The latest version is WooCommerce Waitlist 2.4.15, Released on September 3, 2024
Changelog for WooCommerce Waitlist
*** WooCommerce Waitlist Change Log ***
2024-08-25 - Version 2.4.14
* Fix: user deletion, when processed on the frontend, was not properly removing users from the waitlists
2024-07-30 - Version 2.4.13
* Fix: Waitlist tab in the tickets admin panel not working with latest version of The Events Calendar Plus
* Fix: Auto username and password generation not working with auto account creation
* Removed: "wcwl_{$type}_nag_text", "wcwl_dismiss_nag_text" and "wcwl_variation_tab_title" filters from the admin - unnecessary and potential XSS issue
* Added: load text domain function and filter for modifying path: "wcwl_translation_file_path". No automatic translations available yet.
2024.07.02 - Version 2.4.12
* Fix: Images not displaying correctly on account template page
* Fix: updated auto login functionality to avoid using discouraged functions
2024.05.29 - Version 2.4.11
* Fix: Email not always being added to events waitlist form for logged in users causing silent error
* Added: Various fixes to comply with PHPCS
* Added: Filters to hide notices on the frontend (wcwl_show_notice_on_frontend)
* Added: Altered frontend flow to allow join/leave buttons to show without having to dismiss notices
* Added: Action hook to output custom HTML before submit button for waitlist forms (wcwl_before_form_submit_button)
* Added: Action hook to apply additional validation to waitlist join/leave requests (wcwl_process_waitlist_request_start)
* Added: Product ID/object to various frontend filters to allow for easier customisation
* Added: Deprecation notice for old supported products filter
* Added: Sorting products by waitlist count in the admin will now show all products (previously it did not return those with no waitlist data)
2024.05.15 - Version 2.4.10
* Fix: Translations not working for some email strings
2024.04.10 - Version 2.4.9
* Fix: Updated function to calculate count totals to target variable products as well
2024.04.09 - Version 2.4.8
* Fix: Updated admin emails to show correct counts for variations
2024.03.21 - Version 2.4.7
* Fix: Added better error handling when wcwl_options postmeta is corrupted/not as expected
2024.03.12 - Version 2.4.6
* Fix: Double Opt in not working for all product types
2024.02.26 - Version 2.4.5
* Fix: Fatal error on new user register due to refactoring core plugin file
2024.02.22 - Version 2.4.4
* Fix: Deprecated PHP notice for order of function parameters
2024.02.20 - Version 2.4.3
* Fix: Updated error notice texts to remove instances containing "nonce"
* Added: various fixes to comply with PHPCS
* Added: New classes and refactored to aid readability in future
2023.09.18 - Version 2.4.2
* Fix: Waitlist counts for variations not showing correctly
2023.08.23 - Version 2.4.1
* Fix: Full pass adding validations where required to correct edge cases where product objects were assumed to be properly loaded, leading to errors
2023.08.01 - Version 2.4.0
* Fix: Email templates hooks not passed in the correct parameters. "woocommerce_email_header" and "woocommerce_email_footer" now have the email class object passed in as required
* Added: Notification added to inform administrator that waitlist templates are out of date. This will be added as required on theme switch and plugin update
2023.07.04 - Version 2.3.9
* Added: Compatibility for HPOS
2023.03.16 - Version 2.3.8
* Fix: Update to translations template file
2023.01.31 - Version 2.3.7
* Fix: Waitlist mailouts not always sending for variations when setting stock status
2023.01.10 - Version 2.3.6
* Fix: Updates for security audit
* Fix: Double opt-in email escaping allows '+' symbol
* Added: Optional filter to add extra emails to all waitlist mailouts: 'wcwl_mailout_extra_email_addresses'
2022.10.27 - Version 2.3.5
* Fix: Invalid product IDs stopping export of waitlist data
* Fix: Product bundles being ignored by global exporter
* Feature: Newly created users now force a page reload after they have been added to the waitlist
* Added: Filter to redirect new users after they have an account created for them (wcwl_redirect_after_account_auto_create)
2022.09.06 - Version 2.3.4
* Fix: Raw HTML ouputting on user account waitlist page
2022.08.15 - Version 2.3.3
* Fix: Users not always logged in correctly after account created
* Fix: Waitlist not updating for private products
* Fix: SQL optimised for custom exporter
* Added: Filter around shortcode depending on product type
* Added: Security improvements
* Added: Variable products excluded from account template (in case of accidentally joining parent waitlist)
* Fix: Added function to switch locale during AJAX calls to avoid inconsistency when a logged in user has a different locale than the one globally set
2021.11.05 - version 2.3.2
* Fix: Some specific setups for variations were not sending out Mailouts incorrectly
2021.11.03 - version 2.3.1
* Fix: version meta update running query unnecessarily
* Fix: mailouts not always sending for parent product bundles
2021.08.02 - version 2.3.0
* Added: Import/export options for waitlist data within WooCommerce's product exporter
* Added: Waitlist elements will now show by default within Elementor template
* Added: Option for double opt-in (via email) for non-registered users when joining waitlist
* Added: Filter to disable showing waitlist within Elementor template (wcwl_add_waitlist_for_elementor)
* Added: minimal styling to button on archive page to avoid overlap
* Added: Filter for disabling waitlist for products by default
* Added: Product ID to optin elements on frontend to avoid duplicates
* Fix: Parent variables managing stock not always correctly updating child waitlists
2021.07.02 - version 2.2.6
* Added: Compatibility with chained products plugin
* Fix: updated bundles to refresh on variation selection consistently
* Added: filters for CSV export data (headers and row)
2021.05.04 - version 2.2.5
* Fix: Waitlist form can be submitted on instock bundles (now it is removed from the DOM)
* Fix: Waitlist not showing for product_category shortcode
* Fix: Mailouts triggering when WC product import processing
* Added: success/fail hooks after waitlist notification email is sent
2021.03.01 - version 2.2.4
* Fix: updated "woocommerce_email_subject_" filters to include object and email class
* Updated language (.pot) file
2021.02.10 - version 2.2.3
* Fix: issue with plain text emails not displaying as expected
* Fix: fatal error with events plugin add-on 'Enhance Woo Order Templates'
* Fix: removed waitlist notice from product page if it was empty
* Fix: php8 deprecation notice fix
* Fix: events ticket class checks updated as new classes have been added/changed (checkbox HTML)
* Added: action hooks before and after waitlist mailout process
* Added: filter to customise when mailout should be processed
* Added: user flag for guests in admin panel row
* Added: include wcwl prefix to ticket variable names to avoid potential conflicts
2020.10.20 - version 2.2.2
* Fix: priority for supported products array adjustment as some products not showing waitlist tab in admin
2020.10.19 - version 2.2.1
* Fix: adjusted product types filter to a later hook to ensure you could use it within theme filters
* Fix: adjusted stock requirement check for variables to always return all variations
* Fix: updated checks for global sitepress to ensure functions are not carried out when function does not exist
2020.10.12 - version 2.2.0
* Fix: Admin user getting logged out when user created in back end
* Fix: opt-in option not hidden when processing waitlist request
* Fix: array check warning for multisite when switching versions with WC beta plugin
* Fix: adjusted javascript to re-use existing styles to display elements on show()
* Fix: error when trying to use functions from WPML extensions that are not active
* Fix: export not organising emails correctly
* Fix: some events showing duplicate waitlists
* Fix: console error when events data not defined
* Added: filter to adjust/add more admin email recipients
* Added: guest sign up for Waitlists
* Added: customer signup email (with unsubscribe link) when not creating users
* Added: option to force login when user is created
* Added: waitlist panel to events edit page
* Added: javascript for frontend AJAX actions
* Added: "You have been removed from waitlist" emails
2020.07.14 - version 2.1.24
* Fix: waitlist elements not showing with events tickets (4.12)
2020.07.07 - version 2.1.23
* Fix: updated language.pot file
2020.06.19 - version 2.1.22
* Patch Fix: Rollback to avoid mailouts being unintentionally sent to users on bundled products with last version
* Fix: Bundled product creation sometimes duplicating products
2020.06.15 - version 2.1.21
* Fix: Bundled product creation sometimes duplicating products
2020.06.09 - version 2.1.20
* Fix: Plugin stock check on mailout now takes minus numbers into consideration
* Fix: WPML incompatibility on templates
* Fix: Updated notices for new WC template structure on account page
* Fix: Duplicating products contained in bundles due to running "in stock" earlier than expected
* Added: Product ID to parameters passed to admin sign up mailout
* Added: Admin email as parameter passed to admin sign up mailout
2020.04.08 - version 2.1.19
* Updated plugin author header and version compatibility
2020.02.27 - version 2.1.18
* Fix: Update required for compatibility with WPML & WCML
2020.02.07 - version 2.1.17
* Fix: New user created hook now includes user ID and not user to keep consistency throughout plugin
2020.02.07 - version 2.1.16
* Fix: Waitlist not being hidden correctly on frontend when selecting different variations
* Added: New hook after customer is created via the waitlist plugin
2020.01.27 - version 2.1.15
* Fix: Bundled products not showing waitlist for backorder products/variables
* Added: Filter to customise when to hide waitlist on frontend ('wcwl_waitlist_is_required')
2019.12.28 - version 2.1.14
* Fix: waitlist not showing for events when particular setup used, haved altered initial check to target parent div
2019.12.25 - version 2.1.13
* Fix: waitlist not showing for event tickets after events calendar frontend rework
2019.12.15 - version 2.1.12
* Fix: with persistent waitlists enabled guest (non-logged in) users not removed from waitlists when purchasing product
2019.12.05 - version 2.1.11
* Fix: fatal error when sending translated emails with WPML
2019.11.18 - version 2.1.10
* Fix: issue with account template not working with WPML translated products
* Fix: waitlist not activated when WooCommerce netwrok activated on mutlisite
* Fix: issue with some product types throwing fatal error when not specified as a supported product
2019.10.10 - version 2.1.9
* Fix: issue with shortcode showing too early
* Fix: Updated translation (.pot) file
* Fix: Bumped email template numbers to avoid issues with custom templating extensions
2019.09.04 - version 2.1.8
* Fix: conflict with WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro Plugin
* Fix: waitlist CSV export not working in firefox
* Fix: conflict with Product Filters for WooCommerce plugin
* Fix: default minimum stock setting not setup on first install
* Fix: waitlist not showing on quickview for variable products
* Fix: waitlist admin column appearing off screen
* Added: only send in-stock notifications if product is published
* Fix: product ID not being extracted properly from WC shortcode
2019.07.31 - Version 2.1.6
* Fix - fatal error when using WC's "products" shortcode
2019.07.30 - Version 2.1.5
* Fix - product shortcode not loading waitlist
* Fix - bug that prevented users signing up to waitlists in another language
* Fix - archive pages not showing languages correctly
* Enhancement: refactored frontend JS to allow global access to waitlist functions
* Fix - waitlist elements not displaying properly when multiple product shortcodes used on one page
2019.07.03 - Version 2.1.4
* Fix: Waitlist elements not always displaying properly for custom built pages (js tweaks for targetting correct elements)
2019.07.02 - Version 2.1.3
* Fix: Waitlist notices not showing on event pages
2019.06.25 - Version 2.1.2
* Fix: Waitlist not showing for bundle products with only optional bundled products
2019.06.21 - Version 2.1.1
* Fix: waitlist not showing for "instock" grouped products
* Fix: waitlist not showing in quickview window (working again for simple products only)
* Added: option to WooCommerce settings for user to easily adjust waitlist my account endpoint
2019.06.19 - version 2.1.0
* Added first stage support for WooCommerce Product Bundles (see FAQs for more information)
2019.06.06 - version 2.0.14
* Fix: fatal error with certain themes due to missing parameter for email heading hook
* Fix: waitlist elements not showing on all archive pages
* Fix: js targetting and removing elements outside of plugin scope
* Fix error on new waitlist signup email header & footer
* Fix: dismiss icons not showing on notifications for logged out users
2019.03.27 - version 2.0.13
* Fix: duplicate admin notices from archive pages
* Fix: moved archiving function to after user is unregistered instead of after notifications are sent
* Fix: Waitlist links not always working on custom archive pages
* Fix: 'confirm' string not getting translated properly
* Updated create customer functionality to utilise wc_create_customer throughout plugin
* Updated options to include setting to retain data when deleting the plugin
* Added support for WC Brand archive pages
2019.03.15 - version 2.0.12
* Fix: Ensure waitlist users who purchase the product are always removed from the waitlist
* Fix: Admin email notifications not going out when customer joins waitlist
* Moved setting for admin email address over to the email settings page
2019.02.28 - version 2.0.10
* Fix: CSV export not processing "#" character (currently removing this character from product title)
2019.02.27 - version 2.0.9
* Fix: CSV export not properly escaping special characters in product titles
2019.02.26 - Version 2.0.8
* Fix bug with waitlists not always showing on grouped products
* Updated mailout logic (users are only to be notified when product is back in stock OR stock quantity increases past set limit)
* Reverted delay on mailouts back to seconds to avoid duplicates only (under review)
* Fix: bug with mailout error notices persisting
* Increased delay between instock notifications to 3 days by default
2019.02.20 - version 2.0.7
* Fix: filter missing for "leave waitlist" and "email already on waitlist" message text
2019.02.20 - version 2.0.6
* fix bug where new users cannot create account when certain WooCommerce options are selected
2019.02.14 - version 2.0.5
* fix bug where out of stock message not shown for variable products
2019.02.12 - version 2.0.4
* fix bug where users are not sent password upon account creation
* Added filter to allow users to hide waitlist by product ID
2019.02.06 - version 2.0.3
* fix: Users receiving error when creating account via waitlist signup with auto generate password disabled
* fix: users not redirected to product page when taken to account page to sign in
2019.02.05 - version 2.0.2
* fix: fatal error when viewing unsupported product types
2019.01.31 - version 2.0.0
* fix: elements persisting when notice shown on archive pages
* fix: bug with duplicate emails and factored admin email into own class
* fix: issue with Google Analytic codes not returning correctly
* fix: issue with google indexing waitlist pages multiple times
* Added: Support for The Events Calendar plugin (WooCommerce Tickets)
* Added: AJAX support for all frontend requests
* Added: Templates for displaying waitlist elements wherever required
* Added: setting to display waitlist for events if the The Events Calendar is enabled
* Added: filters to email analytic tracking codes
* Updated: translation file
2018.11.26 - version 1.8.9
* Fix: error with account menu not displaying correctly due to insufficient checks in the plugin
2018.11.01 - version 1.8.8
* Fix: fatal error when unregistered user joined waitlist on WPML translated product
2018.10.18 - version 1.8.7
* Added rel="nofollow" to internal waitlist links to prevent crawling
2018.10.18 - version 1.8.6
* Ensured backwards compatibility for waitlist templates
* Fixed bug where users were not archived if in stock mail failed to send
* Added common errors to waitlist panel when mailouts failed
* Added exporter and eraser for personal data (included in WordPress 4.9.6)
* Fix: bug with mailouts sometimes causing error due to too few parameters on header/footer actions
* Updated template loading path to utilise WooCommerce defaults (templates should now be placed in the "woocommerce" theme folder)
* Added functionality to export waitlists
* Ensured frontend JS was available on any page
* Minified assets
2018.10.01 - Version 1.8.5
* Fix: Minimum stock amount not working due to typo on option name
* Fix: Shortcode was only working from post/page content. It is now globally accessible
* Added filter to waitlist tab name on my account page
2018.09.21 - Version 1.8.4
* Fix: Users not always removed from waitlists when they make a purchase for the prouct
* Fix: Mailouts are now only sent when the stock level increases
* Added filter for adjustment of time delay between when a user can receive another waitlist notification
* Fix: Users not being removed from product waitlists after purchasing the product
* Fix: Broken links for product edit screen for variations
* Enhancement: Added support for Tribe's Event's Calendar (template override required where events offer single ticket otherwise elements are not displayed on frontend)
* Fix: Updated WC out of date message to version 3.0
* Enhancement: Removed some restrictions on where to load waitlist. Enables loading of waitlist elements on custom product/archive pages for example
2018.07.25 - Version 1.8.3
* Fix: Error on product page shortcode
* Fix: Duplicate waitlist emails sent out when products set to managing stock
2018.07.17 - Version 1.8.2
* Added filters to include paths for admin templates
* Fix: resolved conflict with WooCommerce Quickview plugin
2018.06.01 - Version 1.8.1
* Fix: Updated user account template with WC function to print notices
* Fix: made sure users were added to archive when sent in stock notifications from admin
* Fix: Analytics data not always being appended to URLs in emails
2018.05.21 - Version 1.8.0
* Updated the product waitlist tab so waitlist, archive and options can be easily adjusted from one location
* Added functionality to update waitlists etc via ajax to avoid updating product everytime
* Added options to display an opt-in and notice to users that an account will be created using their email address
* Added options for adding google analytic code to waitlist mailouts for tracking returns
* Added option to toggle witlist on/off per product
* Added option to apply a minimum stock level before waitlist mailouts will be sent to users
* Added option to send an admin user an email when a customer registers for a waitlist
* Added option to show waitlist elements on product archive pages (shop, categories etc)
* Added filters for opt-in messages
2018.05.15 - Version 1.7.7
* Fix: emails not always sending out in the correct language
* Fix: fatal error when triggering mailouts when using WooCommerce Multilingual version 4.2.10
* Fix issue where updates (counts & metadata) were hitting server limits
2018.04.12 - Version 1.7.6
*Fix: Heavy function running on plugin activation causing installs with lots of products to timeout
* Fix: Bug where product not returned when using WPML without WCML
2018.03.19 - Version 1.7.5
* Fix: Email headers and subjects not updating when the settings are changed
2018.03.13 - Version 1.7.4
* Fix: Polylang & WPML conflict when sending waitlist emails
* Added domain path to plugin header
* Ensured use of yoda conditionals throughout plugin
2018.03.05 - version 1.7.3
* Fix: conflict with Polylang using WPML API and WPML not installed
* Updated user query to make it more efficient
* Fix: bug where language files (.po and .mo) not loading properly
* Fix: issue where waitlist admin tab was showing before it was clicked
* Fix: stopped user waitlist queries running when they aren't required
* Added filterable link to shop in users waitlist template
* Added links to settings, docs and support on the plugins page
* Added dismissable notice if archiving is switched off on product tab
2018.02.02 - version 1.7.2
* Fix: bug where post metadata not updating correctly for archives
* Fix: bug where users weren't being unregistered from waitlists when they were deleted
* Fix: bug with variable product archives not showing all child variations
* Fix: bug with user ID not passing when checking a user is on a waitlist
* Fix: bug with waitlist button not giving correct URL for WC "product_page" shortcode
* Added button to update postmeta relating to Waitlists on the admin settings page
* Added conditional so that archive data is only returned for the user if metadata has been updated on the my account page
* Added JS warning to alert users to backup their database before running waitlist updates
* Added admin nag for updating waitlist metadata for 1.7.2+
* Updated translation file (.pot)
2018.01.31 - version 1.7.1
* Fix: bug with user waitlist tab showing some items that the user is not on the waitlist for
* Fix: bug with some user waitlist template text not showing up
* Fix: bug with waitlist tab on my account page causing 404s
* Added filter for waitlist tab endpoint on my account page
* Fix: bug with waitlist items not showing on waitlist account tab
* Fix: deprecated notice for method being called incorrectly on waitlist tab
2018.01.26 - version 1.7.0
* Added new tab to WooCommerce My Account page for the users waitlist
* Fix: Duplicate success notices when joining waitlists ona grouped product page
* Fix: Updated frontend code to work with product_page shortcode
* Fix: Updated waitlist button URLs to redirect user to current page rather than product page (in case shortcode is in use)
* Removed GDPR changes (temporarily - on hold until future release)
* Updated plugin to meet GDPR requirements - on hold until future release
* Updated script/style enqueues to use current plugin version to avoid caching issues
* Removed waitlist options for variables when viewing a grouped product
2018.01.11 - version 1.6.2
* Fix: Bug with waitlist not always retrieving correct WPML master post and thus waitlists not functioning properly
2017.11.28 - version 1.6.1
* Fix: Bug with woocommerce sticky add to cart plugin
* Added support for WPML
2017.11.17 - version 1.6.0
* Fix: Updated shortcode to work with all product types
* Fix: Issue with emails not being added correctly to variable products on frontend for new users
* Fix: Large numbers of variations not properly loading waitlist elements
* Fix: Updated waitlist count meta to ensure counts stay updated
* Fix: Waitlist notices persisting across pages
* Fix: Waitlist updates not working for grouped products
* Refactored frontend class to enable separate classes for each product type
* Added filter to enable users to add their own product types
* Restructured frontend JS to fix some bugs and tidy up URL query string
* Added full support for WooCommerce Quick View
* Removed waitlist tab from grouped products admin page
* Added new test suite with frontend tests
2017.11.10 - version 1.5.84
* Fix: added checks to ensure products are available when required to avoid errors
2017.11.08 - version 1.5.83
* Fix: waitlist functionality not working for large numbers of variations (when get_variation ajax function is required on product pages)
2017.10.27 - version 1.5.82
* Updated translation file
2017.10.25 - version 1.5.8
* Fix: updated archive validation
* Fix: add user to archive not working if archives not returning as array
* Fix: added check that array is returned when returning existing waitlist archives
2017.08.07 - version 1.5.7
* Fix: fixed issue where waitlist counts were showing as 1 by default when updated
* Fix: made settings text translatable
* Fix: fixed bug where updating waitlist counts when no products exist
* Fix: updated order->user_id to use new format order->get_user_id()
* Added in setting to update waitlist counts manually
* Added support for multiple parent products (grouped products)
* Added product ID to filter for disabling persistent waitlists
* Added product ID to filter for disabling automatic mailouts
* Removed auto updates of waitlist counts to avoid issues with large product databases
2017.07.26 - version 1.5.6
* Fix: Adjusted mailouts for variable products so the parent variable can control mailouts for child variations if managing stock
* Fix: Adjusted how grouped products are handled to avoid waitlist adjustments on page reloads
* Fix: Added appropriate message for logged out users when registration is required
2017.05.31 - version 1.5.5
* Fix: Deprecated function notice for product tab
* Added a filter to disable automatic waitlist count updates "wcwl_disable_auto_waitlist_updates"
2017.05.09 - version 1.5.4
* Fix: email hook not firing
2017.05.02 - version 1.5.3
* Fix: adjusted frontend JS to reference the email input field properly to avoid users not being added when logged out in some cases
* Fix: removed check for parent variables when updating waitlist counts as counts were sometimes showing inaccurately
* Fix: fatal error when working with bundled products, currently not working with this extension
* Fix: added conditional checks to fix potential bug of product not found when deleting users
* Fix: changed selector to "this" on frontend JS for adding logged out users to waitlist after bug report
* Updated all hooks to use the same naming convention (prefix wcwl_)
* Fix: Added check for product object before loading waitlist for product
* Fix: Activation hooks not firing
2017.04.07 - version 1.5.2
* Fix: bug with upgrade process causing fatal error
2017.04.03 - version 1.5.1
* Fix: definitions not loading early enough for registration hooks
* fully updated and tested for woocommerce 3.0
* Fix: initial waitlist counts starting at 1
* Fix: waitlist not always saving for variable products on frontend
* Fix: compatibility for woocommerce filters
* Refactor of code for handling logged out users
* Added compatibility class to ensure compatibility with WooCommerce
* Refactor of main plugin class
* Refactor frontend class
* Fixed: waitlist count sortable columns not showing all products
* Fixed: shortcode not working for variations
* Fixed: waitlist column not reliably sorting by amount of users on waitlist
* Added postmeta for waitlist count for all products to reliably store amount of users on waitlist
* Added function to update postmeta for waitlist counts if they don't exist
* Added functionality for variable and grouped products to reliably store a count for child waitlists
* Added "date added" postmeta for when users are added to waitlist
* Fixed issues with new date added field conflicting with older waitlist versions
* Adjusted and re-styled product tab table
* CSS tweak, changed waitlist icon on product edit screen
* Added product ID to email template
2017.02.02 - version 1.5.0
* Added support for WC Subscriptions
* Fixed bug where simple subscriptions were not showing email field for logged out users
* Fixed bug where mailouts were not triggered for variable subscriptions
* Fixed bug where users were added across multiple inputs on admin waitlists
* Added email validation in admin
* Fixed archiving - now each user is archived once an email is sent
* Adjusted archives to record per day rather than time, all records for each day are now collated
2017.01.27 - version 1.4.14
* Fixed bug where archiving wasn't working for new installs as options weren't loading in by default
2016.04.18 - version 1.4.13
* Fixed bug where user accounts were created but user wasn't always sent a password
* Fixed bug where archiving waitlists wasn't switched on by default
* Fixed bug that caused users to be added/removed from waitlist on page refresh in the frontend
* Fixed bug that prevented waitlists from being shown when product was in stock but waitlist still had users
* Adjusted hooks for mailouts when products come back in stock - now triggered when stock status/level changes
* Fixed bug that prevented API stock changes to send required mailouts
2016.04.14 - version 1.4.12
* Fixed bug with variable product upsells triggering error
* Fixed bug with join waitlist button not working on some variable products
2016.04.12 - version 1.4.11
* Fixed bug where product object was not verified before being used on the frontend
2016.03.14 - version 1.4.10
* Adjusted the way stock status was stored for variable products
* Fixed JS error for grouped product waitlist data not allowing users to be added
* Fixed bug with add to cart button displaying when it shouldn't
* Adjusted when to display waitlists on the product page; now show when product is out of stock or if a user is present on the waitlist
2016.03.01 - version 1.4.9
* Fixed javascript bug preventing variable products from being added to cart
2016.03.01 - version 1.4.8
* Fixed email address bug preventing logged out users from joining a waitlist
2016.02.25 - version 1.4.7
* Fixed wcwl_data undefined bug causing variable products and other javascript based extensions to fail
2016.02.17 - version 1.4.6
* Fixed bug with JS adding user email multiple times to query string on front end
2015.11.23 - version 1.4.5
* Updated translation template (.pot)
2015.10.21 - version 1.4.4
* Updated docblock
* Removed debugging code on edit product screen
2015.10.21 - version 1.4.3
* Fixed bug where waitlists weren't showing on product edit screen when persistent waitlists were enabled
* Added notification text to product edit screen when persistent waitlists are enabled
2015.10.18 - version 1.4.2
* Fixed update bug for variations, isolates waitlist update only to product save
2015.10.14 - version 1.4.1
* Fixed version numbers
2015.10.12 - version 1.4.0
* Added new feature - Waitlist Archives for recording a history of mailed out waitlists
2015.09.18 - version 1.3.13
* Fixed bug with mailouts not working when updating stock when using WC 2.4
2015.08.12 - version 1.3.12
* Fixed bug with updating waitlists for variables when using WooCommerce 2.4
2015.07.08 - version 1.3.11
* filtered text on "new account" tab of woocommerce email settings with gettext
2015.07.08 - version 1.3.10
* removed meta-box and instead added a waitlist tab to the product data panel on product edit pages
* added readme
2015.05.25 - version 1.3.9
* changed Admin UI to show the waitlist meta-box if there are any users on the waitlist, rather than if the product is out of stock
2015.05.25 - version 1.3.8
* fixed settings bug, settings now being updated correctly
* updated translation functions
* fixed frontend button bug, now outputting same button type if user is logged in or not
2015.04.21 - version 1.3.7
* Fix - Potential XSS with add_query_arg
2015.01.11 - version 1.3.6
* added notice and deactivated plugin if WooCommerce is not at least version 2.0
* removed functionality for WooCommerce versions less than 2.0
* updated settings functions for woocommerce v2.3.0
2014.12.19 - version 1.3.5
* fix "Email Address" hard coded string
2014.12.01 - version 1.3.4
* Fixed bug where deleting users triggered a PHP error
* Fixed bug causing php notice when updating with quick edit
2014.11.26 - version 1.3.3
* WordPress 4.0.1 compatability
* Fixed bug removing users from waitlist when 'enable stock management' was ticked on certain products (related to quickedit bug)
* Refactored and annotated all functions
* Fixed 'woocommerce_my_waitlist' shortcode so it can be displayed on any page
* Fixed bug with mailouts not sending when product was updated using quick edit
2014.11.19 - version 1.3.2
* fix "Join Waitlist" hard coded string
2014.09.11 - version 1.3.1
* fix version number, causing endless update loop
2014.09.05 - version 1.3.0
* WordPress 4.0 compatability
* WooCommerce 2.2 compatability
* Added support for non-registered and logged out users to join waitlists
* Added support for Admin to add users to waitlist from product page
* Added support for users to be removed from waitlists when they are deleted from wordpress
* Added frontend fixes for variable and grouped products and css and jquery
2014.03.03 - version 1.2.0
* Added support for WC_Mail templates
* Added support for Bulk Stock Management
* Fixed ‘call to member function on non-object’ notice in Frontend_UI notice
2014.02.25 - version 1.1.8
* Added filterable version of automatic mailout control
2014.02.24 - version 1.1.7
* Fix deprecated call to WooCommerce->add_message
* Fix broken link to Inventory Settings after 2.1 change
2014.02.18 - version 1.1.6
* Fix in security issue in wp-admin
2013.11.06 - version 1.1.5
* woocommerce_my_waitlist only displays for logged in users
* woocommerce_my_waitlist not dependent on WP numberposts setting
2013.10.31 - version 1.1.4
* Patch fixed the error with 1.1.3 - no closures in PHP 5.2 dummy! Happy Halloween everyone
2013.10.29 - version 1.1.3
* Added a beta shortcode to display a user waitlist using woocommerce_my_waitlist
2013.02.21 - version 1.1.2
* Fixed a bug that prevented in-stock variable products from being added directly after an out-of-stock variation was clicked
2013.02.21 - version 1.1.1
* Added filterable version of persistent waitlist support
2013.01.24 - version 1.1.0
* Added support for waitlists on product variations
* Added control to auto waitlist creation to allow it to be turned off
* Added dismissable admin nag alerting shop managers to turn off 'Hide out of stock products' setting
* Replace WCWL_HOOK_PREFIX constant with greppable string
* Added correct plugin URI to plugin meta
* Improved WC 2.0 compat
* Improved PHPDocs
2012.01.04 - version 1.0.4
* WC 2.0 compat
* Added several missing translatable strings
* Improved efficiency on activaton task that was causing memory issues on stores with many products
* Re-instated WCWL_SLUG
2012.12.04 - version 1.0.3
* New updater
2012.12.03 - version 1.0.2
* Fixed a bug that caused the mailto: value to be empty when emailing all users on a waitilist
* Removed some debugging output that hadn't been cleaned up properly!
* Removed WCWL_SLUG for codestyling localisation
* WC future compat
* Login URL switch to my account page
2012.11.08 - version 1.0.1
* Fixed a bug that caused only products with an existing waitlist to be displayed when sorting by waitlist
* Fixed a bug that caused no products to be displayed when sorting by waitlist on some installs
* Refined waitlist custom column display to be more coherent with existing Admin UI
* Added cleanup on uninstall
2012.10.01 - version 1.0
* First Release
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