order discounts to discount section

2014.03.10 - version 1.2.10
 * bug fix for non stored company details
 * Support for WPML
 * Support for Currency Switcher
2014.02.09 - version 1.2.9
 * Store company details with order for future proofing.
 * Check image URL for HTTP/HTTPS and match current URL.
 * Fix for strict standards notices

2014.01.22 - version 1.2.8
 * WooCommerce 2.1
 * New Admin font icons instead of images for WC 2.1.
 * Add ‘Coupons Used’ to order total discount section if a coupon was used.
 * Tweak for Safari .HTML

2013.12.15 - version 1.2.7
 * Remove unnecessary files
 * Fix .HTML in Safari
 * use date_i18n
 * fix missed translation in meta box
 * Stop using temp folder and start using wp-content/pdfinvoices/ where possible
 * CRON task to empty folder once a day
 * remove Order Note if $order->customer_note empty

2013.11.13 - version 1.2.5
 * Fix Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mb_substr()
 * Additional warnings on main settings screen if font / temp directories are not writable

2013.10.28 - version 1.2.4
 * Fix language issues for some non-latin alphabets
 * Add languages folder
 * Remove PDF encryption, causes problems with fonts.
 * Support for Google Fonts

2013.10.18 - version 1.2.3
 * Fix Changelog
 * Fix templating bug that prevented order info being used when adding additional info
 * Better Invoice creation logic
 * Add pending to the list of invoice creation options
 * Updated font library

2013.09.30 - Version 1.2.2
 * Add OnHold orders to the list that can have an invoice
 * Compatibility with EU VAT Number Extension

2013.09.27 - Version 1.2.1
 * Interim version for a couple of customers

2013.09.25 - Version 1.2.0
 * Added debugging tab
 * Fix generate invoices when order is marked processing
 * Fix logic for when to generate invoices
 * Fix - The pdf invoice numbers seem to go out of sequence with order numbers when an order fails
 * Replace text-domain constant with 'text-domain' #doingitproperly
 * Add additional page for terms and conditions etc using http://pdfmerger.codeplex.com/
 * Send test email with small PDF attachment

2013.09.12 - Version 1.1.3
 * Fix adding additional content to invoice template

2013.08.30 - Version 1.1.2
 * Prevent copying from Invoice
 * Fix for empty array of "other emails"

2013.08.30 - Version 1.1.1
 * Calculation bug fix (Thanks Dom)

2013.08.29 - Version 1.1.0
 * Bug fix for PHP bug 4144
 * New features

2013.08.03 - Version 1.0.2
 * Invoice Date cleared if order not completed

2013.07.11 - Version 1.0.1
 * Template Update

2013.07.11 - Version 1.0.0
 * First Release

Get WooCommerce PDF Invoices Version 5.0.7 with 12 months of updates for just $10!

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