WooCommerce Subscriptions Gifting Changelog

The latest version is WooCommerce Subscriptions Gifting 2.7.0, Released on April 21, 2023

Changelog for WooCommerce Subscriptions Gifting

  *** WooCommerce Subscriptions Gifting Changelog ***

2023-04-21 - version 2.7.0
* Dev: Use `wp_safe_redirect()` when redirecting to My Account. #435

2023-03-07 - version 2.6.0
 * Add: Declare compatibility with WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS). #418
 * Fix: Purchasing a gift subscription via the checkout on stores that have HPOS enabled. #426
 * Fix: Display the Subscriptions list table filter to filter by gifted and non-gifted subscriptions when HPOS is enabled. #428
 * Fix: Filter the Subscription list table when the gifting filter is used on stores with HPOS enabled. #428
 * Fix: Show the correct number of gifted subscriptions in the system status report when HPOS is enabled. #430
 * Fix: Empty edit subscriptions link on the Subscriptions list table when HPOS is enabled. #431
 * Fix: Grant view_order permissions to recipients when HPOS is enabled. #431
 * Fix: Save and update the recipients address on the subscription when HPOS is enabled. #433
 * Dev: Update `get_recipient_subscriptions()` to replace `get_posts()` with `wcs_get_subscriptions()`. #426
 * Dev: Update `set_recipient_user()` and `delete_recipient_user` to use WC CRUD methods. #426
 * Dev: Fixes deprecation warnings on the latest Subscriptions version. #431
 * Dev: Update `$post->post_type` code to use subscriptions data store functions. #431

2022-09-08 - version 2.5.1
 * Fix: Remove redundant password fields in new recipient account form. PR #414
 * Dev: Document supported versions of nodejs & npm. PR #412

2022-08-18 - version 2.5.0
 * Fix: Include additional content in new initial order and new recipient account emails.

2022-05-31 - version 2.4.0
 * Dev: Updates the WordPress tested up to version to 6.0.
 * Dev: Removes the readme.txt file.

2022-05-06 - version 2.3.0
 * Fix: Notice displayed when required plugins are not installed now mentions WooCommerce Payments. PR #400

2022-03-16 - version 2.2.0
 * Add: Subscriptions with WooCommerce Payments compatibility. PR#392
 * Fix: Hide extra labels on new recipient account page. PR#396

2021-04-28 - version 2.1.3
 * Tweak: Replace focus() with jQuery 3.x compatible counterpart. PR#383

2020-11-24 - version 2.1.2
 * Enhancement: Use automated translation delivery. PR#370
 * Fix: Update filters used to modify title and breadcrumbs on the account details page. PR#377
 * Tweak: PHP 8 compatibility. PR#378

2020-05-21 - version 2.1.1
 * Fix: Consider billing e-mail entered during checkout to prevent self-gifting. PR#349
 * Fix: Allow clearing of recipient from admin. PR#350
 * Fix: Remove extra dot from some error messages. PR#361
 * Fix: Make sure HTML id attributes for the recipient e-mail container are truly unique. PR#362
 * Fix: Better handle first and last name fields in the new recipient account form. PR#363
 * Fix: Prevent recipients from renewing early using the early renewal modal. PR#359
 * Dev: Add some hooks to customize behavior in the recipient-details endpoint. PR#364
 * Fix: Improve handling of the ENTER key in recipient e-mail inputs on the cart page. PR#366

2019.11.15 - version 2.1.0
 * Dev: Added filter `wcsg_add_recipient_fields` to allow adding fields to the "add recipient" box. PR#318
 * Enhancement: Include Gifting in System Status. PR#320
 * Dev: Bump "WC tested up to" version to current WC minor version (3.8). PR#341
 * Fix: Fix some issues with the initial state of the "add recipient" box. PR#333
 * Dev: Added `WCS_Gifting:: render_add_recipient_fields()` to consolidate rendering of the "add recipient" box. PR#333
 * Enhancement: Allow admins to re-send the new recipient e-mail. PR#301
 * Enhancement: Send a reset password link with the new recipient e-mail instead of a plain text password. PR#301

2019.07.05 - version 2.0.4
 * Dev: Added filter `wcsg_require_shipping_address_for_virtual_products` for making a recipient's address optional when only virtual products were gifted. PR#314
 * Dev: Bump "WC tested up to" version to current WC minor version. PR#336
 * Dev/Enhancement: Add support for plugin internationalization. PR#324
 * Fix: Silence a PHP warning when accessing related orders on the admin. PR#335
 * Tweak: Update the plugin headers to include Automattic. PR#338

2019.02.06 - version 2.0.3
 * Enhancement: Allow filtering of subscriptions on the admin by their gifted/non-gifted status. PR#302
 * Fix: Allow gift recipients to renew early. PR#308
 * Dev: Make JS selectors more specific to prevent conflicts. PR#312
 * Dev: Bump "WC tested up to" version to current WC minor version. PR#316
 * Dev: Remove use of deprecated wcs_display_item_downloads() function calls. PR#311
 * Enhancement: Better validate and warn about missing dependencies. PR#315
 * Fix: Do not auto-focus recipient e-email input during initial page load. PR#317

2018.11.21 - version 2.0.2
 * Fix: Correctly load admin-side JS scripts. PR#279
 * Fix: Show "Create pending parent order" option on the admin only for subscriptions with no parent order. PR#280
 * Fix: WooCommerce Memberships Load WooCommerce memberships integration in a more reliable way. PR#284
 * Fix: When filtering subscriptions by user on the admin, make sure subscriptions received as gift are included too. PR#287
 * Fix: WooCommerce Memberships Correctly account for recipients when retroactively granting access from existing purchases. PR#288
 * Fix/Enhancement: Correctly generate download permissions when changing recipient or purchaser for a subscription. PR#277
 * Enhancement: Automatically focus e-mail input when clicking "This is a gift" checkbox. PR#291
 * Fix: Fix possible fatal error when running alongside WooCommerce Subscriptions 2.4.0 or above. PR#290
 * Fix/Enhancement: Add back purchaser and recipient information to subscription details view. PR#295
 * Dev: Introduce `wcsg_recipient_checkbox_field_args` and related filters which can be used to alter the "This is a gift" checkbox behavior. PR#294
 * Dev: Add a publicly available variable with the current Gifting version (`WCS_Gifting::$version`). PR#297

2018.05.29 - version 2.0.1
 * Fix: WC3.4 Fix compatible issues with displaying recipient information on the cart page. PR#272
 * New: GDPR Add erasers and exporters to handle recipient personal data on subscriptions and related orders. PR#271

2018.05.08 - version 2.0.0
 * Initial release

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