WooCommerce Store Credit Changelog

The latest version is WooCommerce Store Credit 4.5.4, Released on June 6, 2024

Changelog for WooCommerce Store Credit

  *** Store Credit for WooCommerce Changelog ***

2024-06-06 - version 4.5.4
* Tweak - Update the store credit notice styling and template
* Fix - Ensure that the notice is displayed correctly even after the store credit is removed from the cart
* Misc - Ensure the plugin does not activate if WooCommerce is not active
* Misc - Require PHP 7.4 or newer

2024-04-29 - version 4.5.3
* Fix - Fix issue where credits did not appear for users with capital letters in their email address

2024-03-26 - version 4.5.2
* Misc - Update brand to Kestrel

2024-02-21 - version 4.5.1
* Tweak - Use the new `coupon_info` order item meta when present to get the coupon type.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WC 8.6.

2024-01-23 - version 4.5.0
* Feature - Define preset amounts for the Store Credit products.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WC 8.5.
* Dev - Dropped deprecated plugin code.

2023-12-20 - version 4.4.1
* Tweak - Validates the Store Credit product on the client side before adding it to the cart.
* Tweak - Improved description of the custom amount field on the Store Credit product page.
* Tweak - Updated the plugin URLs to the new woo.com domain.
* Tweak - Added a link to get support in the plugin list.
* Tweak - Updated plugin author.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WC 8.4.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WP 6.4.
* Fix - Filter the customer coupons by the exact email instead of a 'lIKE' SQL query on the My Account page.

2023-08-17 - version 4.4.0
* Feature - Add usage restrictions when sending Store Credit coupons to customers.
* Dev - Dropped `woo-includes/` files.

2023-08-10 - version 4.3.3
* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WC 8.0.
* Fix - Credit was not deducted when using the Checkout block.

2023-07-24 - version 4.3.2
* Tweak - Improved detection of Store Credit coupons when processing their discounts in the cart.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WC 7.9.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WP 6.3.

2023-03-13 - version 4.3.1
* Tweak - Check the current screen when running the 'init' hook.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WC 7.5.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WP 6.2.

2023-02-27 - version 4.3.0
* Feature - Added the 'Store Credit' section to the 'My Account' page menu.
* Feature - Display the 'Initial' and the 'Total used' amounts in the 'Store credit usage' meta box.
* Tweak - Register the plugin integrations when all plugins have been loaded.

2023-02-21 - version 4.2.5
* Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WC 7.4.
* Fix - Removed the HTML tags in the email heading.

2022-12-01 - version 4.2.4
* Tweak - Declare compatibility with WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS).
* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WC 7.1.

2022-10-18 - version 4.2.3
* Tweak - Don't restore the credit when the order status changes to 'failed'.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WC 7.0.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WP 6.1.
* Fix - Store Credit wasn't re-applied to an order successfully paid after the first payment failed.
* Fix - Store Credit was incorrectly restored after canceling the PayPal payment process.

2022-08-29 - version 4.2.2
* Tweak - Don't allow adding to the cart Store Credit products with zero credit amount.
* Tweak - The custom credit amount field is required when adding to the cart a Store Credit product without a default credit amount.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WC 6.8.

2022-07-19 - version 4.2.1
* Fix - Fixed error when customizing the link text in the 'Cart notice' setting.

2022-07-04 - version 4.2.0
* Feature - Display the available Store Credit coupons on the Cart and Checkout pages.
* Feature - Added support to product subcategories when restricting the usage of the coupons created from a Store Credit product.
* Tweak - Exclude expired coupons from the Store Credit coupon list on the 'My account' page.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WC 6.7.

2022-06-16 - version 4.1.1
* Tweak - Added plugin info to the WooCommerce System Status Report.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WC 6.6.

2022-05-19 - version 4.1.0
* Feature - Added compatibility with 'WooCommerce USPS Shipping'.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WP 6.0.
* Fix - Fixed wrong order total when the shipping costs are calculated with 'WooCommerce Shipping & Tax'.
* Fix - Fixed wrong discount in the shipping costs when the taxes are calculated with 'WooCommerce AvaTax'.

2022-04-28 - version 4.0.5
* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WC 6.5.

2022-04-21 - version 4.0.4
* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WC 6.4.
* Fix - Exhausted coupons with the amount format $0.00 were still displayed on the 'My account' page.

2022-03-24 - version 4.0.3
* Tweak - Keep the form values when the add-to-cart validation fails with a Store Credit product.

2022-03-22 - version 4.0.2
* Tweak - Display the Store Credit pricing options in the product data meta box with a higher priority.

2022-03-16 - version 4.0.1
* Fix - Fixed compatibility issue when sending AutomateWoo emails.

2022-03-10 - version 4.0.0
* Feature - Allow customers to choose the amount of credit to purchase.
* Tweak - Display the credit amount when a Store Credit product is added to the cart.
* Tweak - Updated the 'Store Credit' description text on the 'My Account' page.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WC 6.3.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WP 5.9.
* Dev - Use a WC background process to handle the plugin updates.
* Dev - Use a trait instead of a class for implementing the Singleton pattern.
* Dev - Dropped deprecated plugin code up to version 3.9.
* Dev - Updated the minimum requirements to WC 3.7, WP 4.9, and PHP 5.6.

2021-12-20 - version 3.9.4
* Feature - Customize the title of the receiver form on the Store Credit product pages.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WC 6.0.

2021-12-01 - version 3.9.3
* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WC 5.9.
* Tweak - Improved the distribution of the coupon credit over the cart items.
* Fix - Fixed wrong discount when the cart contains many low-priced items.

2021-10-13 - version 3.9.2
* Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WC 5.8.
* Fix - Fixed warning caused by the undefined variable `$found`.

2021-08-11 - version 3.9.1
* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WC 5.6.
* Fix - The credit is not updated when passing a coupon code to the function `wc_update_store_credit_used_for_order`.

2021-07-15 - version 3.9.0
* Feature - Added compatibility with the extension 'WooCommerce PayPal payments'.
* Tweak - Recover the credit used in the order awaiting payment when proceeding to its purchase.
* Tweak - Update the cart session after applying a discount to the shipping costs.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WC 5.5.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WP 5.8.

2021-05-18 - version 3.8.0
* Feature - Added compatibility with the extension 'WooCommerce Deposits'.
* Tweak - Just deduct the shipping discounts from the cart totals instead of re-calculate the totals.
* Tweak - Check the order has been created before fixing possible discrepancies in the taxes of the shipping discounts.
* Dev - Exclude empty values when fetching the discounts by type from a 'Coupon_Discounts' object.

2021-05-17 - version 3.7.0
* Feature - Redeem store credit directly from the received email.
* Feature - Apply Store Credit coupons to the cart from the "My Account" page.
* Tweak - Extracted inline styles outside the email templates.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WC 5.3.
* Dev - Centralized the load of the frontend scripts.
* Dev - Updated `emails/` and `myaccount/` templates.

2021-03-17 - version 3.6.1
* Fix - Display the tab 'Inventory' in the product-data metabox for 'Store Credit' products.

2021-03-15 - version 3.6.0
* Feature - Display the receiver fields expanded on the Store Credit product page.
* Tweak - Optionally, remove the plugin options when uninstalling it.
* Tweak - Check the minimum requirements before initializing the plugin.

2021-03-08 - version 3.5.2
* Tweak - Added compatibility with WP 5.7.
* Fix - Fixed wrong amount displayed in the discount row of the Order details when displaying prices with tax included.
* Fix - Fixed deprecated ArrayAccess warning when fetching a property of a WC_Order_Item_Coupon object.

2021-03-02 - version 3.5.1
* Fix - Fixed wrong Order total when applying a discount to the shipping costs and the coupon is not applicable to all cart items.

2021-02-22 - version 3.5.0
* Tweak - Register items in the new navigation menu.
* Tweak - Connected the 'Send Store Credit' page to WC Admin.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WC 5.1.
* Dev - Introduce new PHP 5.3 minimum requirement.

2020-12-29 - version 3.4.4
* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WC 4.9.
* Fix - Added missing group parameter when clearing the customer coupons cache.

2020-12-17 - version 3.4.3
* Fix - Enqueue the scripts for the 'Send Credit' page when using a non-ASCII language.

2020-12-10 - version 3.4.2
* Fix - Prevent fatal error when displaying the discounted amount of a Store Credit coupon on the cart page.
* Fix - Enqueue the script 'send-credit.js' only when necessary.

2020-11-26 - version 3.4.1
* Tweak - Improved PHP 8 support.
* Tweak - Replaced deprecated jQuery functionality.
* Tweak - Added compatibility with WP 5.6.
* Tweak - Added compatibility with WC 4.8.

2020-11-05 - version 3.4.0
* Feature - Define a coupon expiration date when sending credit to customers.
* Tweak - Added column 'Expiry date' to the Store Credit coupons table on the 'My Account' page.

2020-11-03 - version 3.3.0
* Feature - List the orders where the Store Credit has been used when editing a coupon.
* Tweak - Create the purchased Store Credit coupons when the Order Status changes to `Processing` or `Completed`.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WC 4.7.

2020-10-01 - version 3.2.2
* Tweak - Added compatibility with WP 5.5.
* Tweak - Added compatibility with WC 4.5.

2020-05-24 - version 3.2.1
* Tweak - Added compatibility with WC 4.2.

2020-05-12 - version 3.2.0
* Feature - Sell Store credit coupons.
* Feature - Purchase Store Credit coupons and gift them to someone.

2020-04-28 - version 3.1.3
* Tweak - Added compatibility with WC 4.1.

2020-03-24 - version 3.1.2
* Tweak - Added compatibility with WC 4.0.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WP 5.4.
* Fix - Refresh the coupon list on the 'My Account' page when coupons are updated.
* Fix - Fixed wrong value for the parameter `$file` when calling the register activation hook.
* Fix - Fixed error 404 when visiting the 'Store Credit' endpoint on the 'My Account' page without flushing the rewrite rules.
* Dev - Added filter to tweak whether it's allowed to create coupons with tax included.

2020-02-24 - version 3.1.1
* Fix - Fixed fatal error when loading the customizer.

2020-02-18 - version 3.1.0
* Feature - Add a note to the customer when sending store credit.
* Feature - Filter coupons by customer or email in the coupon list.
* Tweak - Recovered the setting 'Delete after use'.
* Tweak - Keep the fields' values in the 'Send Store Credit' form on failure.
* Tweak - Added admin notice to enable the coupons.
* Tweak - Use the order's currency to display the Store Credit discount in the edit-order screen.

2020-01-16 - version 3.0.5
* Tweak - Added compatibility with WC 3.9.

2019-11-05 - version 3.0.4
* Tweak - Clear the shipping discounts before calculating them again.
* Tweak - Calculate the cart total using the partial cart totals.
* Fix - Fixed wrong discounts in the shipping costs when working with the extension 'WooCommerce AvaTax'.

2019-10-31 - version 3.0.3
* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WP 5.3.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WC 3.8.
* Fix - Fixed issue when applying a discount to a non-taxable shipping method.

2019-10-10 - version 3.0.2
* Tweak - Check that the coupon has been stored in the database before sending it to the customer.
* Tweak - Initialize coupon objects with the coupon code for adding compatibility with other extensions.
* Fix - The success message on the 'Send Credit' page was not translatable.

2019-10-08 - version 3.0.1
* Feature - Send credit to guest customers.
* Tweak - Updated the priority used to load the settings page.

2019-09-24 - version 3.0.0
* Feature - Create coupons which apply discounts to specific products or product categories.
* Feature - Define if the coupon amounts include tax or not.
* Feature - Define if the coupons also apply a discount to the shipping costs.
* Feature - Each coupon can be configured individually.
* Feature - Customize the coupon code format.
* Tweak - Removed customer email from the coupon code.
* Tweak - Always send to trash the exhausted coupons.
* Tweak - Updated notice message when applying an exhausted coupon in the cart.
* Tweak - Improved the email templates used to send credit to a customer.
* Tweak - Added endpoint to the 'My Account' page for displaying the customer's coupons.
* Tweak - Improved personal data exporter and eraser.
* Tweak - Removed unnecessary settings 'Coupon retention' and 'Delete after usage'.
* Tweak - Check the minimum requirements before initializing the plugin.
* Tweak - Added link to settings in the plugin action links.
* Tweak - Added link to the documentation on the plugins page.
* Tweak - Added compatibility with WC 3.7.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WP 5.2.
* Fix - Fixed the order balance when applying a coupon with tax included.
* Fix - Fixed report metrics for orders whose coupons include tax.
* Fix - Update the order balance after recovering an order from a 'cancelled', 'failed' or 'refunded' status.
* Fix - Fixed 'usage' counter after restoring a coupon.
* Fix - Fixed invalid decimal precision when storing the credit used for an order.
* Fix - Fixed issue when fetching a meta data for a `WC_Order_Refund` object.
* Fix - Fixed wrong discounts when applying a coupon with tax included in combination with the 'WooCommerce AvaTax' extension.
* Dev - Set the minimum requirements to WP 4.7 and WC 3.4.
* Dev - Removed deprecated code.

2019-04-26 - version 2.4.6
* Tweak - Display the tax label when necessary in the order item totals.
* Tweak - Moved the store credit row after the order subtotal in the order details when applying coupons before taxes.
* Tweak - Display the applied coupon code in the cart totals during checkout.
* Fix - Properly display the store credit value with or without taxes in the order item totals.
* Fix - Fixed invalid discount during checkout when applying a coupon before taxes and the items price includes taxes. Only for WC 3.4+.
* Fix - Fixed duplicate entry of the `_store_credit_used` meta when adding a coupon manually in the edit order screen.

2019-04-15 - version 2.4.5
* Fix - Fixed invalid discount when applying a coupon before taxes and the items price include taxes.

2019-04-04 - version 2.4.4
* Tweak - Include the `store_credit` parameter in the orders data returned by the API requests.
* Tweak - Automatically delete store credit coupons with zero discount after recalculate order totals.
* Tweak - Added compatibility with WC 3.6.
* Fix - Fixed invalid PayPal request when applying an after-tax discount higher than the order subtotal.
* Dev - The method `WC_Abstract_Order->get_total_discount` now includes the store credit discount.

2019-03-19 - version 2.4.3
* Tweak - Synchronize the credit used by the orders in batches of 50 orders during the update process.

2019-03-18 - version 2.4.2
* Tweak - Remove older update notices on plugin activation.

2019-03-15 - version 2.4.1
* Fix - Fixed wrong discount when applying a 'Store Credit' coupon after taxes to a cart which contains subscription products.

2019-03-11 - version 2.4.0
* Feature - Apply 'Store Credit' coupons to an order in the admin screens.
* Feature - Apply multiple 'Store Credit' coupons to the same order.
* Feature - Set the payment method to 'Store Credit' in orders paid with a store credit coupon.
* Tweak - Only delete an exhausted coupon when all the orders where it was used are completed.
* Tweak - Restore the credit when the order is cancelled, refunded or fails.
* Tweak - Re-calculate the coupon discounts after updating the order items.
* Tweak - Restore the coupons' credit when necessary on updating an order.
* Fix - Fixed 'invalid coupon' error when cancelling the payment with PayPal.
* Fix - Fixed wrong discounts for coupons applied before taxes in WC versions between 3.2.2 and 3.3.5.

2018-12-19 - version 2.3.0
* Feature - Include the 'Store credit' used in the order totals.
* Feature - Display the 'Store credit' used in the invoices.
* Tweak - Exclude the 'Store credit' used from the discount order total.

2018-10-30 - version 2.2.0
* Feature - Rewritten the way the 'Store Credit' coupons are applied.
* Tweak - Save the used store credit on each purchase.
* Tweak - Define the constants if not already set.
* Fix - Fixed incorrect 'Store Credit' discounts when applied in combination with other coupons.
* Fix - PHP notice for undefined index.
* Fix - Remaining credit amount not correct when using taxes.
* Fix - Removed the use of the third parameter in the 'array_filter' function (Require PHP 5.6+).
* Dev - Added constant 'WC_STORE_CREDIT_VERSION'.

2018-06-02 - version 2.1.16
* Fix - Partial use of store credit shows entire value of store credit as used.

2018-05-24 - version 2.1.15
* Update - WC tested up to 3.4.
* Add - GDPR Privacy.

2018-05-09 - version 2.1.14
* Fix - Smooth discrepancy values to fix 1 cent issues.
* Fix - Store Credit removes discounts applied from other coupons.

2018-02-15 - version 2.1.13
* Fix - Additional fixes for Store credit rounding calculations.

2018-01-30 - version 2.1.12
* Fix - Store Credit Coupon not applied to Manual Orders.
* Fix - Store credit not rounding properly when two products in cart with tax included.

2017-12-13 - version 2.1.11
* Update - WC tested up to version.

2017-09-22 - version 2.1.10
* Fix - Issue with order total being 0 after completing order.

2017-08-21 - version 2.1.9
* Fix - When credit is used up during a checkout with zero cart amount, emails not sending.
* Fix - Order totals wrong when recalculation happens.

2017-05-31 - version 2.1.8
* Fix - Discount not displaying correctly in cart.
* Fix - Wrong translation domain name.

2017-05-01 - version 2.1.7
* Fix - Additional updates for WooCommerce 3.0 compatibility.

2017-04-11 - version 2.1.6
* Fix - Compatibility with Subscriptions.
* Fix - WooCommerce 3.0 compatibility.

2015-12-18 - version 2.1.5
* Fix - When tax is inclusive remaining credit was not taking tax in account.

2015-08-19 - version 2.1.4
* Store credits are now always applied last (after any other coupons).

2014-08-29 - version 2.1.3
* Prevent store credit affecting other coupon types in 2.1.

2014-08-29 - version 2.1.2
* Fix - Email template inclusion.
* Fix - Fix compatibility issue with 2.1.12.

2014-08-25 - version 2.1.1
* Fix - Send store credit referenced wrong file path.
* Fix - Send store credit admin template filename typo.

2014-08-18 - version 2.1.0
* Update text domain.
* Code tidy.
* Require WC 2.1.
* Change label shown in cart for store credit coupons.
* Correctly apply before or after tax based on settings.

2014-08-11 - version 2.0.6
* Prevent apply before tax option.

2014-04-22 - version 2.0.5
* Move settings to general tab.

2013-01-20 - version 2.0.4
* 2.1 Compat.

2012-12-04 - version 2.0.3
* Fix compound bug.
* WC 2.0 compat.

2012-12-04 - version 2.0.2
* New updater.

2012-03-08 - version 2.0.1
* Fix line height of coupon code in email.

2012-03-08 - version 2.0
* Store credit rewrite.
* Bug fixes with coupon validity.
* Store credit display added to My Account page.
* Generate and email credit to a customer email address via admin.
* Store credit settings added to WooCommerce > Settings > General.
* Option to delete coupon when out of credit.

Get WooCommerce Store Credit Version 4.5.4 with 12 months of updates for just $10!

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