The latest version is WooCommerce Canada Post Shipping 3.0.4, Released on December 2, 2024
Changelog for WooCommerce Canada Post Shipping
*** Canada Post ***
2024-12-02 - version 3.0.4
* Fix - Ensure country and postcode are not empty for US and CA destination before fetching rates.
2024-11-05 - version 3.0.3
* Fix - Extra Small Flat Rate Box and Registered Mail costs.
2024-10-22 - version 3.0.2
* Tweak - WordPress 6.7 and WooCommerce 9.3 compatibility.
2024-08-22 - version 3.0.1
* Fix - Fatal error: `Uncaught TypeError: property_exists()`.
2024-07-16 - version 3.0.0
* Add - Debug mode compatibility with WooCommerce Blocks.
2024-07-02 - version 2.9.5
* Tweak - WP 6.6 compatibility.
2024-06-24 - version 2.9.4
* Update - Adjust shipping rates.
2024-04-29 - version 2.9.3
* Fix - Invalid address error when using Apple Pay and Google Pay.
2024-03-25 - version 2.9.2
* Tweak - WP 6.5 compatibility.
2024-03-12 - version 2.9.1
* Fix - Adjust minimum weight handling.
2024-01-30 - version 2.9.0
* Add - Extra small flat rate box.
* Fix - WordPress Coding Standards.
2023-10-10 - version 2.8.4
* Update - Security update.
2023-10-03 - version 2.8.3
* Update - Security update.
2023-09-05 - version 2.8.2
* Tweak - PHP 8.2 compatibility
2023-05-31 - version 2.8.1
* Update - Security update.
2023-04-12 - version 2.8.0
* Update - Flat rates cost.
2023-01-02 - version 2.7.1
* Fix - Error on PHP 8.1 when WC Shipping & Tax is also activated.
2022-11-07 - version 2.7.0
* Add - Declared High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) compatibility.
2022-09-06 - version 2.6.1
* Fix - Exclude unnecessary files from plugin zip file.
2022-08-03 - version 2.6.0
* Tweak - WC 6.6 and WP 6.0 compatibility.
* Fix - Make sure the dimensions information are in order ( L x W x H ).
2022-01-05 - version 2.5.27
* Fix - Missing Languages folder and .pot file in release-ready zip file.
2021-12-13 - version 2.5.26
* Fix - Make sure we don't cache API error message responses.
* Tweak - WC 5.9 compatibility.
2021-09-29 - version 2.5.25
* Fix - Add wrapping tag to parcel XML string to fix error when Additional Options are used.
2021-09-21 - version 2.5.24
* Fix - Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to WC_Shipping_Canada_Post::maybe_get_packed_box_details().
2021-08-31 - version 2.5.23
* Add - Canada Post Flat Rates.
2021-08-24 - version 2.5.22
* Fix - Round all coverage/signature prices to 2 decimal places.
2021-08-12 - version 2.5.21
* Add - Package dimensions to order shipping details.
* Fix - Remove unnecessary classes from Register/Connect button.
2021-07-13 - version 2.5.20
* Tweak - Canada Post debug mode message.
2020-09-23 - version 2.5.19
* Tweak - WC 4.5 compatibility.
2020-08-14 - version 2.5.18
* Fix - Replace deprecated jQuery methods.
* Tweak - WordPress 5.5 compatibility.
2020-06-10 - version 2.5.17
* Tweak - WC 4.2 compatibility.
2020-04-29 - version 2.5.16
* Add - Add support for "Mailing Tube" option
2020-02-26 - version 2.5.15
* Tweak - WC 4.0 compatibility.
* Tweak - Remove legacy code.
2020-02-04 - version 2.5.14
* Fix - Use proper escape for attributes.
2020-01-30 - version 2.5.13
* Update - Adjust shipping rates to match January 2020 rate updates.
2020-01-13 - version 2.5.12
* Tweak - WC 3.9 compatibility.
* Fix - Cost adjustments excluded from base rates.
2019-11-04 - version 2.5.11
* Tweak - WC 3.8 compatibility.
2019-08-08 - version 2.5.10
* Tweak - WC 3.7 compatibility.
2019-05-16 - version 2.5.9
* Update - All shipping rates from Feb 2019 rate update.
2019-04-16 - version 2.5.8
* Tweak - WC 3.6 compatibility.
2018-10-17 - version 2.5.7
* Fix - Delivery time estimates do not show when a custom rate label is used.
* Update - WC 3.5 compatibility.
2018-05-22 - version 2.5.6
* Update - Privacy policy notification.
* Update - WC 3.4 compatibility.
2018-01-11 - version 2.5.5
* Fix - Bail out with debug log instead of WC notice for package dimension calculations.
2017-12-14 - version 2.5.4
* Update - WC tested up to version.
2017-06-05 - version 2.5.3
* Tweak - Added links (currency and base country/region) in warning notices to general settings page.
* Fix - Notice of undefined variable `$request` when pack items individually with some options enabled.
* Fix - Issue where coverage value is not rounded to cents.
* Fix - Don't display connection notice if shipping is disabled.
2017-04-27 - version 2.5.2
* Fix - Non object error on API request.
* Fix - Remove double settings title.
2017-04-03 - version 2.5.1
* Tweak - Updated all deprecated WooCommerce API calls.
* Tweak - Allow third-party code to alter lettermail box dimensions and rates.
* Fix - Update for WooCommerce 3.0 compatibility.
2016-10-07 - version 2.5.0
* Add - Support for WooCommerce 2.6+ shipping zones.
* Update - Change plugin main file name to woocommerce-shipping-canada-post.
* Update - Text domain name to woocommerce-shipping-canada-post.
* Update - Weight to be passed via 3 decimal places to make rate more accurate.
2016-08-01 - version 2.4.4
* Fix - Ensure we check if plugin is enabled before processing logic.
2016-05-29 - version 2.4.3
* Fix - Issue where Canada Post API returns an error if there are more than 2
digits after the comma.
* Fix - Round up to minimum weight needed, 0.01, for shipping per item and box
packing method.
* Fix - Incorrect setting link when WooCommerce 2.6 is used
2015-11-27 - version 2.4.2
* New - Adds "Library Books" rate to the list of available rates.
2015-09-29 - version 2.4.1
* Fixed variable package being overwritten in packages loop.
* Added tooltips.
2015-05-23 - version 2.4.0
* Move prices to top of file
* Update prices based on and
* Add US and International Letter-post prices
* Enable proof of age and signature options.
2014-10-13 - version 2.3.6
* Update box packer
2014-10-08 - version 2.3.5
* Updated box packer.
2014-06-03 - version 2.3.4
* Prevent autoloading of transients by setting expirey.
2014-04-08 - version 2.3.3
* Lettermail price update
2014-02-10 - version 2.3.2
* Leave out contract ID for counter rates
2014-02-10 - version 2.3.1
* Added a weight based packing option
2014-01-01 - version 2.3.0
* Fixed rate names
* New registration system - integrates with Canada Post Reg API. You need to re-connect your account after upgrading to this version using the button in admin.
* Changed the method in which results are cached to improve performance
* 2.1 compatibility
* Include adjustments when using base pricing
* Under guidance from Canada Post, removed proof of age options (that don't affect costs)
* Under guidance from Canada Post, removed delivery options (that don't affect costs)
2013-11-01 - version 2.2.3
* Added box name field to track your boxes easily
2013-10-31 - version 2.2.2
2013-10-30 - version 2.2.1
* Added missing LVM USA rates
2013-09-30 - version 2.2.0
* Added non-API lettermail rates
* Split up additonal options to avoid conflicts
2013-07-22 - version 2.1.3
* Hook for origin
2013-04-29 - version 2.1.2
* Fix negative % adjustment
2013-04-04 - version 2.1.1
* Fix virtual check when box packing
2013-04-02 - version 2.1.0
* Debug mode is now a separate option for convenience.
* Mark down prices using the price adjustment fields
2013-03-12 - version 2.0.9
* Due vs base option
2013-01-23 - version 2.0.8
* Add contract-id option.
* Add interliner rates
2013-01-23 - version 2.0.6
* Fix outer dimensions in box packer
* Ensure rates are available for all packages
2013-01-21 - version 2.0.5
* Localised rate names
2013-01-18 - version 2.0.4
* International tracked packet
2013-01-18 - version 2.0.3
* Allow negative adjustment to prices
* Fix decimal places on dimensions
2013-01-17 - version 2.0.2
* Added Canada Post Tracked Packet
2013-01-15 - version 2.0.1
* Fixed a notice
* Fix weight conversion decimal places
2013-01-04 - version 2.0.0
* Complete rewrite using Canada Posts new Rating API
Get WooCommerce Canada Post Shipping Version 3.0.4 with 12 months of updates for just $25!
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