WPspring for WooCommerce Sensei LMS Plugin Documentation

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Shortcodes give you a wide range of flexibility in customizing your Lifter site. Use shortcodes to quickly add content anywhere.

WPspring for WooCommerce Sensei LMS Plugin: Course Shortcodes

Published Courses
To list all published courses…


To list specific published courses, you can use shortcode arguments like this…

[sensei_courses teacher="Doe" category="desserts" exclude="45" number="5" orderby="name" order="asc"]

Options include:
teacher – Show courses from specific teacher(s)
category-Show courses from specific category(s)
exclude -Course/s you DON’T want to display
ids – List ID for any course/s you want to display
number-Number of courses that should display
orderby -Order courses by date, name, menu_order
order– Define if sort order should be asc (ascending) or desc (descending)

Featured Courses
To display all ‘featured courses’…

What are ‘Featured Courses’?

  • Mark a Course as ‘featured’ from the Course edit page.
  • Go to Courses > [Course Name] > “Featured Course”
  • Check the box next to ‘Feature this course’

To list specific ‘featured courses’, you can use shortcode arguments like this…

[sensei_featured_courses teacher="doe" number="10" orderby="name" order="asc"]

Course Categories
To list course categories, use this shortcode:

[sensei_course_categories exclude="music" orderby="name" order="asc" hide_empty="true"]

WPspring for WooCommerce Sensei LMS Plugin: Learner / User Shortcodes

To list all of the courses a logged in learner is taking…


You can even specify the ‘status’ of courses that should display, like this!

[sensei_user_courses number="10" orderby="name" order="asc" status="active"]

Arguments for status are ‘active’ and ‘completed’

Want to promote courses to a logged in user? All courses that the user has not yet purchased? Use this shortcode:


To list all private Sensei-produced messages available for the currently logged-in user, use this shortcode:


Course Page Shortcodes
Want to display content for a Course on a page other than the Course page? For instance, on a WooCommerce Product Page? Use this shortcode:

[sensei_course_page id="543"]

Teacher Shortcodes
List all ‘teachers’ (users with a role of ‘teacher’). This shortcode will link teachers to their author archive page.


Limit the list of teachers that display by using ‘exclude’ and ‘include’ arguments. The number refers to the user ID.

[sensei_teachers exclude="23"]
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