WooCommerce Recommendation Engine Changelog

The latest version is WooCommerce Recommendation Engine 3.4.4, Released on July 17, 2024

Changelog for WooCommerce Recommendation Engine

  *** WooCommerce Recommendation Engine Changelog ***
2024.07.17 - version 3.4.4
    * WC and WP Updates.
    * Update: Do not drop the recommendations table when the plugin is deactivated.  This will allow the plugin to pick up where it left off when reactivated.

2024.07.03 - version 3.4.3
    * WC and WP Updates.
    * Update: Do not drop the session table when the plugin is deactivated.  This will allow the plugin to pick up where it left off when reactivated.

2024.01.01 - version 3.4.2
    * Fix: Tweaks to the enhanced security to format HTML properly.

2023.12.21 - version 3.4.1
    * Fix: Fix one remaining issue with the legacy code which was used to support older versions of WC.
    * Updates: Updates to satisfy the security scanner.

2023.12.21 - version 3.4.0
    * Update: Remove legacy code, which was used to support older versions of WC.
    * Update: WC and WP Updates.
    * Update: PHP 8.2+ compatibility.

2023.09.08 - version 3.3.1
    * Update: WC and WP Updates.
    * Update: HPOS compatibility.
    * Fix: Correctly sort the Recommended Widget by the correct direction when using the "Also Viewed" type.

2023.05.12 - version 3.3.0
    * Update: WC and WP Updates.
    * Update: Remove hidden and products which are not available to the current user.
    * Update: Remove legacy code, which was used to support older versions of WC.
    * Update: Remove legacy async rebuild script.

2022.06.08 - version 3.2.9
    * Fix: Fix view template for the shortcode, woocommerce_related_products_by_status when using the completed status.
    * Update:  Include new filters when rebuilding items directly from the admin dashboard.
    * Update:  WC and WP Updates.

2022.01.12 - version 3.2.8
    * New:  New filter, woocommerce_recommender_purchased_together_status, which will allow you to change the status that purchased together is built from.
                add_filter('woocommerce_recommender_purchased_together_status', function($status) { return 'processing'; });

    * New:  New filter, woocommerce_recommender_also_purchased_status, which allows you to change the status the Also Purchased is rebuild from.
                add_filter('woocommerce_recommender_also_purchased_status', function($status) { return 'processing'; });
    * Update:  WC and WP Updates.

2021.07.14 - version 3.2.7
    * Update:  WC and WP Updates.

2021.02.12 - version 3.2.6
    * Update:  WP and WC version compatibility tags.

2020.11.27 - version 3.2.5
    * New:  Added filter to disable recording a product into history.  Can be used to disable recording in specific situations, such as for administrators.
            apply_filters('wc_recommender_record_product', true, $product_id, $session_id, $user_id, $order_id, $activity_type)
    * Update:  WP and WC version compatibility tags.

2020.08.18 - version 3.2.4
    * Fix:  Check for WC()->session before attempting to use it in the shortcodes.
    * Update:  When using the shortcode on a page of the site other than a product page, and when the user has never interacted with the site before, grab the top
                product for the activity status requested in the shortcode.  This product ID will be used for the comparision.
    * Update:  Fix deprecated call to woocommerce_reset_loop.
    * New:  Added shortcodes for the three different recommendation types.  Must be used on a single product page.
        * woocommerce_recommender_viewed_products
        * woocommerce_recommender_purchased_products
        * woocommerce_recommender_purchased_together

2020.04.06 - version 3.2.3
    * New:  Added a shortcode which can be used anywhere on the site to display Also Viewed and Also Purchased type recommendations.  The recommendations are based on the
            users browsing history.
            Basic Syntax:  woocommerce_related_products_by_status label="Based on your viewing history" type="viewed"
            Type can be either "viewed" or "completed"

2019.09.17 - version 3.2.2
    * Update: Add additional checking before starting the WC session.
    * Update: Fix widget so that it uses a select box instead of a checkbox array for selecting which items to display.

2019.05.03 - version 3.2.1
    * Fix:  Correct issue with missing function in < WC 3.6

2019.04.19 - version 3.2.0
    * New:  Add WP CLI command.   wp wc_recommender_rebuild.  Rebuilds all recommendations.
    * New:  Add WP ClI coommand.  wp wc_recommender_install.  Installs stats from order history.
    * Update:  Don't load session if WC API request.

2018.10.23 - version 3.1.12
    * Update:  Tested to WC 3.5.0

2018.08.22 - version 3.1.11
    * Update:  Version bump for WC and WP.

2018.03.05 - version 3.1.10
    * Update: Update path finding for the CLI script.
        To use the CLI script configure a cron job to execute php <path-to-your-wordpress-plugin-dir>/woocommerce-recommendation-engine/woocommerce-recommender-cli-script.php

2018.02.05 - version 3.1.9
    * Fix:  Typo in DB query for frequently purchased together.

2017.10.31 - version 3.1.8
    * Fix:  Properly show / hide the Cancel button on the Recommendations admin tab.
    * Fix:  Fix issue with older PHP versions during plugin activation.

2017.10.03 - version 3.1.7
    * Update:  Add view for entire session history table.
    * Update:  Add ability to truncate session history table to prevent issues with recommendation build timing out.
    * Update:  Add better visual indicators when rebuilding recommendations for specific products.
    * Update:  Update rebuild function to only process products which could have a potential match.
    * Update:  Update Maintenance to allow rebuilding specific recommendation types for performance reasons.

2017.08.31 - version 3.1.6
    * Update:  Reverse sort order on Also Viewed to properly show products in order of relevance.

2017.08.31 - version 3.1.5
    * Fix:  Update for WC 3.x to remove notice about accessing order properties directly.
    * Update:  Add Woo header for automatic updates and subscriptions.

2017.03.28 - version 3.1.4
    * Update: WC 3.0.0 Ready
    * Update: Fix the rebuild column in the search results of recommendations.
    * Update: Remove some debug statements which were committed.

2017.02.16 - version 3.1.3
    * Fix:  Fix deprecated esc_like statement causing search to fail.

2016.12.22 - version 3.1.2
    * Fix:  Correct issue where the "Rebuild Recommendations" action would hang in the admin.

2016.10.26 - version 3.1.1
	* Update:  Use "RollingCurl" library to execute the cron job build jobs asynchronously.

2016.02.04 - version 3.0.3
	* Updated languages folder path, is now /languages.
	* Added .pot file for translators.

2016.01.04 - version 3.0.2
	* Correction:  Spelling error corrections on admin screen.

2015.12.04 - version 3.0.1
	* Fix:  Correct the count for the Orders column on recommendations maintenance screen.

2015.07.17 - version 3.0.0
	* Feature:  Added Recommendations admin area for viewing and managing recommendations.
	* Feature:  Added admin area to rebuild all recommendations based on recorded activity.
	* Feature:  Added admin area to install statistics based on order history before the plugin was activated.

2015.04.21 - version 2.1.2
* Fix - Potential XSS with add_query_arg

2015.02.20 - version 2.1.1
	* Fix:  Only start a session on front end requests.
	* Fix:  Do not start a session on WP_CRON jobs.

2014.08.13 - version 2.1.0
	* Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.2.x
	* Fixes session ID recording issues.
	* Removed the stats generation part of the installation script.  This is now handled via the cron job.  Recommendations will not be present until
		the cron job has run for the first time.
	* Changed default column layout to be 2 columns instead of 4.

2014.05.21 - version 2.0.3
	* Fix problem in installation script with duplicate key defined error.
	* Fix memory and timeout issue in installation script by limiting the processing of only the last 500 orders.
	* Fix to installation script to make sure that items returned from the order are a complete woocommerce product.
	* Fix problem where WooCommerce is not always returning a product object from get_product_from_item();

2014.04.29 - version 2.0.2
	* Update table schema to change the column 'key' to 'rkey' to prevent various MYSQL issues.

2014.04.08 - version 2.0.1
	* Update to installer to account for duplicate primary key issue with dbDelta().

2014.02.15 - version 2.0.0
	* Calculate scores twicedaily via WP Cron.

2014.01.07 - version 1.2.0
	* 2.1 Compatibility
	* 2.1 - Modified installation hook priority to 99 to allow the woocommerce taxononmies to be registered first.

2014.01.03 - version 1.1.0
	* Major change to the way the data is collected and calculated.  Only a single query is executed, dramatically reducing the
		overall load on the MYSQL server and improving performance.

2013.07.22 - version 1.0.2
	* Update: Only install stats on first installation / activation of the plugin
	* Update: Modified the SQL statement to create / alter table to get rid of the duplicate primary key warning.

2013.07.15 - version 1.0.1
	* Update: Added Admin Settings to allow users to easily configure the total items and number
		total number of columns to display the items in.

2013.06.26 - version 1.0
 * First Release

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